Is it time for PoE to have a proper tutorial?
" The MTG comp is a good one in some ways, but it fails on a very important one: in MTG, you can pit two new players against each other in the shop with below average decks, and they can both have a lot of fun playing the game. You could pit a new person against a very good player with a better deck, and the better player, knowing the situation, can take it easy on the newbie (I've seen this happen a lot, the MTG community I've interacted with has been VERY nice in this regard). In PoE you're playing against monsters that don't give af about how poorly you linked your gems, or that you don't understand capped resistances. Thank you to everyone who has pointed out that there are some kind of tutuorial/tips. I still think it's worth asking if the new player experience is good enough. I'll reiterate that I'm way too steeped in the particular's of this game to read through those tips and make an impartial assessment of their utility. But as you saw in the thread I linked to in the OP, the fact that people are coming to this game and leaving because of the knowledge barrier means it might be worth exploring improvements. |
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It's disappointing to see that some are voting for "fuck new players".
I don't know about tutorial, but GGG should definitely do something to help new players get into the game. PoE experience early-game is quite bad right now and will push away some players. 177
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" I dont think anyone is saying "eff new players"; the more players we have playing the better. there is no point in putting more into a tutorial when one already exists in the game and if you need more information you can just ask google or even global chat in game. They've already shortened the first 3 acts by a good bit, they've reworked gems by quest rewards you can even buy other gems from the vendor with experience. They even added in more gear from quests like white 4Links and what not. now you can just cruise through all of the acts without having to actually grind certain areas. If anything early game is a lot more smoother than it use to be. |
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" Those changes were made for the existing players who cruise through it all anyway. I'd argue that removing and changing some of it actually removed some important learning time for new players. |
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"The strawpoll results must be a lie then. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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" I don't think he clicked on the poll :P Now the scientist in me is wondering how the results might have shifted if I didn't use such colorful language for options 1 and 4. =/ Edit: I knew when I structured it that the wording of (1) was going to have negative connotations, and the wording of (4) positive ones for this community given how GGG has marketed the game. It didn't occur to me then that people might try to derive valid results from the poll though. Last edited by innervation#4093 on May 21, 2016, 1:06:43 PM
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Id settle for a proper mini map and cross instance trading system.. oh wait
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
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Tutorial for poe:
1) Pick a weapon 2) Punch things hobo style... Advanced Tutorial: 1) Pick a weapon 2) Pick a gem 3) Punch and cast things hobo style IGN: PojzonAbyss [3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - [3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg [2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder [Retired] Last edited by eragon1111#0889 on May 21, 2016, 2:31:14 PM
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Directly answering to the thread title.
Yes. Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar |
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" PoE really needs one if the statistic that Chris tossed out in the State of Exile Podcast #51 that approximately half of all new players are stopping play of PoE at the first real boss fight, The Warden. Chris didn't elaborate enough on whether it's because of newbie ignorance of playing PoE or just the fact that these are just the free-to-play looky-loos that are trying out many FTP games each week and only devoting an hour to try a new game. There was a thread started by Sexcalibur on April 11: /global 101 : dedicated to help new comers with the game. Answers/Tricks/Mentoring that didn't gain any traction and may be revisited this summer that was an attempt to help new players. As a first effort I posted a quick walk through of The Twilight Strand: /global 101: PoE 101: Wraeclast Beginners Guide to Survival. The main problems of a player community 3rd party system of trying to help new players get past the Act 1 bosses and comfortably into Act 2 is that of new players not knowing and not wanting to find help. They just want to dive in and play and if they die at the hands of Brutus or Merveil very many times the typical attitude is probably something along the lines of "this is crap, I quit" and they move on to the next FTP game to try. I know there has to be a sizable % of new players that will try new games for a brief time and move on regardless of boss fight difficulty for them (for everyone else on a new build it's yawn going into the Normal Brutus and Merveil boss fights and a few minutes later we're on to the next zone). So the tutorial help new players need pretty much has to be in game on the F1 key so that newbies don't have to go outside of PoE (even if PoE launches a browser and takes them to the appropriate tutorial web page that is undesired by new players). I just don't see any other way that a new player will ever use any new player tips and help without it being build into PoE. "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..." Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on May 21, 2016, 2:06:55 PM
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