SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" He said for niche builds, every single build I've done and all my guild mates have done are able to do the lab. It has not limited a single one of my build. The fact of the matter is if you say it limits builds, but dont say why as if we are suppose to automatically know what you are playing is just stupid as fuck. I'd appreciate it if you would actually contribute anything to the conversation other then useless 1 line comments that serve no purpose. FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. Last edited by goetzjam#3084 on Jul 15, 2016, 1:07:45 PM
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" That's what you said and it's wrong. I've posted proof. So apologise. Do it. I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
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I'm only matching the intellectual content of your arguments. If you want a more serious discussion, then stop insulting people's intelligence and step up your game. Make arguments that stand on their own merits instead of just trying to tear down everyone else's. Your anecdotal evidence is not more valid than theirs, but you try to treat it as if it is. Why don't you start there?
Tired of trolls? Ignore them. Last edited by Albinosaurus#7360 on Jul 15, 2016, 1:13:37 PM
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" You posted "proof" of something on page 111, I posted proof of what I said on page 132 supporting my claim. Even if what was said on page 111 you are interpreting as me saying no changes ever to the lab, my statements since are CLEAR that I do indeed support changes that keep AC in the lab. You are knowingly posting incorrect information now.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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The only way for Lab to keep ACs and not be shit is to remove traps. Anything else should move ACs out of the Lab.
Tired of trolls? Ignore them. |
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" I don't have to do uber labyrinth to know that it is utter horrible tedium that is boring and not fun, just like I didn't have to do merciless labyrinth to know that it is tedious boring and not fun. After all the purpose of normal as well as the trials is to "train". It gives plenty of foreshadowing to know that it would be horrible, tedious, boring, and not fun. PLaying through the Merciless labyrinth and coming to the same conclusion proves that people that "hate" the lab might actually know their own minds better than you know their minds. Now we can add "fucking business" to the list of your special expertise, "fucking power", "fucking lab", and "fucking discussions". " Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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It's simply his favorite tactic, ad hominem. That's why he stalks people's character lists, achievements, challenges, etc. He's not interested in the argument. He never was.
Tired of trolls? Ignore them. |
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" Funny enough you say that because I'm not opposed to basically having 2 version of the lab, one is trap based, like the current lab, the other is more maze like, or gather various materials before advancing, the one not based around traps as a challenge, would still have traps in the boss room and perhaps thematically thru the lab, but the traps wouldn't be obsticles, just around there for thematic purposes. It is only logical that the traps remain in the last boss room, seeing as that is part of the challenge. This isn't to say that if you come up with a way to make the boss fight more challenging that it would still need to be necessary, but something would have to replace the traps in the last boss room and considering the interaction between the boss fight in the traps is important as well. " To the contrary, I'm more interested because I go out of my way to figure out why you come to those conclusions. FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. Last edited by goetzjam#3084 on Jul 15, 2016, 2:09:44 PM
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" I see, why are you supporting them now? Did you have sex and are feeling generous or something? I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready. Last edited by Pyrokar#6587 on Jul 15, 2016, 2:12:32 PM
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" And the range is 4 minutes to 2 hours. So what does that tell us now? Do you think the majority is as good as the best 10 people in here? Because the others needed 20+ minutes and 16-24 needed 45+ minutes. So I guess Chris estimation is not so bad for an "avarage run". Just because SOME people manage it in 10 minutes doesn't mean that those guys stand for the avarage. So you are the only one who isn't logical here, because you take the best people from the ladder as proof that lab doesnt take 45 minutes, while there are indeed people on the ladder who need that long (which you completely ignore in your statements about ladder being proof). " I liked PoE even before we had one-click-everything-dies builds. I loved poe without CoC or EQ. I liked it without the uniques that enabled those OP builds. And the game was hard enough before they introduced all this stuff (many people avoided Merciless Dominus, because he was really hard). The problem is, GGG lost track of balance at some point and now they try to bring "challenging" content that is completely not in line with the classic gameplay. So instead of trying to get back their original balancing, they gate stuff behind lab, where players prediction and movement is tested. I just think that was a mistake, because many players got used to the PoE gameplay and liked it that way. They should have introduced the lab first (without AC points) and should have taken a look if people really like that content. Without the AC points, the participation rate in lab would have been a good indicator if the community wants to play the lab or not and THEN they should have added the AC points (either behind lab, if people actually liked the content or somewehre