Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support DONE!!!!!
" Mr. Sandman. That's not a bad name for you, Reporter. You are in the business of dreams and you're always there waiting... Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. |
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From thread Ascendency points and Oriath (aka remove Labyrinth mandatoriness), I'm posting here in an attempt to try to keep that thread on topic. Here's numbers 717 through 725.
Note that these are from the General discussions forum. This is the first time I have included any posts from that forum. The reason for this was two fold. First, I did almost all the work before realizing that it wasn't the Feedback and suggestions forum. Second, every time a new thread is started on this topic there is a large amount of new people added to the list. These people generally created their account a long time ago and have posted at least a few dozen times in the forum. " " " " " " " " " Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired! Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on Mar 9, 2017, 6:54:01 PM
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Added as number 737 from thread. Add ability to skip lab and buy points
" Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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If I wanted to play a damned puzzle game, I would. I don't like it. That's why I play ARPG/RPG. The fact that I am forced to now play a stupid puzzle game, at great risk of wasting a lot of time due to factors outside my control like latency, server disconnect, server lag, etc., within a game, and one I have no love for, is really annoying to say the least. On top of that, the devs gone out of their way to make it as tedious as possible just to prolong the suffering.
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. " ~ Hunter S Thompson ~
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730 posters and maybe another 730 silent persons, that is like 1% of the player base
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi
He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1 |
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" Practicing the same BS statistics as you, I can safely add that less than 1.5% of the player base ever posts on this forum. Therefore, your 1% divided by my 1.5% equals the (unfounded) conclusion that 2/3 of the player base dislikes Labyrinth. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired! Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on Mar 18, 2017, 7:46:00 PM
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" This ^ made me think very deeply, i came to the thoughts of being a lower lifeform existence and they are the rulers over us, i felt like i am exiled. I know it wasn't meant that way but i would like to be adressed not as an exile because we are exiles in the game, this is a Forum and people should be seen as Human and not some pixel-being. Have some respect to your Players please. Last edited by ebeninami#0603 on Mar 19, 2017, 10:03:41 AM
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From thread Labyrinth review for 3.0
I'm responding here rather in that thread to avoid potentially derailing that thread with a tangential topic post. " MasterTBC, thank you for voicing your opinion and suggestion. I've added your name to the list now 748 voices long. As the list grows longer our voices grow stronger. Here's MasterTBC's profile summary. Guild: Solo Joined: Jan 29, 2014 Last Visited: Feb 23, 2017 Total Forum Posts: 108 (0.09 posts per day) A spot check of posts seems to indicate a majority of posts in the Feedback and Suggestions forum and about 30 or 40 posts made prior to release of the labyrinth. The relevance of these two things is: the 40 posts being made prior to release of the labyrinth is good evidence that MasterTBC is not an alt account of mine which has been argued by a paranoid labyrinth supporter. The apparent majority of posts to Feedback and Suggestions seems to support my conclusion that GGG could perhaps take the total number of posters to the Feedback and Suggestions forum and divide that into the 748 for a rough guess at the floor for percentage of players that have a dislike of labyrinth. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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This post used to be the second half of the OP regarding the account name list. I had to split it into two parts because there's a 50,000 character limit for any one post.
