Some Ascendancy Statistics

Yes, more statistics. It's always nice to see what others are up to. Though it makes me wonder, is the cyclone-slayer a bad idea, or does it just look like a bad idea to most players ;)

The big problem I have with the labyrinth is time-commitment.
If it's meant to give players the choice to invest more time to explore more for more loot, fine, make it that. But at the moment it's random whether it takes me 20min to get through, or an 1hr20min. Too much, way too much.
A pretty straight path through to Izaro, with side areas for extra rewards and I wouldn't even mind the death to town and I'm uncoordinated as hell, making the traps a bit more dangerous than was probably intended. Is there a way to make the traps more logical? The impression from the small trials makes it look like there is a pattern to them you can find to get through unscathed. In the actual lab they seem to behave pretty much erratic.

Do the single areas have to be this big? I'm not sure what it adds to the experience to run around the equivalent of a courtyard map half a dozen times, without terribly much play content along the way. Even as a total pack rat, I will not run back to grab the scattered loot once I finally found the stash.
More stash access points? Pretty please? Maybe one per area? Yes, I mostly play this game to find and collect stuff, I hate leaving anything behind (hey, digital hoarding beats real-life mess any day ;)). The potentially big haul at the end doesn't make up for the many small "losses" along the way.

Ugh, I hope this doesn't sound like just another pile-on. I want to like the labyrinth, at the moment it's just more frustrating/tedious than fun (frustrating in a "challenge I want to beat" kinda way would be great).
Qarl wrote:
Catchafire2000 wrote:
Before nerfing and buffing classes, I think game performance should be looked at. No matter how much a class is buffed or nerfed, if my computer can't run the game it doesn't matter.

You'll be happy to know that game performance is being looked at. Some of the improvements will likely be put in when they can be (i.e. before 2.3.0 when any buffs or nerfs to Ascendancy classes would be put in). Other of the performance improvements may be longer term and will be put in later.

Also, different people will be looking at balance and performance.

Good to hear work for improvements and better performance, but very bad and sad to hear about nerf again.

I know that CoC and Caustic Arrow very popular and insane super strong like never, but you never ever taking or think about nerf there long time broken gems, but ascendancy nerf looks like would be crazy strong for no reason... Why so?
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Awesome data! :) Thanks for sharing. ++
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Catchafire2000 wrote:
Every damn build that HvC does gets fucking nerfed... He is becoming rather annoying.

Most of the time hvc dont make any special build... He just do the top op meta build like flameblast, voltaxic champ.
I really don't think the lab % will go up. The main problem with lab is that it's "random". First of all after each reset-zone-change-thing you have to lab the run again to find out the new way. This is the longest run because people go in blind and have no idea where to go, running around the zones looking for the right entrance. There is also high chance of dying, let's be honest here even though the traps are very easy to avoid it requires you to wait and slowly progress. Well 99.5% won't wait. This ain't mario-flipping-game this...PoE is about grinding, grinding fast. There is no time for wasting half of you playtime running around some flipping labyrinth looking for the right way to go and not dying. Only people who are more patient than "average" players will actually run it.

It's just too time-consuming and not enough rewarding. Ok, you be like you can get enchants on your gear KKK there are about 500 enchants good luck with running 1500 labs to get a single decent enchant on you gear.
Doing maps it's just less time consuming and more rewarding so there is really no point in lab.
Challenge stats please!
Psaakyrn wrote:
Kagari wrote:
I spent more than 50 hours now in Lunaris 1, i'm lvl 81 and yet, i have only 2 Sun guys need to do something about these card droprates :(

Divination cards are a cool addition to the game but it's completely butchered by their rarity. By the time i farmed 2 of these Sun cards, i've drop one phoenix shield and enough currency to buy around 1000 of them. The Sun is juts a single exemple from many other cards.

Or have Cadiro sell cards instead of pointless rare rings. I mean, uniques also more or less suffered the same issue until Cadiro came along..

Yeah, I mean, why even sell these rings?
Everybody can craft it from an alch and it will be cheaper than Cadiro's


Wow, only 6% for labyrinth :) I am stunned and at this point I wonder whether the devs are happy with this number.
New mute system is terrible - no trade...
Last edited by y3lw0rC#4020 on Mar 18, 2016, 8:05:23 AM
can you reduce the damage and life of merciless izaro? i know he should be really strong and be really rewarding but just think about it.. when you first go to act 3 in around level 63-67 he is impposible.. i have a flame totem magic find build and not only that i do almost no damage but also he is really close to kill me in one hit every time.. with EVERY attack, and my charecter is level 83.. i saw people have problems surviving he's attacks with 7K.. and 4k-6k could get oneshot.. why should he be hard to level 90 charecters when you get access to merciless labyrinth in level 63-67? what if you DONT want to be max hp charecter? what if these 2 extra ascendancy points would complete your defenses? he is too strong for new players and for most of the builds anyway.. i can fight hem for longer time, that's challenging but be aware of everything he is doing? that's too much. and what about these super-fast waves he is sending? i can't react to these and they are doing so much damage.. nerf hem please.

And lets not forget that the Labrynth was designed with softcore players in mind. GGG has stated that they wanted to give SC players a taste of the adrenaline rush that HC players have; well, this is all fine and dandy but it made it exponentially more difficult for HC players...
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!

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