fwd wrote:
srogi_kotek wrote:
fwd wrote:
You can do all traps with single anti-Bleed flask. Not even worth discussion. Take 5 flasks, whatever.
Yes, now I can do it nad I do. Usually I do lab 4 times per character, just to obtain ascendency points. Then never come back again. In addition, I'm really happy first two mazes are pretty easy as I do not enjoy it at all. It is a must to get ascendency point. But you want it to be annoing again. What about different idea? Get final ascendency points after Shaper killing? :P
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Posted bysrogi_kotek#5493on May 9, 2018, 1:35:31 PM
LiberAlley wrote:
The first two labyrinths have not been improved, they have been nerfed and ruined and they re now a complete joke.
Just don`t go there by 60+ lvl char. Or, like never lvl 100 loool
First labs are now completely in place speaking of levels needed them to do.
But uber lab is still not worked out.
Again, lab supposed to be for all types of chars. Now uber still not.
Merc is kinda ok.
I`m tellin this cuz tried it yday by templar frostbolt totemer.
Seems like I still have to buy lab carry, if I`m not
1. fast
2. health
3. hi regeh
4. hi single target build
Also suppose minion builds are will be unfun to do it too.
Traps are killing specters and all, no matter what.
Posted byDarkJen#6961on May 9, 2018, 2:38:55 PM
Culblade2 wrote:
Another unhappy player.
What I see as bad about the lab is as follows
1. Depending on the build, getting thru the traps can be a very different experience.
eg. A Life Generation Tank has no problems at all. Whereas a No Gen/VP build has no chance.
Yeah, I know, change your build for the lab. Why should I have to be unfairly made to spend regrets etc.
2. Trials. Why do we still need trials? They say it is to introduce a player to the mechanics etc. In every new league we have to "be introduced" again! If this is so, then they should make getting the Scion the same. That is, in every new league you have to get her again in Act 4. That would never happen, I suggest making it so that once a player has done the trials, that player (or their account) would never have to complete them in any future leagues.
Recently, I finally completed my Uber Trials in Bestiary solo. It was hard. One char, a Jugg, had little problem getting thru. Died a few times at level 87. Was not happy about that. Then a few days after that, I came across the burning trial in a map with my summoner. F**k me, could not get thru it, died about 8 times before changing chars to my jug. All this time I was monitoring global 820. "Cheaters" sharing "unlocked" trials. Is this what we really want to happen in the game? You have got to feel for the SSFers. I know, I had the option to use global 820 to fast track the trials. I just wonder how these players, who use the trial sharing system, would feel about the trials if they could not share and were forced to do the trails solo. I feel they too should have to grind maps and pray that a trial appears in their map, and this might not happen until your char is in the nineties.
Maybe then the くそたれ/fanboys would join this thread against the lab or at least the uber trials.
I frequently play standard instead of the leagues. A big advantage of standard is the trials are no longer required after completing once. I like your idea, I would play in the new league much more often.
I also agree that Global 820 is a stupid "cheat". I do rarely sometimes use it myself in the league when I get into the mid 80's on my character and still haven't found all the map trials. I consider it a stupid "cheat" though. I always offer trial opportunities to others on 820 when playing in a league. This is my attempt to reduce the overall labyrinth crap content. This should be GGG's job! GGG, fix your game. Make endgame trial completion much more predictable. Do your job and make the game better by reducing/repairing the crap content that you placed in this game. PLEASE!
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Posted byTurtledove#4014on May 9, 2018, 3:20:30 PM
srogi_kotek wrote:
fwd wrote:
Agreed, lab is too easy nowadays. They should un-nerf Normal and Cruel ones.
Too easy for what? Lab is easy for characters dedicated to farm it and pain in the ass for everybody else, especially evasion based. If you "un-nerf" it, it will still be easy for dedicated chars and even bigger horror for everybody else. Or it could be even more difficult, but non obligatory. It means ascendency should be full "labyrinth free" and depend ob char level. For instance - on level 40 player will be rewarded by first 2 points, 60 - second, 70 - third and last on lvl. 80. Without necessity to even visit labyrinth. Then everybody who loves it can do it for rewards and enchantments and everybody else not, if they hate it. Now it is obligatory.
