SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" Not your style, right. You know that I'm not doing anything wrong disagreeing with you, so if you did report me, you'd do yourself more harm than me. Come on man, at least be man enough to let it go if you can't admit that you're wrong. Manners have nothing to do with this. I am not putting up an attitude, I am actively disagreeing with you. Just like you are actively trying to ruin this part of the game for me. I won't stand for it. Once again, hopefully for the last time, deal with it. Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. |
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" He is, all of them are, this thread is their way of dealing with the existence of labyrinth. Gotta say I even admire it a bit, these threads are an epitome of faith and persistence. " Yeah, you know, if we offhandedly put it all into numbers, there's what, 10 points for uber trial RNG, 40 points for the annoyance of traps, trials and having to do it all in one go, 30 points for the boss encounter and we get 80 effort points. As a point of comparison, we could give elemental Breachlord domains some 60 effort points for the shard collecting + monster gauntlet + boss encounter, but the snag is they force you into a specific playstyle and some builds are very poorly suited for it. There's more than one way to deal with traps and Izaro, you can go fast but you can also do it really slow and careful, even with naturally sluggish chars with no movement skills or low dps chars that take ages to kill Izzy. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs. ◄[]► ◄[]► Last edited by raics#7540 on Jan 25, 2017, 6:41:31 AM
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" My solution was specifically countering this phenomenon. The battle would ALWAYS be reset every time you entered that combat room, to the condition Izaro was in at the END of the previous encounter, not his "current battle HP". This would be a change to how the Labyrinth works. I'd even say these are a new type of waypoint that are part of the Izaro encounter, and saved to your character differently than a normal waypoint in the game that only keeps track of a location. So, even despite actual server instance crashes, you could potentially continue, using this waypoint system. " These are my previous posts in this thread that go into the trap focus and how it's different gameplay than the rest of the game. |
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" It is, I suppose it was apparent as a potential pitfall point #1 as soon as we saw the video reveal. You play PoE because it offers a type of gameplay you like and the kind you expect from a good online ARPG. Traps are a significantly different concept from the rest of the game, many similar titles have traps of sorts but trap gauntlets do not play a prominent role unless it's an adventure style game like Nox. So, the main problem is this - you drew a crowd that likes the classic online ARPG content, if you introduce trap gauntlets you're left with a portion of the original playerbase that likes the concept of traps or is at least indifferent to them. If we assume you need to like at least half of the game to play it and PoE is 'monster bashing + theorycrafting + trading' traps might push you below 50%. If I take myself as an example this is how the grading system works if we use 1-5 as hate - like scale. monster bashing - 3 (neutral) theorycrafting - 5 (like) trading - 2 (somewhat dislike) traps - 3 (neutral) So, the sum is 13, which is still above the midpoint of 12, if I hated traps it would drop the score to 11 and I would leave the game. True, it's a simplified way to look at things but it does illustrate a point. What's your score? :) Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs. ◄[]► ◄[]► Last edited by raics#7540 on Jan 25, 2017, 8:21:34 AM
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monster bashing - 5 (like)
theorycrafting - 5 (like a lot if I could go higher than 5) trading - 1 (dislike) (with minor adjustments this could be a 3) traps - 1 (dislike) (with changes from my most recent suggestion, could be a 4) Puts me at 12 (with a potential 17) |
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So today's announcement was pretty interesting. Dan and Josiah's take on labyrinth and what worked/didnt while they were making it.
