Is it time for PoE to have a proper tutorial?

As another example, consider the labyrinth. I'd imagine that a truly new player on their first character

1) Doesn't know what the labyrinth is
2) Has no idea how much power is gated behind being able to clear it
3) Could never guess that, despite its 'low' zone level is much harder than a normal act 3 zone.
4) A ton of other things.

With a help chat channel they can at least ask about the lab. When someone says 'you can try and do it at your level, but you will likely die - it's a lot more deadly than the zone level suggest' that player is now 99% less pissed off when they die, and consequently, some % less likely to quit the game on the spot.

When someone says 'yeah the lab is very long, don't start it unless you have at least 45 minutes to play - there are no waypoints and your progress doesn't save', they could be saving that newbie a big headache.

While people who say figuring things out is a fun aspect of the game, they're right. But these are the kind of things that aren't fun to figure out. They're just bullshit frustrating when you don't know any better, and aren't communicated to you. For new players who do like figuring things out for themselves, they can leave the channel, and if they think of something pressing that they'd like an answer for, hop right back in it.
Really truly awesome stuff, Innervation. Count me as on board. If only we could get GGG's support, I'm certain there would be many who'd volunteer to come along :)
So basically tutorials are unnecessary carebear feature that would be damn near impossible for PoE,what we do need is a dedicated chat tab specifically for new players to ask for quick questions when needed,and is/can be properly moderated by assigned community members,and harsher overall rules regarding spam reporting.
No rest for the wicked.
Nope, no tutorials. Make newbies suffer, make sure 99% of them never return. The less new players the better it is for the rest of us.

I love to see them rage quit and delete. Let them know we are hardcore latrine nerds. We have enough latrine nerds buying supporter packs to fund development of this game.

GGG does not need anymore money. POE must continue deeper into the latrine. Forget about things nonsense like tutorials, or an actual real match making system or a banner to click on to find a party member.

Lets do it the latrine way lets beg someone to open a portal and have them say use my portal 95% of the time only to enter the portal and never find them because the portal is 30 minutes old. where everybody could have simply click on a party member banner and TP directly to them saving us all a lot of time.

So no modern day multi player, lets continue with the last century broken multi player because if it don't smell like a latrine then it can't possibly be POE right?
Look how Awesome my MTX Marauder RF looks
TriniGamer wrote:
Nope, no tutorials. Make newbies suffer, make sure 99% of them never return. The less new players the better it is for the rest of us.

I love to see them rage quit and delete. Let them know we are hardcore latrine nerds. We have enough latrine nerds buying supporter packs to fund development of this game.

GGG does not need anymore money. POE must continue deeper into the latrine. Forget about things nonsense like tutorials, or an actual real match making system or a banner to click on to find a party member.

Lets do it the latrine way lets beg someone to open a portal and have them say use my portal 95% of the time only to enter the portal and never find them because the portal is 30 minutes old. where everybody could have simply click on a party member banner and TP directly to them saving us all a lot of time.

So no modern day multi player, lets continue with the last century broken multi player because if it don't smell like a latrine then it can't possibly be POE right?

And players like you are why we can't have nice things.
Did you even read the discussion you mindless ape?
No rest for the wicked.
innervation wrote:
Aethroz wrote:
Crazy idea: Add an "Advice" channel.

Love this idea as a solution - and here's how you fix all of the pitfalls that people have been pointing out:

1) GGG makes it a base channel type like Trade and Global. (this solves the 'how does the community do it effectively?' problem)

2) This channel is clicked on for new players by default. If the new players try to leave it, a box pops up explaining what the channel is, how they can use it, and how they can REJOIN it if they want to in the future. (this solves the problem of 'global 101 is cool, but how do new players know to join it if they're new and don't know how to join it?' also addresses the problem of it turning into Global 1)

3) Three strikes and you're out. Lots of people have expressed interest in being mentors in a channel like this. If GGG find 3 legitimate reports against you for jerking around in this channel, you can't rejoin, or you get a long timeout from it (solves the spam/troll problem) I would extend this to going off-topic and chatting too.

^cut a little

I agree with everything there.

I meant it as a "real" channel, not just a /global 73558923654. It would NEED to be a real channel with its own chat symbol (question mark-"?" was a stroke of brilliance I'm super proud of hahaha).
I don't think Advice chat would need more than 2 channels, I don't even really see it needing more than 1 honestly.

It would moderate itself. It's an advice channel, a LOT of people take advice channels very seriously. I've played many a MMO, and people will rage for messing with their Advice channel. I like the "three strikes". GGG would need to add more "Report for xxxx".
Report for Off-Topic

DankMemer: GG drops, fucking pro [Kaom's Heart] Suck it newbs
OriginalName: Hey Memer, remember to stay on topic in /Advice, thanks.
DankMemer: Lol origianl jelly af cuz cant drop t1's watafag

Report for Trolling

MyFirstCookieCutter: How do I get to Tidal Island?
DankerMemer: ALt-F4

Report for Being an Asshole.

IPlayFNAF: What do I do with Wisdom Scrolls?
TheDankiestOfDanknessLordMemer: this fucking noob. "What do I do with wisdom scrolls?" haha shove um up your ass. Triggerd.