I agree that evasion based characters (especially with vaal pact) get the bad end of the Labyrinth. You make an excellent suggestion! A big advantage of it is that it should be relatively easy to implement. GGG could leave ascendancy in the Labyrinth for people that want to get their ascendancy early.
Note that I've added your name to the list of people that have posted in this forum that they support fixing Labyrinth.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Posted byTurtledove#4014on May 9, 2018, 3:34:05 PM
Turtledove wrote:
srogi_kotek wrote:
fwd wrote:
Agreed, lab is too easy nowadays. They should un-nerf Normal and Cruel ones.
Too easy for what? Lab is easy for characters dedicated to farm it and pain in the ass for everybody else, especially evasion based. If you "un-nerf" it, it will still be easy for dedicated chars and even bigger horror for everybody else. Or it could be even more difficult, but non obligatory. It means ascendency should be full "labyrinth free" and depend ob char level. For instance - on level 40 player will be rewarded by first 2 points, 60 - second, 70 - third and last on lvl. 80. Without necessity to even visit labyrinth. Then everybody who loves it can do it for rewards and enchantments and everybody else not, if they hate it. Now it is obligatory.
I agree that evasion based characters (especially with vaal pact) get the bad end of the Labyrinth. You make an excellent suggestion! A big advantage of it is that it should be relatively easy to implement. GGG could leave ascendancy in the Labyrinth for people that want to get their ascendancy early.
Note that I've added your name to the list of people that have posted in this forum that they support fixing Labyrinth.
even vaal pact builds have absolutly no problem with lab if you arent just blindly running throw traps even though that can work perpare for it.
"but vaal pact builds dont have any regen" you are wrong here if you take a few simple steps :
step 1) take bleed removal life flaks (if you are es regen isnt a problem anyway)
step 2) switch pantheon to "life flasks gain 3 charges every 3 secs if they havent been used recently" (yes dot reduce is and sounds nice but we are talking about no regen ehre right)
step 3) if you arent used to uberlab traplayouts be patient you only have to do it once if you dont like the lab
yes we all know lab is different and some ppl dont like it because of that , but traps arent hard ppl are just too stubborn about haveing to do everything by just running through as fast as possible.
gues what slowing down can be faster if you allowes you to not screw up.
Posted byciel289#7228on May 9, 2018, 4:44:18 PM
I don't have any big problems with lab. Eventually, I can finish eternal lab with all my characters. During this league I finish eternal lab with 2 chars, both on lvl 75. Died 3 or 4 times on traps, was disconnected couple of times but finally did it. Problem is that I did it without any joy or fun. It was just very annoying, unwelcome and tiring... duty. I was forced to finish "lab" because I like endgame fights and my favoured build requires full ascendancy. And game shold be fun, and not forcing players to visit certain locations, which can be easily skipped. Would you enjoy, if at the end of lab was Eradicator instead of Izaro?
You have been placed on probation for: ● Make hateful or needlessly negative comments ● Personally attack or cause harm to the reputation of others ● Antagonise others in an obnoxious manner ●
Posted bysrogi_kotek#5493on May 9, 2018, 5:48:33 PM
srogi_kotek wrote:
I don't have any big problems with lab. Eventually, I can finish eternal lab with all my characters. During this league I finish eternal lab with 2 chars, both on lvl 75. Died 3 or 4 times on traps, was disconnected couple of times but finally did it. Problem is that I did it without any joy or fun. It was just very annoying, unwelcome and tiring... duty. I was forced to finish "lab" because I like endgame fights and my favoured build requires full ascendancy. And game shold be fun, and not forcing players to visit certain locations, which can be easily skipped. Would you enjoy, if at the end of lab was Eradicator instead of Izaro?