The list of account names is generally taken from threads that have been posted in the Feedback and Suggestions forum. There are a few exceptions to this rule. I included one thread from the General Discussion forum, Ascendency points and Oriath (aka remove Labyrinth mandatoriness). This was at first a mistake but I am keeping that one because it seems to demonstrate that a large number of additional account names were added to the list from that thread. It seems to demonstrate that many people seem to visit that forum rather than the Feedback and Suggestions forum and vice versa. There were over 10 new account names added from just the first few pages. I didn't do any analysis for new account names after those first few pages. Here's an excellent post by Zaludoz that explains why this thread needed to be made, the original purpose or motivation. On page 49 of this thread Zaludoz posted some interesting information including a list of accounts that have posted in support of "fixing" labyrinth with thread starters marked in that list. This analysis was done when the thread list was around 248 threads and Zaludoz's account name list was 582. During my turn at list maintenance I do not include accounts that complain about just Izaro or enchants. Which is what Zaludoz explicitly states as well for his original work. I decided to start trying to keep this list up to date at 265 threads, now 889 account names. Note that there are many problems with labyrinth and many people have argued on both sides of the argument. The purpose of this list is not meant to "tag" anyone into any particular camp. It is meant primarily to demonstrate that many people have things about labyrinth that they think can be improved upon. Unlike the false assertions by some that have argued against any need to fix this problem there are far more than the 5, 10, or 20 that they incorrectly asserted have posted in support of changes. This list blows those silly assertions out of the water. A plus after the name means that they started a thread. The "plus" markers have not been accurately kept track of, specifically, there are probably about five dozen plus markers missing. I'll be happy to delete your account name from this list, just let me know. There's a goal of one account name per person in the list so if I've added more than one account name for you then please PM me from the account name that should best be removed. Here's some additional data in the list. An "o" after the name means the account is older than March 2016. A "$" after the name means that a supporter title is in the profile. An "*" after the name means that neither of those is the case. This was done in response to paranoid people that said there was only a handful of people represented in the list and that I or someone else was creating vast amounts of alt accounts just to up the numbers on the list. This irrational argument has been soundly laid to rest because there are fewer than 4% of the accounts with an *. The over 3% being newer accounts also means that new people coming into PoE think that labyrinth has problems that should be fixed. A special