SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" Absolutely nothing in this game requires solo play, why would the lab be different in that?
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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Lab is equally doable by all character build types, you guys say so yourselves.
Ascension shouldn't be something bought. It requires hard SOLO work by all nolifers and casuals alike. You want this power for free on a silver platter? |
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" Ofcourse it doesn't dear goet. How could it not be consistent or according to the lore? GGG made that change afterall! I mean sure those dudes the ezomyte and the eternal, one of them was a guide for a three-room labyrinth and there were no traps at all there the first time, but they were still so afraid of them... I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
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" That's what I've been saying. This isn't a solution to the problem, this is what you get when you push them with polls and two syllable comments, it's "aw, crap, let's just appease the mob until they stop yelling, my head hurts". Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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" I read it 3 times and i'm not sure if its humor,trolling or english isn't his first language. |
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" But half the poop is still on the door. I want it all gone. <just saying the crap to the final UBER duper lab is boring and the fight sucks, until that's gone the poop is on the door, adding this for our english is a second language friends> Last edited by Zalhan2#1986 on Jul 9, 2017, 3:42:43 AM
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Its an ARPG lore is even less valued by 99% of the population than a RPG. If you want lore play an adventure game.
Your not playing a game with multiple video dialogues and meaningful decisions. If I want a functional story I'll play a telltale game or one of those games where you move the story with your actions. This is POE and be honest after doing the LAB 20 times does anyone really give a shit about the lore. If you do, in 5 years, by the 1000 time you ran the lab, you will see the text and hear the words in your head and scream "MAKE IT STOP" Oh and "DON"T BE SHELLFISH!!!!!" Thanks ggg for ruining lobster. Last edited by Zalhan2#1986 on Jul 9, 2017, 3:49:18 AM
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" Yeah, you do want it all gone, but quite a few of your comrades will take the bone, I imagine. That's why I've been asking if you're ok with this, they're chipping off your support for a more meaningful change. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs. ◄[]► ◄[]► Last edited by raics#7540 on Jul 9, 2017, 3:51:39 AM
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" Your wrong there is no change. There is nothing behind the door. The GGG lovers said, no proclaimed, no guaranteed there would NEVER be a change and pleaded with GGG to lock this thread to prevent the "Haters" from wasting their time posting here. After all apparently if you like the LAB you must read this thread and make false proclamations and maybe occasionally be wrong. Last edited by Zalhan2#1986 on Jul 9, 2017, 3:54:30 AM
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" Time to debunk that bunch of c*** there, now that I have actually seen those videos, time to point out all of the bad faith/lies in that ..... Krips' video : He is literally annoyed by bugs, which have absolutely nothing to do with the design of the lab: - double crash on one instance ( This is a beta, as a reminder, and it apparently got fixed ) - the fact that there is no warning before using a TP, which is very odd since there is one in the current version of the lab, and GGG removing it does not make much sense, it could have just been forgotten. And what can we see from his video while he is running, and after he's done running it ? Satisfaction on his face, we can see Kripp smiling. At worst, he was amused. And you call that .... "public disgust" ??? *sigh* Oh my god, that's so freaking low, I won't use the needed adjectives to qualify that because it would go against the terms of use of the forum. Plus, he is struggling in it because he is at equal level, and undergear ( and has 8 not allocated passive points at the start or so ) Mathil's video : He uses the term "shit" literally 3 times : "how this *shit* is rather annoying / challenging / long / slow / fast" "jump over some shit" "don't care about shit" In a 8 min video only for the lab, only one of the three uses concerns the lab directly, and it's obviously very far from being annoying enough to keep him from running the lab. Let's say that compared to some here (including you, obviously), his dislike of the lab is close to nothing, even though it is there. ProjectPT's video : So that's another blatant lie there again, Chris exactly answers the question, and if there is something that is "alienating" an older demographic over a new one, that would be the clear speed meta, by the way. *sigh* Let's quote Phox here to show how silly your claims where, again : ( Pohx being someone that does not enjoy lab generally, but really welcomes those changes ) : "I personally really enjoy that" "I do not mind that in any kind of way, compared to what it was before" *sigh* It's like you have not even watched any of those videos ... overall ... /facepalm. " Exactly, and it now makes more sense considering that the 3 difficulties are going away. " GGG is encouraging group play, and there are specific supporting builds, that are good with other characters .... for the whole game. Trying to suggest that the lab should be a solo-only experience and put those players at a clear disadvantage ... is stupid at best. So yes, overall, it seems like they are watering down the content for normal+cruel lab, which is a bit of a pity, and at the same time, having the lab getting progressively longer makes more sense with the 10 acts system, and with Uber likely staying as it is ... being the main lab farming area (merc could be the same also, not sure), shortening the normal + cruel really isn't that much of a big deal. It's likely worth it overall. Plus it will likely appease most lab dislikers, while he same circle jerking group will stay on the forum obviously. And so far, "we've" (at least I have) been saying that the Ascendancy Points would stay with the lab, as would the traps. And it has been true all along, and will likely just stay that way. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Jul 9, 2017, 5:23:05 AM