i dont have a problem with that boss either ofc if he has izaro buffs he could be a big problem but that boss wasnt designt to work with those kinds of buffs.
the dcs are y problem you should fix instead of complaining about it and with fix i mean go in the tech support part of the forum and ask ppl for help. its simply not normal to have so many dcs i.e. i i cant even remember when i had my last dc it was prior to the 10act thing.
i´m not saying you have to enjoy lab,but all games can have a part that you dont enojoy and as long as you only have to do them once (per charr in this case) its totaly fine.
there arent many layouts for trap areas if you take your time,prepare before you enter lab (checking poelab is a good idea if your build cant handle all of his mods, yes waiting 1-3 days isnt a bad thing if you dont enjoy lab and are bad at running it), pick the right movementskill for your build and never blindly spam movementskills if youarent used to traplayous.
wb,leapslam ans shieldcharge might be op for mapping but charged dash,lightning warp and blink arrow are king in lab.
Posted byciel289#7228on May 9, 2018, 6:04:22 PM
ciel289 wrote:
srogi_kotek wrote:
I don't have any big problems with lab. Eventually, I can finish eternal lab with all my characters. During this league I finish eternal lab with 2 chars, both on lvl 75. Died 3 or 4 times on traps, was disconnected couple of times but finally did it. Problem is that I did it without any joy or fun. It was just very annoying, unwelcome and tiring... duty. I was forced to finish "lab" because I like endgame fights and my favoured build requires full ascendancy. And game shold be fun, and not forcing players to visit certain locations, which can be easily skipped. Would you enjoy, if at the end of lab was Eradicator instead of Izaro?
i dont have a problem with that boss either ofc if he has izaro buffs he could be a big problem but that boss wasnt designt to work with those kinds of buffs.
the dcs are y problem you should fix instead of complaining about it and with fix i mean go in the tech support part of the forum and ask ppl for help. its simply not normal to have so many dcs i.e. i i cant even remember when i had my last dc it was prior to the 10act thing.
i´m not saying you have to enjoy lab,but all games can have a part that you dont enojoy and as long as you only have to do them once (per charr in this case) its totaly fine.
there arent many layouts for trap areas if you take your time,prepare before you enter lab (checking poelab is a good idea if your build cant handle all of his mods, yes waiting 1-3 days isnt a bad thing if you dont enjoy lab and are bad at running it), pick the right movementskill for your build and never blindly spam movementskills if youarent used to traplayous.
wb,leapslam ans shieldcharge might be op for mapping but charged dash,lightning warp and blink arrow are king in lab.
DC's are extra crappy in labyrinth. This is because all progress is lost, also costing an Offering when it happens in endgame labyrinth. Your assertion that DC's were srogi_kotek's fault is not necessarily true. I have to assume that you should know this but just choose to ignore it?
Regarding your assertion that evasion builds work fine in labyrinth, my assertion and srogi_kotek's assertion was that labyrinth is trivial with many builds. Whereas other builds it is much more difficult. I thought this was a universally understood truth. Apparently you either don't agree or just choose to ignore it?
Labyrinth is horrible crappy content. When it was originally released, it was advertised and hyped as a different kind of beast. The assertion that all games have less fun content ignores the fact that labyrinth is separate and different. Bestiary was not added to the core game in part for this reason, according to GGG. I didn't play Bestiary but, I will guess that it is less different from the core game than labyrinth?