study was done 5/17/2017. These 102 names are marked special in the list with a "#". These where taken from the Changes to the Labyrinth in the Development Manifesto forum. No analysis was done for the "o" or "$" designations. If they subsequently post their feelings in a Feedback and Suggestions forum that I see then this analysis will be done and the "#" will be replaced. The basic integrity of this list was verified by a pro-lab supporter in this post as well as some interesting data on when the supporter packs were purchased. ___________________________________________________ _Eddi_ o + _Elminister_ o$ _Emperor_ o$ + _ly o __Z__ o$ _Zerk_ o 0Glub # 0RadiusTwo o 13aDa55 o 60x7 # 666lol666 o + Abime o aceCrasher o$ AceNightfire o$ ACGIFT o Actkqk o ADFuel # aDuke o$ afhverjueregtil # ainuayan o$ Aim_Deep o$ AkamuCZ o$ AkuTenshiiZero o Albinosaurus o Aldaaron o aldorus o Aldrighi o aleksandor o AllanonTB + o$ Allisyn # Alternitus o Alykk # amity_affliction o ampdecay o$ And1111 o$ Andazeus o$ Antares_Black_Sky # anteku o$ anubite o$ anum11 + * aonezu o$ Archangel223 # argh444 + o$ Arrowneous + o AntonChigur o$ Aparkhurst + o asifx3me + o$ Asheren o Astaroth_PoD o$ Astealoth # AttackDingo o$ availablex # Azraphael o$ B3RTY # badwolf97 o$ Badfox14 o bajanrasta o Bananaplasm o Baron01 o$ Bars + o$ Batmanf0re # Baxta o$ BearCares + o benjaminbona + o$ BestMageKR * Bhrino + o BIGLITRO o Biznits + o BlackChristmas + o$ BLACKMACE2 o$ BlackYoshi7 o blainicus + o$ Black__Cardinal + o$ Blakwhysper + o$ blueeyedevil o BloodMoonZ o$ Blyster # boblivrogn o$ boesersven o Boomie o BoondockSaint o borbalaago * boredsilly # Borgese o$ BossdeMoss + o Bowman8763 o$ Braindead1010562 o$ Brastin + o brgillespie + o$ Brockness # broliux o Brosinho o brunofrito o$ Brussel_Sprout o$ BST3 o$ Bu3d + o$ Budget_player_cadet o buhdunkadunk o Buggsy2 + o bummmb * BurningHeart o Burmeister99 o$ bwam o$ Bznga o CaliforniaPyro + o Catchafire2000 o$ ccloaded o cdchi1 o$ Celosar o$ CentauriSoldier + o$ Ceri o$ Ceryneian o$ cesmode o Chadwixx ++++++ o$ Chalcon o$ Chameleon o$ Cheekyct o$ Cherry9 o$ cherrysbullet o CidAvadose +++ o Cidira # ciknay o ClickerPro 0$ ClockworkMouse o cmacq o CMDPrompt1911 o Coal48 o codlover77 o$ Coloradoo o Constraint o$ CorranHorn o Corrivati + o Corvino # cosey o$ CPTBRUMBL3Z + o Crackmonster + o$ crazyjake # creampuffed4u o CreviiiS # Crusader_of_Sorrow + o$ Culblade o curr o$ cursedvit # cypronge o cyranorick o$ Czm # D623932883 + o daFalk o$ DaFinesse * dagul23 + o$ Dajmstrut o$ dandyandy o Dark_Oring o DarkKaine o$ Darkkrows o Darkmixxer # DarkPaladin4000 o DarrkPhoenix o$ Darkrox o$ Davidbee * davidnn5 + o DC2K16 * dcasez o DDusk o$ DDseedFoot + o de4th4mphet4mine # Deadmano + o DefiniteIntegral o$ degraga * delAkka # Deleted + o (at least 3 separate deleted accounts, judging by forum avatars being different) Deliverme o$ Demonasius # Demonzu o$ Demonoz o$ Derpey o$ derriesen + o Devonor o Dext88 o$ Dezus o$ Dharall # DiamondSnake o diegodgo87 o DigitalDreams o$ dinobin o Diskonekted + o$ Disrupted o$ DJ10012016 * dm_pindu * DoEFotGS o$ Doomstryver + o$ Dr1MaR + o$ DrDeathXII + o$ dragnar + o DragonsProphecy + o$ DrOwnage o Druga1757 o$ drzpicu + o DS9 o DuckYourHead321 o$ dudiobugtron + o$ dukediem + o$ dupie o$ Dupree0991 o Durentis + o dyneol o e1337donkey o EastonWins + o EdenRage o EdgarFriendly o edgarickoz # EKTELESTES + o$ El6t6one o Elafar o elbowfrag o element274 * Elemenz + o Ellerean o$ Ellix + o Elua o$ empathise + o$ EnjoyTheJourney + o eNTi o$ Eon714 o Eps1on o$ Eqmuraj o$ eralduspr # Erasculio o$ ericlh370 o Essaydave o$ evinta o ewolow o$ Excyis o$ Exxxiled665 * EzBreesy o$ fae76 + o fatmanuel o$ fayt020 + o Ferumbrias o fesru + o$ Fexxus o Fhark o$ Finnien o$ Fireball14 o Firestrike_O + o Fistaniderya o FixLabPLSGGG + * fkxCrockett * Fluffy_Puppies o fm1081 o foosis # ForciblyBaptized o Frankthetank2688 + o$ fraz81 o$ FreedomOI + * frenrihr + o fryderyknicze o FullCircle o$ Galanz + o Galtrovan o gandhar0 o gathor o$ genjixii # Genmaicha # GeorgAnatoly o$ Getim o ggnorekthx o$ Gholaduncan o$ ghymini # Giaocolam o$ gibbousmoon ++ o$ Gigaus + o GnGoons + o$ goodboymc o$ Golden_Order # Gorila_Power # GOuronos o$ Gosen o grallo o$ gravitystone # greatwhitepine o greenyadzer + o greerider76539 * GregoryPOE # grettyr o Grimkhor # Grizzledmoe o GroverMancer + o grubworm + o$ Grumlum o GrumpyMcElbows o$ guardianigor # Gubert o gunnzi # guytmou o Gypsylullaby o gzvirax 0 h3xd o$ Haderach99 o$ Hallstein o Hallthor75 o Hannibus o$ Hateborne o Hatstick o$ HeavyFerrum o HeavyMetalGear + o$ Head_Less o Helgurnaut # HeliaXDemoN o Hemmingfish o Hereticide o$ heyimsu o$ hideouts o Hillda o HimeRuisu + o$ Holocaustus o HoloPaladin o$ HoneyBadGerMan o$ Hubologist o$ HudaZki o$ huetzer o$ Humperding + o$ Hyskoa + o I_NO + o$ Iblisx o ibukix o IchiMorghulis o$ Icholas o IDeeCee + o Idioticus o iEUnbreakable o ihasmario o$ IHellBoundI # ijsbeer149 o ilizan # Illuvatar_82 o$ Imarion + o IMSilver o ImSlower # innervation + o Interplanetary o IronSteel o$ itsnukes86 o ivkoto77777 + o$ Jabarri o$ JabTheHot o$ Jackal1712 + o Jackinthegreen o Jagaimo # jasonbgnh o$ Jaxxxson + o$ jcannonb o Jennik o Jeremy7600 o JFC_Bass_Chant + o$ jfpforever o$ jhnsmth o Jideament + o$ Jgizle + o$ jlt314 o JNF # joachimbond o JohnIrenicus o johnKeys + o johnolesen o JohnWeps o Johny_Snow o jomtoy o Jonmcdonald o$ Juran_Fox o$ Josephoenix o Joyrock101 + o JusJev + o$ justinmm1988 o Justnn + o$ k1rage o$ Kaemonarch o kainaj o$ kalbright o Kalidor o$ KallasAK o kangnnc o$ Karnikula o Kastmar + o$ katchwi o Kavik_Kang + o Kavlor o$ Kaz2ndChance o Kazukami # kcstar o Kellog o$ Kelvynn o$ Khemystri # Khoranth o$ KieranGravebane o Kilsum + o KineticOnline # King_of_Limbs o$ kingshok o Kiristo o$ Klausdawg o$ KnightCole o kogaratsu o$ KojiBear # kompaniet o$ KorganBloodaxe + o krakerman o$ Krekel82 o$ KroDuK98 o krunchor + o$ kumei + o kurosaki75 o$ kuukkeli o$ Ladylunar o ladish o$ Laminar_Flow1 + o LanPirot o$ laycast o$ le_souriceau o leepoeaccount o$ Legatus1982 ++ o$ Lëgend # Legendaris o leminlime o leonardorubin o leto2626 o$ lif44 o$ lilninjaboi2317 + o lipejmr o$ Livevil1984 o$ LMTR14 o Lorash o Lorem331 o LosSalatos o$ LostForm + o$ Lothorienn # lounas o LuizPc o$ Lukin o lugaluga o