SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" Yah sure go nuts! |
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" Well. yes to be fair, they have: " " The charitable interpretation is that GGG doesn't want to come off half-cocked on this issue and make some comments they would regret later. (And if they've decided irrevocably that they're not going to change things, why not say so?) The less charitable interpretation is that GGG has simply adopted an ostrich-with-its-head-in-the-sand posture (especially since the anti-lab threads on the official feedback forum at reddit died down a long time ago). Either way, the total silence from GGG on hiding ascendancy classes behind the lab is a telling indicator of how serious the issue is. Proud member of the Vocal Minority
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" Stop with the BS a second, none of the people bitching about lab find it trivial, otherwise they would not come and waste time bitching about it here. And yeah, you can pretend that you find it trivial, it's just absolutely not credible. " lol are you actually being serious ? You are attacking him saying that he claims to know everything ( which is not true, just show me where he says that - you can't ), and then you throw a ridiculous "I know that" out of your *** ? Progressing to the next act is a reward already, you are allowed to continue with the main story line. People wanting rewards rewards rewards rewards ... jeez it's ridiculous. " I guess because it would crush the "hope" of the bitching players and would eventually make them quit faster if anything ? And if there is a change of mind later on, no point scealing everything here and now. " Now you can remove all players that do not reach merciless to start with. Then you can remove all players that watch streams but seldom have time to play. And then we will have real st.... no we won't. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Jul 14, 2016, 12:26:58 AM
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" Well that would be a good thing all around. You wouldn't have to read anymore negative feedback (or, as you prefer to call it, "bitching") about the lab, and I would be able to abandon PoE and go on to something else. Proud member of the Vocal Minority
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" See ? Apart from the "point of no return" like effect, how would that be good for them ? I agree it would not such a nice thing to do though. But we can't know exactly anyway. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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" I'm not doing GGG any good clogging up their game servers or continuing to waste my breath posting negative feedback on their forums if they have (as is pretty likely) no intention of changing things. For sure, I won't be buying any more stash tabs, or any other microtransactions, unless I have a clear idea from them of what they plan to do with ascendancy classes and the lab. Proud member of the Vocal Minority
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" It is not BS. It is true for me as i am a Pro Mario Player. It might not be true for other people, but other people die to normal brutus or something. From an experienced player's perspective: I'd rather do merciless labyrinth than merciless malachai in terms of difficulty as it is way easier. In terms of fun factor give me merc malachai everyday. And yea it's not bad design to put the points on malachai. Not because you don't like it. You can say you don't like it because it would hurt your hardcore ego or something but that's it. The design is good and can be implemented in a way that will hurt no one. The labyrinth will not go to waste either. Map lab will always be run and personally, since i am a Pro Mario Player, i will be doing merc lab instead of merc malachai. I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
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See ?
Mentioning Mario => BS category. Simple as that. Of course, you are a pro mario player .... great ! But as your sign tells, you are trolling anyway, so w/e, right ? Never said that it was bad design to put it on Malachai btw. I would definitely prefer having the points gated by a dedicated boss, because you need to fight for that ridiculous power creep, yes. However, like somebody else in this thread, I believe that since it's and act boss, it won't have any reward else than finishing the quest and continuing with the story. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Jul 14, 2016, 1:49:00 AM
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You are just jelly of my Pro Mario Player skills. It's fine. People want what they can't have.
And who said my sign is about me? Also things can change. A lot. The lab proves it. Why does it upset you if they change that when they changed more fundamental things. Makes no sense and i don't care either. Seems a lot like hypocrisy. Spooderman iz aout. I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
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It would just be sad if PoE just freely gives away such powercreep, it has gone quite far from what it originally was ( design was, the brutal wraeclast ) already, I started PoE for that aspect and I liked it, and I still like it.
But if it keeps going powercreep + assisted game elements everywhere, I will probably get bored. As long as the lab is a threat, and can just kill you if you are not paying attention, I don't mind having it changed with more puzzles or stuff like this. I would rather have GGG focusing on something else though, there are muuuuuuch more urgent matter to solve in PoE atm than listening to lab haters. You know the meaning of "signature" right ? If you are quoting somebody else without mention well ... SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Jul 14, 2016, 2:08:29 AM