Path of Exile Community Designed Unique - Part 3 - Select the special property

What should the secondary special property of the unique be?

10% chance to dodge against taunted enemies, Melee attacks have a 25% chance to Maim taunted enemies, 2% of attack damage leeched as life against taunted enemies
Double the number of Frenzy and Endurance Charges you gain, 50% increased Frenzy and Endurance Charge Duration
20% chance to blind Bleeding Enemies on hit, Attacks have a 20% chance to cause bleeding
You have Onslaught while Fortified, 15% chance to gain Fortify on Melee Stun
Poll closed
I get it's supposed to reward a hybrid defense playstyle, but I don't like if an item it tailored to a single class. Because you can go hybrid armour/ev with a templar if you want.
As such, I feel the first option is too tailored towards gladiator, and the second is for champion, so I'm no fan of those, despite or maybe because of their obvious power.

#4 is great utility, so I'm always for that, yet I have a feeling it's a bit weak compared to the others.
As such, I think I'll prefer +3, it'll work great with a variety of classes, like gladiator/all shadow ascendancies/blunt melee/dodge raiders.

Really, 2 is just lame.

Edit: And what's with the base level? You create a community design, and two thirds of the community will never see it? Way to go.
I'll look forward to rare versions, though, could get 650 armour on a single belt.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
Last edited by UnDeaD_CyBorG#7056 on Jun 27, 2016, 5:22:23 AM
No any res belt, no fun
BTW. Chance to fortify on melee is waste for permanent fortify champion…
Last edited by LordBlick#0007 on Jun 27, 2016, 5:40:10 AM
ETA on completed belt: 2.7 years
Can i revote to A?

- Also, B is taking away the special about Onslaught. If everybody wants onslaught get a silverflask. B would be a lazy way to make this belt great.
Last edited by Midgaard12#6999 on Jun 27, 2016, 6:53:01 AM
Midgaard12 wrote:
Can i revote to A?

I want also to revote to C ;_;
The amount of people that cant read is too damn high!
ign: Hikaku
1: dodge/leech - this really improves the quality of life aspect of warcries.

2: fortify/onslaught - really..

3: blind/bleed - this one is solid i love the fuck out of these attributes

4: double charge gain - are we making a flicker strike belt?

hard choice between #1 and #3

the dodge / maim / leech on taunted enemies really enables warcries. I know, I know,, casing warcries is a pain.. I never use warcries for the same reason you don't either.. they interrupt the flow of melting packs and aren't worth it,, at least not for a solo player, but now you dont have to feel dirty every time you cast enduring cry and look over your shoulder to see if anyone caught you. AND there are other warcries in the game too and they all taunt! i dont know what they are though cause i just hold down my main attack button and my super ascendasaiyan 8 abilities nuke the screen

that being said.. I really like to see changes that promote a more diverse playstyle, and i get that super high tier "you have a 7-link" attributes are neat and all but this can all be a little too sweet after while.. like that guy from 'my name is earl' said when he was someone else in the tom cruise movie 'vanilla sky'
- "you need the sour with the sweet".. or something like that.

now,, im not gonna go off on a rant about how cheesy that fortify/onlaught option is ,, cause i will man,, and i know you don't wanna read that. do ya! *slap* look at me!

.. ahemmm,, i apologize ..

as you can see i can be rather passionate about the game i love,, the game that i have loved for so long now.. so many special moments together.. growing, improving, quarreling... all the love stuff,,

ill stop now and leave you with this quote by an ancient chinese-american war tactician
"power creep can only end in one of two ways,, more content,, or nerfs"
lets hope GGG can keep up with our thirst for power

"you have fortify and onslaught"
wow so [Removed by support] noobs screwed us out of the most powerfull belt that ever existed aka. A because they are to stupid to get infiite free onlsaught by pressing a flask.

Faith in humanity destroyed.
Last edited by Eben_GGG#0000 on Jun 27, 2016, 7:01:54 AM
Why to wote ?? why cant we have <Style Variant> unique Doryani's Invitation ??

i would change the "fortify on stun" to "take less elemental damage when u have fortify" (like juggernaut)

seemsprety weak ... so what about somethink like +armor per endurance charge, +evasion per frenzycharge

i hope that the "1% increased attack damage per 300 of your lowest value between armour and evasion" will be applied before IR ..
Last edited by karving47#1833 on Jun 27, 2016, 7:14:39 AM
karving47 wrote:
Why to wote ?? why cant we have <Style Variant> unique Doryani's Invitation ??

i hope that the "1% increased attack damage per 300 of your lowest value between armour and evasion" will be applied before IR ..

Of course it would not, if you take IR, your negating the damage bonus completely.

Still think it should have a "you have no Energy Shield" malus

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