else if they didnt). They should just nerf CoC and make balance-changes to certain uniques. They also should scale down skills like EQ a little bit, because they are just to strong. That's why everyone plays them. Clearspeed is everything in the current meta and that's just not healthy for this game. And with the AC classes, clearspeed became even more important... And I think you are wrong at one thing: Yes, GGG does not have to develop the game in order to appeal to people who like D3, but they should try to cater people who played PoE since it's beginning. Those, who spent money and made PoE successful. These players are their core playerbase. Ignoring them like they do now can lead to a serious image damage at some point. Robocraft is another game who recently did a massive change to the game and people started to hate on the game. If you go on steam now, you can see that the user votes have drastically changed since then. PoE is still good in steam, but this can change very fast if GGG takes some more wrong steps that don't appeal to many of the core-playerbase. That's how this business works, especially for online games: If you try to hard to develop a game that you envision without listening to your playerbase, you will mess up. " That's why I made this thread: But I guess that thread didn't have enough flame/rage to get enough attention. About rewarding experience: Well, I prefer having no experience but a reward then having a boring experience with a reward. Getting my AC points after Malachai would speed up the character progression alot (and many people ask for progression speed anyway), since I dont have to struggle through the labyrinth (or pay for the rush). If I ever feel like it, I can still do the lab, but then I can at least avoid this boring/annoying content entirely if I dont want to do it. And then it would also make sense to finaly finish the story line completely (killing merc malachai). If the AC points are really the only reason why 99% of the player actually play the lab, then the lab is a failure in my opinion, since the lab itself should be a fun experience and not the reward at the end. " But where is your proof that he meant initially? I also play League of Legends and the developer says that a round takes 45 minutes at avarage. Most of my games are finished after 30 minutes and then there are still some rounds that take 45 minutes or longer. How long a lab run takes does not only depend on players skill, it also heavily depends on the layout (number of ways, doors, difficulty of trap sequences etc.). So while there are people who can do it in 10 minutes, there are also times when they need longer. And now think about players who dont do labyrinth 5 hours a day (like those who offer rushes or have characters designed for doing lab). Your ladder is a good example that some DO need the 45 minutes or even longer then that. " But I need the AC points? Lol... How hard is that to understand, that PoE is all about character progression and that AC classes are as important as good equipment? AC classes are build defining, you can't just ignore it... " They dont? I remember the big threads about free allocation of loot. People flamed each other and all sides had some arguments. In the end, GGG decided to give the options free4all, perm allocation and pseudo perm allocation. So while GGG may not be very vocal in this matter, those threads still show that many are unsatisfied and GGG may adress this at some point. If no one would complain, they would never had a reason to change anything at all. " Bullshit. I dont support pre-leveled characters and I dont pay for my piety/dom/mal kills. I do the content by myself as good as I can. Like I said above, I played the game when it was really hard and bosses where challanging. Today, you can have 0% cold res and facetank Mervail in norm. Even in cruel you can easily survive her with 0% res. That's the problem: The story-content is not challanging at all. I would prefer challanging story content that feels rewarding and get the AC points at the end of act 4 then facerolling through the content just to get to the point of doing maps. I'm by no means a good player and I know that, because I dont play enough and dont have enough motivation to level up my characters to 85+, so I never did the high tier maps. But that doesnt mean I want to faceroll everything. I just dont want to feel bored when playing the game and lab does let me feel bored, sadly. " many people already said desync/lag is a deadly problem in lab and that super accurate gameplay is a no-ogo for online games. I dont expect you to have read all the 170+ pages, but the arguments were already made before. And the problem is, that the content is boring (not just for me). Dodging traps and having to spent 40 minutes in one swoop without being able to tp is a nogo for me in PoE. When I do maps, I have at least 6 portals for me, so maps are kinda forgiving if you need to tp out, but the lab doesnt work that way and forces me to play an entirely different game. If I want to dodge traps and pull levers, then there are much better games out there with such content. " It's like saying if school wouldn't be rewarding, you wouldn't go to school. In order to be successful in life, you have to do the school in order to get your school report. But that doesnt change the fact that school doesnt feel rewarding for many children. They just have to do it. Same goes for AC points: If I want to have a good strong character, I have to do the lab and get my AC points in the end. It doesn't feel rewarding. The only thing I feel after doing the lab is "finaly I got over this shit and can go on". But I dont expect you to understand this, since you like the lab and cant put yourself in people who dont enjoy it... " 2c for norm lab, 3c for cruel lab, 4c for merc lab and 6c for uber lab. Sometimes people offer the run cheaper, but you may have to wait to get those prices. And while 15c is cheap for you, it isnt for others. Like I said: You are not the avarage and you shouldn't think that you speak for the avarage. |
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