Some Ascendancy Statistics
" It isn't that Pathfinder is a "pro player" class. It's that her power is completely gated behind sustaining utility flasks and her key node--the surgeon's node, got wrecked. Furthermore, almost any build that can work with a pathfinder can work more consistently with another class--such as the champion. When the pathfinder was first released, it was also thought that the class would be somewhat mediocre until you got unique flasks--then ToH and especially Vinktar got completely hosed. Blade vortex hits half as often, so that's another nerf to abusing surgeon's on those flasks. Basically, there's just no real reason to take pathfinder anymore. |
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" I've been playing Berserker because I wanted more damage for 2H (Slayer would have been an option as well.) Now at some point I'm just sick of dying so I end up running my 5L AoE Earthquake with fortify, which still does enough damage. If I would have chosen champion, I could replace that fortify gem with a nice damage support (e.g. Melee Physical Damage) which would overall result in more damage and more survivability than what I'm doing now as Berserker. I guess it would be very similar as Slayer: Unless you absolutely need that extra AoE, Champion might be the better choice. |
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So why are people farming Solaris? That seems like one of the last places I'd want to farm. If for no other reason than it's the second worst frame rate in the game (sometimes less than 1 FPS).
As far as the Lab, I like doing lab runs. I can't really give a reason, I just like it. I don't like the traps though. I just don't like timed stuff, and usually completely avoid games like that. I get by because I can tank the traps pretty well if I stay reasonable about it. I just run through them for the most part. I can see the lab getting old after a while though. I'm not one for farming or repetition. I'd rather just start new character. I assume there will be a race season coming up, so lengthy lab runs will probably come to a halt. I agree with others, there needs to be some kind of WP or way to save your progress. For casual play, the lab is way too much investment in time to do in one run. |
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" I don't know, for solo players not so much. After some consideration, my first specced LL character is Occultist. It was quite easy choice, as she was VB 2 curse anyway. 9 PCs and additional chaos damage is veery nice. Anticipation slowly dissipates...
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thx GGG for the stats could you pls post the "same" data in one month from now on and with the old and new stats? therefore we could see the shift in those numbers! that would be freaking awesome... something i guess is pretty odd that 40% of time spend is in normal - otherwise the first char always takes longer than the others...
another point intresting thing would be the most common: attack skills spells support gems aura gems |
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Path of champions. Interesting.
Are you working on making Izaro fight possible for people with not high-end computers? It's not easy to fight with random 5 second screen freezes. "What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
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" Labyrinth is funny as hell. It's a beautiful fun place to spend 20 minutes of happiness. I enjoy it sooo much. But... end-game content? Nope. After 20 minutes killing and running you only get less than 2% exp, tier 1 map drops, low ilvl items, restricted currency drop and an useless enchant (oh, thx for that earthquake on my archer helmet, or elemental weakness duration -duration????, really?- or any other weird mod). I DO LOVE labyrinth, but it's just for fun, not a serious end-game content. Only 1 time got a good farming there, after getting a storm that made all drops corrupted. Farmed about 60 alts and 15 alchs in just a few minutes. |
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" Unfortunately all is said... |
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" it's just about what you like more - perma end charges or perma fortify No rest for the wicked
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Is pathfinder really that bad??
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