What should the secondary special property of the unique be?10% chance to dodge against taunted enemies, Melee attacks have a 25% chance to Maim taunted enemies, 2% of attack damage leeched as life against taunted enemies | | 610 | 8.32% | Double the number of Frenzy and Endurance Charges you gain, 50% increased Frenzy and Endurance Charge Duration | | 2368 | 32.31% | 20% chance to blind Bleeding Enemies on hit, Attacks have a 20% chance to cause bleeding | | 830 | 11.33% | You have Onslaught while Fortified, 15% chance to gain Fortify on Melee Stun | | 3520 | 48.03% | Poll closed |
You can't honestly think that a permanent onslaught while permanent fortify is a viable option.
That's an insane damage boost.
Though, I expect the belt will have a SERIOUS downside to it if perma-onslaught is attached.
Like... Cannot create charges.
Meheheheh >:3
Posted byPoofGoof#3481on Jun 27, 2016, 12:32:39 AM
Proto5kull wrote:
That endurance/frenzy charge doubling and increased duration sounds insane :O
Insanely bad.. That literally does nothing and benefits nothing.. :S
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home
*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.* Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Jun 27, 2016, 12:44:51 AM
Posted bySheriff_K#3938on Jun 27, 2016, 12:42:46 AM
opmanzano wrote:
Well voted A because its more useful I think and matches base theme. However onslaught on fortify is unbeatable, as its not only perma onslaught for champions, it also makes fortify gem a %increased damage, attack and movement speed gem while making you more tanky. This item with onslaught mod will be for melee like shavs is for low life.
The double charge gain is a buff to discharge. We dont need a discharge buff, and we already had a huge one with juggernauts insta max.
Vote A for the fun and creating a unique which is neither useless or mandatory.
Was between onslaught and blind/bleed, but this is my thought process; ^
Champions get a good buff, and fortify becomes a very good support for both damage and defense (And depending on your build, melees are sometimes bound to use a fortify gem).
Rejoice in the glory of combat!
Posted byRavanaFourFold#0534on Jun 27, 2016, 12:45:47 AM
I wish there was a way to proc bleed as an spell-caster :(
Posted byAntikristoff#0235on Jun 27, 2016, 12:50:37 AM
Gotta go with bleed as long as it stays attack and not melee. I was really disappointed when planning my last assassin build and saw that the chance to cause bleed nodes on the tree were melee only.
Posted byAzazel147#5509on Jun 27, 2016, 12:55:52 AM
I think the best choice is bleed+blind. The access to these mechanics are often awkward for many builds and could provide some interesting synergy with the bloodlust gem (maybe use for secondary skill).
Fortify and onslaught are easy to get anyway and there is a big problem with bosses that cannot be stunned, arguably when fortify is most needed. Hybrid armour and evasion builds will have enough armour to negate damage of white mobs anyway. Not to mention the map mods with monsters cannot be stunned. FORTIFY OPTION IS BAD FOR LATEGAME, note the 70 lvl base.
<3 you all
Posted byMagniffico#0521on Jun 27, 2016, 12:55:58 AM
Dunno why people vote for onslaught, it isnt so good buff to begin with (you have tons of sources for it). Fortify is also for melee users only so the belt doesnt introduce anything new.
IMO the best one is undervoted right now, the bleed one.
20% chance to bleed = every 5th hit is bleed. You basicaly have perma bleed all the time, since base bleed duration is 5 seconds. So you get free puncture, 1 gem worth of power. Also it works on ranged that dont have good bleed sources except some ascendencies.
20% chance to blind on top of that is even stronger than the support gem, since gem give only 10% chance. Blind is really strong on evasion based character.
Posted byherflik#4390on Jun 27, 2016, 12:57:34 AM
herflik wrote:
Dunno why people vote for onslaught, it isnt so good buff to begin with (you have tons of sources for it). Fortify is also for melee users only so the belt doesnt introduce anything new.
IMO the best one is undervoted right now, the bleed one.
20% chance to bleed = every 5th hit is bleed. You basicaly have perma bleed all the time, since base bleed duration is 5 seconds. So you get free puncture, 1 gem worth of power. Also it works on ranged that dont have good bleed sources except some ascendencies.
20% chance to blind on top of that is even stronger than the support gem, since gem give only 10% chance. Blind is really strong on evasion based character.
