ZiggyD Reveals the Scion Ascendancy Class: The Ascendant

Templar can put out 1 more totem than the heirophant scion?
Just another Forum Signature in a Sea of Signatures.
fapfapfapfapfapfapfap o yes
I already started theorycrafting just for fun but I already misunderstood something

the "+1 passive skill point" refers to the standard tree passives and not ascendancy passives

I thought I could get 2 additional starting points, was going for marauder + ranger (and ignoring scion) but you can only get scion + 1 other

well this is much less good than I though...
Still not enough to make me want to listen the scion lol
This is one of the best noob trap ever and reading the comments many got already caught
"The exodus of humanity in search of a new home? It is like spreading a virus in the healthy space."
Interesting....time to start theory-crafting.
In other words, if u have a build that requires u to travel the other side of the tree = Roll a Scion instead.

For Example = Blood Magic Fakener Shadow = Might as well make a Scion for it.

RIP my BM shadow Fakener. Wtb class reset/sex change.
Last edited by Darkkrows#6635 on Feb 25, 2016, 11:48:54 PM
Soooo what is it? Im all for streamers "revealing" things but it would be nice if you could post a small write up of whats being revealed. I have 0 interest in watching/listening to these guys.

So shes an Ascendant, what does that do?
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing how they will do the new skill tree, since the Scion will require special treatment.

Please GGG if you see this, implement radius circles for the different sized jewels (I know there other sites that offer all this but still).

Interesting take on the "set in stone" choice of the different Ascendancy classes for the Scion, I wonder how many of them will be able to compliment each other.
To GGG: can you change some ascendancy subclass to make explosive arrow more comfort and uses? I mean GGG developers forgot about explosive arrow at all when create there subclass and balance game. The damage from EA garbage and need expensive gear, but caustic arrow got so many mechanics and multipliers everywhere and instant damage, while explosive arrow don't have any of there, so could you GGG do something to increase it damage and change ascendancy subclass suit more ea.

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