lunshea o$ Lynerus + o Maceless o MAD_DAN o$ madfellan o Madtank o$ MadPharmacist o$ MadScientist92 # Madtank o$ MagicalMove o magicrectangle o Mahtez # Mal_function o MalakezDarnos o Manator o Manofdusk o mardukstarmetal o$ Marinxar o markness o$ marotta o marvili07 o MasterTBC + o Matacka o$ matt29234 o$ maxkardinal # maxlmantis + o$ maxor o Meatball_Enthusiast o MECHanokl # MeechKahn $ Melmak + o Mellowautomata o Mexiun o$ MFairfax o MFJones o$ Miazga + o Midgaard12 o$ midget214 + o$ midtown # miljan o minik2 o mirificel # Miská o Misterskill # Mizers o mlangwor o Moshe_of_Succubus o$ monsoonrider o$ Mooginator + o$ mop + o mordicus o morterion o$ Mr_Cee o$ mrjoey523 o$ MrMixez o$ Mrowen70 o$ mrpetrov # MrTastix o$ MrTremere o mtw001 o$ MuesliKriega # Muldeh o mynameisonlyforthegods + o myusernamestillnotknown # mywaywardson o nadakuu o$ nait2k4 o NambrVan o narbays o Nayton o Neikius o$ NekoHanten o neonive o$ NetherPrime o$ Nick043 o$ nickbesus (* deleted account, so no data) Nicksiren # nicomocosca o Nightstone13 o NinjaBean1337 o Nishrek o NoahCannon o$ Nobake + o Nochalo # nodri o$ NoLifeMahouny o$ NoluK # npavcec o Nssheepster + o ntall1 o$ nuveau # NyanBuffalo o$ obadonke # Obliviongamer91 o$ oddi348 o Oiranoiccid o old_joe o$ OldmanBlackdragon o$ orbankaroly o$ orsonstfu + o$ Outtahand o Oxix o$ oXu o$ p0t # pabrt o$ Painkiler1 o pajingtonn + o$ pandasplaying + o Panini_aux_olives o PapouilleMcLovin ++ o Parnelli o$ patirce o$ paulopc # Paxmilitaris o Pendarric o$ penguinmaster + o$ pepe00ad o Pepock o Percles o Petarded + o$ Peterking72 o petewulf + o Phaeded o$ Phazero o Phearmark o phenny # Phrazz o$ Picksomecardz o$ Pie_Guy + o$ PipPipRoadRunner o$ Pizzarugi o$ pjoseph * Plaguerat313 + o plodd o$ Psomm # Ptirodaktill o$ Punksob + o$ purebattle + o poepoe091 o porksoda # Porungda o$ potato321 o Poutsos o prayformercy # Prebornfetus o$ PrimordialDarkness + o$ Priory + o$ profeetta o$ Protanos o PsOfOs o Punksob # Pwnzors87 o Pyrokar o Quantume o Quique30 * QuiquePoE o qwertypimplekins o qwqwqw333_final * Ragnar119 + o RagnarokChu o Raila o RaiseTheSteaks o Rakiii o Rangers + o RannXeroxx o Rastakwer $ Raudram + o Raverbunny o$ raxleberne o Rayzabladez o$ Razis + o RebornKing o$ reciprocate # Redfeather_1975 o Regulator + o$ reliq + o$ rephikul o ressiv o RestInPieces + o returning4you # Reuel21 o Rexeos o Riborg o Rich85 + o$ richter03 o ricklington + o$ rictiln + o Rippster o$ Risen90 + o RockGod o RogueMage o$ Roji # Roleplayer o RootCookie o$ rosshilge o$ RoyalStar + o$ rtdean o$ RubySydell # Ruefl2x o$ Ruinamalia o RulerOfChaos o Rullegardin + o RutRoh o$ saellanya o saffranffs o$ SaiyanZ o saladful o$ Salkryn o$ Saltygames + o Sardekar * sarsapari + o SasoriOtoko + o SassyBeard # saucefar2 o$ SecondHead o$ SeedReaper o Seelenernter o selcuk + o$ Sephereen o$ SesdfgfM * Serafim_94 $ seraphzzh o SevenOfNine86 o Severance2hBlade o Sexcalibure o sfangwb + o$ sgoer + $ SGOR # ShacoFinder + o Shadilinn_Vondead o Shadowfrostz o Shagsbeard o Shajirr + o$ shatojin + o shaunus o ShaUrley o ShawnV2 o Shiadrone o$ Shieldbreaker + o$ shinino o$ Shppy o Shredzilly o$ shoc + o Shogen