The presentation amongst other things mentions : - The Prison had some of the earliest gauntlets we designed. This one is affectionately nicknamed the "Frogger" gauntlet. (deleted shortly after) - Very Different from our usual content - Traps deal percentage damage so that is equal for ALL - We expect movement skill but can not require players to use them - Normal PoE combat only sometimes plays well with traps, we insulate monsters a bit from trap zones And as some kind of conclusion -Know the limitations of your game : Our constraints aren't the same as your constraints -Know your players' capabilities and playstyles : How does the weakest player fare? How does the strongest? -Watch how people play and listen to their Feedback : Target any added difficulty at the most powerful playstyles Amongst those points they also decided to put some pictures in it, one of their choices was Prince of Persia (yes the original game i also mention in the opening post in one of the spoilers) plus from the Super Metroid another (absolutely amazing) arcade 90's game. So first things first, now the rest of you lot (yes you) can understand what we mean by DIFFERENT gameplay inspired and in some cases copy pasted from ARCADE games with run&jump mechanics only. They literally are paying tribute to 80 and 90 arcade games. The idea of everyone is the same regarding the damage that takes from traps is arcade in nature too. Your choices in defences DONT MATTER in an ARPG? Since when? Thats ok though since the lab isnt an ARPG is it? Its a game inside another game. Without movement skills some gauntles are literally IMPOSSIBLE to pass without getting hit. Not very bright design. And since lab has nothing to do with normal poe combat lets put monsters after a gauntlet for fask refil. And then comes the conclusion, the only on that matters from the three, the first one, since both the 2nd and the 3rd are the company's approach to the game balancing and reworking. Know the limitations of your game : Our constraints aren't the same as your constraints Dear GGG, fortunately we know our limitations, and lab aint even close to what we consider barely possible. It is not even a part of the game we want to see removed, we are happy you choose to go in different ways and copied pasted 80's games, we grew up with those games. We are happy some of your players have the chance to have a taste of frogger and contra and prince of persia. You speak of limitations and constraints but you put those in your game for literally no apparent reason, why force players to experience a totally different kind of game just to optimize their character? What would be SO gamebreaking if there were other options to gain those points and lab was just another optional content, which by the way is the most rewarding in the game as well and people still dont do it in the levels/quantity you though so. You put an arcade gate to an arpg core characteristic, and a boring and allienating gate as well, that takes some commitment. Maybe - since SSF will be a thing after 3-4 years of forum spamming - we can also hope in 2020 that there will be some consideration to the things mentioned in the OP or even straight up put some of those suggestions in the game. There is nothing wrong with more options, is there? Anyway glad to see at least something regarding the labyrinth even at that minimum scale, which by the way totally confirms paragraphs II, III and IV in the OP making them completely solid/legit for the people around here who like to bash and crap all over the legitimacy of our complaints. Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions Last edited by Regulator#4587 on Jan 25, 2017, 9:34:00 AM
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" They put an insane amount of power around something that requires you to leave a bit of your comfort zone in order to gain that insane amount of power. They put it behind something that isn't as simply as just getting TP in at the end and getting carried. Yes, someone can do the boss encounter for you, but that is the same for the rest of the game as well, they took important aspects of the "regular gameplay" and ensured it was still semi possible inside the lab. You call it boring all you want, that isn't a legitimate reason to change how you obtain the most powerful character bonus you can get for your character, perhaps outside of gear. You keep asking the question of "what does it hurt to just make them available in another way", if GGG did this for all content in the game then we would never get a new piece of content again or if we did it would take designing multiple fronts and severely slowdown the amount of content we get. Your #1 crusader started to complain about the lab and go all gun hoe before he even completed merciless lab. I'm absolutely baffled on how you think its ok to have people that just approach anything "different" with such an attitude. As said for the 100th time traps are not new to ARPG games. The traps as people like to say are actually usually the easier parts of lab, the hardest parts would be knowledge of how to progress in the right direction and ensuring the boss does not get overbuffed for build you are doing. I'm somewhat surprised that GGG added the SSF thing, considering it was gaining popularity not only because of streamers but because the game's droprates and power accessibility is too high for the game to be the proper hardcore ARPG game that it once was. The support, I hope, is not something that GGG spent too much time on considering the community was already tracking the ladder of SSF characters, it just followed the honor system, which in a SSF type of situation doesn't "really" matter because cheating to get a competitive advantage is just cheating yourself, there are no prizes for SSF. However, it does seem interesting because a similar amount of effort could have been placed on custom leagues instead, which not only would allow the SSF type of thing, but also allow for a more hardcore style league to be designed. " More options takes more dev time, both from a balance standpoint and a time standpoint, furthermore the perception of which is better will create the same sort of divisiveness we see today. If the alternative to AC points is not easier, given freely or whatever your personal view of how they should be rewarded, then you still get complaints, while compromising game design in the process.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" monster bashing - 5 (like) theorycrafting - 4 (somewhat like) trading - 3 (neutral) traps - -1 (boring, tedious and irritating) So, the sum is 11 and I don't play anymore. Hey it worked! Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" Well you can't possibly play anymore because you spend all of your time shitposting on the forums about how much you think the lab is boring. Lets not forget maintaining your "massive" list takes a significant amount of time and effort as well.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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There are understandably those younger fellas/ladies that have no idea of games and their history and ofcourse they find the lab "refreshing". For the rest, older base of poe :
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thats what lab feels like, an annoyance, a game copy pasted from the golden age of arcades and implemented inside another COMPLETELY different game and playstyle, and on top of that IT IS THE PREREQUISITE to get MANDATORY character progression SKILLS. Its quite difficult to say on game from another is some situations aint it? GGG add alternatives, DONT PUNISH and DISRESPECT your players by putting allienating MANDATORY content inside the ARPG, we came here FOR THE ARPG POE NOT THE ARCADE XBOX CONSOLE ONE. Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions Last edited by Regulator#4587 on Jan 25, 2017, 10:09:53 AM
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