We don't want to scare away the Newbies. We need newbies. Newbies need stash-tabs. More newbies=more tabs bought=more $$$=more updates. (Probably, idk, just go with it)

It wouldn't be as hard as people are thinking.
GGG simply needs to implement the following:
1-New channel. Probably the hardest part for them.
2-New "report for"s.
3-A few pop-up blurbs about the channel as you run through Hillock and into Lioneye's.

Moderation: Players would do it.
Information itself: Players.
We already have an FAQ. Just c/p answers.
We have lists of Gems by Vendor/Quests
Players are willing to help, if GGG wants to let us :)

Daiena wrote:
So basically tutorials are unnecessary carebear feature that would be damn near impossible for PoE,what we do need is a dedicated chat tab specifically for new players to ask for quick questions when needed,and is/can be properly moderated by assigned community members,and harsher overall rules regarding spam reporting.


KMGL Guild: /3193350
Last edited by Aethroz#4312 on May 21, 2016, 6:49:30 PM
Aethroz wrote:

^cut a little

I agree with everything there.

I meant it as a "real" channel, not just a /global 73558923654. It would NEED to be a real channel with its own chat symbol (question mark-"?" was a stroke of brilliance I'm super proud of hahaha).
I don't think Advice chat would need more than 2 channels, I don't even really see it needing more than 1 honestly.

It would moderate itself. It's an advice channel, a LOT of people take advice channels very seriously. I've played many a MMO, and people will rage for messing with their Advice channel. I like the "three strikes". GGG would need to add more "Report for xxxx".
Report for Off-Topic

DankMemer: GG drops, fucking pro [Kaom's Heart] Suck it newbs
OriginalName: Hey Memer, remember to stay on topic in /Advice, thanks.
DankMemer: Lol origianl jelly af cuz cant drop t1's watafag

Report for Trolling

MyFirstCookieCutter: How do I get to Tidal Island?
DankerMemer: ALt-F4

Report for Being an Asshole.

IPlayFNAF: What do I do with Wisdom Scrolls?
TheDankiestOfDanknessLordMemer: this fucking noob. "What do I do with wisdom scrolls?" haha shove um up your ass. Triggerd.

We don't want to scare away the Newbies. We need newbies. Newbies need stash-tabs. More newbies=more tabs bought=more $$$=more updates. (Probably, idk, just go with it)

It wouldn't be as hard as people are thinking.
GGG simply needs to implement the following:
1-New channel. Probably the hardest part for them.
2-New "report for"s.
3-A few pop-up blurbs about the channel as you run through Hillock and into Lioneye's.

Moderation: Players would do it.
Information itself: Players.
We already have an FAQ. Just c/p answers.
We have lists of Gems by Vendor/Quests
Players are willing to help, if GGG wants to let us :)

lmao those chat examples made my night =D but yes, you are right on
innervation wrote:
Aethroz wrote:

^cut a little

I agree with everything there.

I meant it as a "real" channel, not just a /global 73558923654. It would NEED to be a real channel with its own chat symbol (question mark-"?" was a stroke of brilliance I'm super proud of hahaha).
I don't think Advice chat would need more than 2 channels, I don't even really see it needing more than 1 honestly.

It would moderate itself. It's an advice channel, a LOT of people take advice channels very seriously. I've played many a MMO, and people will rage for messing with their Advice channel. I like the "three strikes". GGG would need to add more "Report for xxxx".
Report for Off-Topic

DankMemer: GG drops, fucking pro [Kaom's Heart] Suck it newbs
OriginalName: Hey Memer, remember to stay on topic in /Advice, thanks.
DankMemer: Lol origianl jelly af cuz cant drop t1's watafag

Report for Trolling

MyFirstCookieCutter: How do I get to Tidal Island?
DankerMemer: ALt-F4

Report for Being an Asshole.

IPlayFNAF: What do I do with Wisdom Scrolls?
TheDankiestOfDanknessLordMemer: this fucking noob. "What do I do with wisdom scrolls?" haha shove um up your ass. Triggerd.

We don't want to scare away the Newbies. We need newbies. Newbies need stash-tabs. More newbies=more tabs bought=more $$$=more updates. (Probably, idk, just go with it)

It wouldn't be as hard as people are thinking.
GGG simply needs to implement the following:
1-New channel. Probably the hardest part for them.
2-New "report for"s.
3-A few pop-up blurbs about the channel as you run through Hillock and into Lioneye's.

Moderation: Players would do it.
Information itself: Players.
We already have an FAQ. Just c/p answers.
We have lists of Gems by Vendor/Quests
Players are willing to help, if GGG wants to let us :)

lmao those chat examples made my night =D but yes, you are right on

That's basically /global 1 every day of the week,the channel new players usually first come in contact with...
No rest for the wicked.
Humbly offering my services. when it's up and running :)
Daiena wrote:
That's basically /global 1 every day of the week,the channel new players usually first come in contact with...

I know :c

But if you think about it, stand up comedy thrives on that. Some a-hole goes up on a stage and complains about a bunch of things that suck. Then he gets mad and asks why we, as a society, let them suck. It's all depressing if you really think about it, but instead we go 5 beers deep and laugh at him instead of feeling bad about it.

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