o$ sil222 o SilencerX21 o sinfoniantuba11 o$ Siochan o$ silumit o silverdash o$ SilverWF o sikker o SisterBlister o$ Skellimancer o$ sklipnoty o Skyblade799 o Slaanesh69 o$ Slayer_Tip + o$ Slider575 o Slingshot o Slouper o SmashingDungeons o SmokeBlunts o$ SnowCrash82 o sofocle10000 + o$ SoiledPride + o solidghost # Soliouss o Sollkomol o$ Solonyx o$ soulpoetry o Soviet_Russia o SpareTheRod1976 o$ Spawnova o Splico o SppokyVega # Squatfurd o$ stalkingjackal o$ stardustjenny o$ starlight7 o stdcall o Sterett o$ steven0006 # StorgutBorsit o$ Stormnight o$ Stringtheory # sublime234 o SubZeroMG + o sucemab o$ SudianX o sumbodee + o$ SunsetVista o$ Sunwolff o SupaMF + o Sure_K4y o sushiljindal + o suszterpatt + o Synopsis + o$ taint8 # Tajik13 $ takumitkm # Talamier + o$ Tarkoon o taumantis o TearOfTheStar o Temjiu o TenTonBlue o$ Tenembre o ThatsSoGoodman o$ TheExile777 o$ The_Great_Alex o$ The_Reporter * The_Risen o The_Wuggly_Ump + o$ TheAnuhart o TheAshmaker o$ TheDeathX o$ thedestroyerofkids + o TheDiablo666 o$ TheGoodBadWeird o TheLastZica * TheLockedGuy + o themozzer o$ theomni o$ ThenThereIsRime o$ ThePromise110 + o$ thetdev # thormida o Thraellic o$ thrashinc # Tian_Yihao o$ Timaxpoe # timewarden o$ tmaciak o$ ToBeSomebody + o$ Tobez0r13376 * tobiasbruckert # tobiazl + o Toqa o torturo o TorumDe2o o$ Toshis8 + o$ tostay o Toverkol o Toyah o$ toyotatundra o trapnaRrr + o$ trav_dawg + o$ tree22beard o TreeOfDead o Treffnix (* deleted account, so no data) trexx2k + o$ triggerhippy o$ Truper17 o$ tryhardgg o Trylobyte + $ T_Speed o tunderkiwi o Turtledove + o$ TwoHits + o$ Tyrex15 # Tytanium # Ulrichvonbeck o UltimateForm o Umbra_the_Wolf + o umiryu o$ UncleHerm o UnderOmerta o UnlimitedPower2 o unranked + o$ Upforsale o$ Uroborous o$ Vaalamity o Valkrei123 + o VashSan + o$ veildream o Veonder # Vertal0 o$ Verthurnax o Vesuvius079 o$ Vhlad o vick666 # VideoGeemer o$ VigilanteCat # Viralset o$ VolcanoElixir o vonkz $ Vortextreme o$ VR_SZABOLCS o Waidaag o Warallen # WARPAINTER o Warzone129 + o$ wavetrex o Wazz72 o$ Weertangel o$ Weißenberg o$ whorm o$ Willemoesium ++ o$ WillisReed o$ Winterfury o$ winterlude + o WiseGuard + o WizBlizz1994 o Wp_blitzi ++ o$ wftico o Woodcutta # wweeep * wyll o$ Xanin + o Xantosi + * Xaxarius o$ Xeledon2132 o Xentec6 o Xerofite o$ Xeroxoul o XibalbaL o XiliX o$ Xirgu o$ xjjanie o$ xriegg o$ yazzlecat # YellowMage o Ygidua * YoyoTanya o yungwhiz o$ Z_Fighters o ZaeN o zaden245 # zalfargia o Zalhan2 o Zaludoz o Zarge911 # Zaximus704 o$ Zed93 o Zee o$ Zephryl o Zeriph o$ zersetzung # Zims911 o$ zind # ZINIAO o Zlej_kreten # Zloberik + * ZL0J o zorroaster o$ Zpidead o$ Zrevnur o Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired! Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on Jun 4, 2017, 6:53:30 PM
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My suggestions about uber lab. Making it a real endgame content. please check it out and give some feedbacks, if you like it and give feedbacks maybe GGG may consider making it happen.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1872994 |
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