There is a ton of sources to get Onslaught, but with permanent Fortify from champion as class, you get permanent Onslaught as well. Now you can drop the Silver Flask and any other sources of Onslaught for something better. Champion's Fortify is not only for melee, range characters can access it too.
While option C is interesting, it is also another thing I find annoying to have a % within another %, which GGG pretty much did with Assassin's bleed/maim/poison. Too much RNG in mechanics is playing a dangerous game. Aligning the star is not easy unless you can fast forward 50 times the rate.
Blind is nice for everything but spells, and the issue for evasion-based character is still present......physical spells. If instead of blind, it was something like phasing, then I would find option C even more attractive.
I actually have option A has my second favorite choice since it is not too hard to taunt with Champion and the warcry skills, so there is some good synergy there. Sadly though, permanent onslaught is too good to pass up.
Option D.........no just no.....
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016
Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Jun 27, 2016, 1:11:53 AM
Posted byJohnNamikaze#6516on Jun 27, 2016, 1:09:08 AMValued Poster
Madhatter0 wrote:
Ok based on the understanding this is being designed around a duelist, let me persuade you to choose option A.
Option A>
10% chance to dodge against taunted enemies, Melee attacks have a 25% chance to Maim taunted enemies, 2% of attack damage leeched as life against taunted enemies
Taunts from a warcry give us 10% reduced damage taken and now 10% dodge. that's great! the only dodge is Acro and Phase Acro for nodes and a few uniques. dodge is another layer of defense to add. Maim is a 30% slow. That's as slow as a level 21 temp chains. Another great added defense. Life leech is synergistic with all 3 ascendancies. overall top choice
Option B>
You have Onslaught while Fortified, 15% chance to gain Fortify on Melee Stun
Onslaught: We have silver flasks which can be 100% onslaught. not to mention slayer already has a onslaught mechanic or you can pick up graceful assault. What are the benefits. 20% increased attack, cast, and movement speed. The gladiator, Champion, and Slayer all have increases to attack speed.
15% chance to gain fortify on stun? 15%?. Fortify can be 100% on stun or perma fortify from Ascendancy. This option "sounds" good since u read onslaught and fortify but it's just a mind trick.
Option C>
20% chance to blind Bleeding Enemies on hit, Attacks have a 20% chance to cause bleeding
Currently only the Gladiator makes use of bleeding and they already have a 50% chance to cause bleeding on attacks. the blind is a 4sec debuff that reduces the chance to be hit. doesn't mean you can't be hit. I'd rather use a stibnite for the blind and 100% evasion.
Option D>
Double the number of Frenzy and Endurance Charges you gain, 50% increased Frenzy and Endurance Charge Duration
this option is okay for duelist. it means you'll get to max charges faster and they'll last about 20secs. on the other hand I ask myself "do I ever have problems attaining charges" not really. It's not a huge gain. instead one charge per hit you'll get 2.
TL:DR don't be that guy that chooses something because it was the shortest and easiest description to read. Pick A
+1. Listen to this guy!
Posted byExile009#1139on Jun 27, 2016, 1:16:07 AMOn Probation
Vhlad wrote:
All 4 of those choices are strong enough to render the theme of the belt entirely pointless. That whole stacking armour + evasion thing? 99% of players using this belt wont bother.
with champion:
free fortify = free onslaught (and no melee requirement)
or free taunt on hit = free 2% attack leech, 10% dodge, 25% maim (tell me why, again, you nerfed all other leech sources to 0.2% if you're just going to add items and ascendancies with 10x more leech?)
And it adds onslaught to the de facto movement skill (whirling blades + fortify + faster attacks).
Anyway, yeah. 2x more frenzy/endurance charges and 50% duration, or 20% blind on every hit (with voidheart, or reach of the council/puncture, etc). The options are all fine but they're strong enough by themselves for the belt theme to be skippable.
I'd rather see a stronger ar/ev bonus with life/resists than a BIS dps/movement belt irrespective of ar/ev investment.
Ya'll are taking onslaught which was supposed to be a special buff and giving it away essentially for free with 100% uptime. That's power creep. Compare it to innervate (which has conditions/drawbacks, i.e. requires a shock, a kill, and a support gem slot) or the old onslaught generating uniques, like death rush, vaal caress, mutewind pennant, extractor mentis, etc - those are completely overshadowed. Heck onslaught is not even thematically appropriate with fortify.
+100000000. And definitely listen to this guy!!
Posted byExile009#1139on Jun 27, 2016, 1:17:04 AMOn Probation