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired! Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on May 9, 2018, 6:33:42 PM
Posted byTurtledove#4014on May 9, 2018, 6:30:29 PM
Turtledove wrote:
ciel289 wrote:
srogi_kotek wrote:
I don't have any big problems with lab. Eventually, I can finish eternal lab with all my characters. During this league I finish eternal lab with 2 chars, both on lvl 75. Died 3 or 4 times on traps, was disconnected couple of times but finally did it. Problem is that I did it without any joy or fun. It was just very annoying, unwelcome and tiring... duty. I was forced to finish "lab" because I like endgame fights and my favoured build requires full ascendancy. And game shold be fun, and not forcing players to visit certain locations, which can be easily skipped. Would you enjoy, if at the end of lab was Eradicator instead of Izaro?
i dont have a problem with that boss either ofc if he has izaro buffs he could be a big problem but that boss wasnt designt to work with those kinds of buffs.
the dcs are y problem you should fix instead of complaining about it and with fix i mean go in the tech support part of the forum and ask ppl for help. its simply not normal to have so many dcs i.e. i i cant even remember when i had my last dc it was prior to the 10act thing.
i´m not saying you have to enjoy lab,but all games can have a part that you dont enojoy and as long as you only have to do them once (per charr in this case) its totaly fine.
there arent many layouts for trap areas if you take your time,prepare before you enter lab (checking poelab is a good idea if your build cant handle all of his mods, yes waiting 1-3 days isnt a bad thing if you dont enjoy lab and are bad at running it), pick the right movementskill for your build and never blindly spam movementskills if youarent used to traplayous.
wb,leapslam ans shieldcharge might be op for mapping but charged dash,lightning warp and blink arrow are king in lab.
DC's are extra crappy in labyrinth. This is because all progress is lost, also costing an Offering when it happens in endgame labyrinth. Your assertion that DC's were srogi_kotek's fault is not necessarily true. I have to assume that you should know this but just choose to ignore it?
Regarding your assertion that evasion builds work fine in labyrinth, my assertion and srogi_kotek's assertion was that labyrinth is trivial with many builds. Whereas other builds it is much more difficult. I thought this was a universally understood truth. Apparently you either don't agree or just choose to ignore it?
Labyrinth is horrible crappy content. When it was originally released, it was advertised and hyped as a different kind of beast. The assertion that all games have less fun content ignores the fact that labyrinth is separate and different. Bestiary was not added to the core game in part for this reason, according to GGG. I didn't play Bestiary but, I will guess that it is less different from the core game than labyrinth?
atop putting words into other ppl posts that arent there.
i said DCs are bad and ofc they suck in lab,but ppl complain that they constantly dc in lab is their fault. its not their fault that they happen,but its their fault they arent fixing it. they dont have to fix them theirself but there is a Forumpart for tech issues where you can get help.
complaining without providing the appropriate information isnt possible
get over it.
no eva builds have no problem with lab traps,i´m mostly running builds that have their defences mainly based on curses or acrobatics,somtimes both.(gues what curses dont effect traps)
if you dont blindly rush into traps there is no problem i even use the curse blight charr to farm uberlab with a build that has neinter meaningfull armor nor eva.
lab is the only totally predictable content in endgame if you checked izaro mods,but we are talking about traps here.
you can hate it if you want,but stop with that nonsense of many builds (especially eva once) haveing a problem with traps.
there is only 1 way to die to traps and that is if you fail,its not the build ity simply your skill that is lacking
yes i had to write it in such a unfriendly way,because you constantly fail to understand these simply facs out of your blind hatred for lab that is bases on not enjoying a certain playstyle
i will say it once more "you dont have to like or enjoy lab, you can even hate it if you want, you only have to run it once every charr and it is very doable with any build if you prepare right"
the lab is very hard for new players that is the only that is true,but there are so many other things in this game that are equally horrible for new players. i.B. some bossfights,where its hard to tell what is even going on when you havent seen it before or some nasty combinations of mapmods
Posted byciel289#7228on May 9, 2018, 7:01:32 PM
Actually, I like the labyrinth and enjoy the challenge with every character.
However, I don't get, why there is so much arguing against those who have their issues with the labyrinth. Whould it hurt that much, enabling more player doing the labyrinth? What do I miss?
Let's explore new playstyles - Play it your own way, not just like the others.
Quality management is one of the most underrated success factors in every business...
Posted bySynopse#1990on May 9, 2018, 8:02:23 PM