ZiggyD Reveals the Scion Ascendancy Class: The Ascendant
WTH!!!!!!!! so cool
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I'm more annoyed with how the Life "Wheel" of the Scion is a Hammer while the Evasion and Energy Shield are Hourglass ones.
Just another Forum Signature in a Sea of Signatures.
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Nice!!! So guess what I am rolling first....Scion!
Been a long while since I played a scion, looking foreward to this. | |
fuck that shit, still gonna be Chieftain dual RF totem, breaking the law!
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Gentlemen Prefer Scions. GG.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
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lol I swear there is a reason I've only made 77 posts since 2011. Practically every time I do I get some of the most hostile, condescending, and just plain obnoxious responses I'm asking a simple question or just giving an opinion on something newly added.
I ask for comments on my build and get told I need to "change my attitude" for like no fucking reason I can discern. Now, it seems that all the people that can see the potential of this class are falling for a noob trap? Why because YOUR build is better served with another choice? Well no shit, it isn't for everyone. But if you like playing the game for FUN, and like weird unusual builds then it can be cool. Just because you value certain things your build uses over others, and could get better synergies with other classes doesn't mean other people aren't willing to take a lesser version of those passives to be able to grab stuff from another class too. The whole "your opinion is obnoxious, take it elsewhere you god damn idiot" attitude of this forum is getting toxic lately. |
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"You have phasing and onslaught while on full frenzy charges"
You know what? This is even more useful that Raider. You can have semi-perma onslaught and phasing as long as you are on full frenzy charges. It is time for frenzy build to shine. You can also enjoy the 2% dodge without paying the armor/es/block penalty. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Last edited by WillisTheWillis#5253 on Feb 26, 2016, 2:19:16 AM
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This is is just ... uhm wut rip poe rip champs. Everyone will play only Scion now. And this broke the game wtf soo overpowered champ
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Berserker 1.5% life leach all damage? including spells?
Free 7L rip Life Leach Gem. |
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ppl say noob trap and others say OP
but seriously the scion favors tree power instead of special power like crits, elemental, curses, block, whatsoever. The point is that the scion can have more points of the tree and spread them widely apart (especially when taking 'Path of the *classX*') The tradeoff is: Do you favor raw power of a certain mechanic or do you want more of the passive tree. This fits the theme of the scion very well but I think that its too weak! Why? Because lateral traveling through starting areas of nearby classes is not too expensive in terms of passive points and the specialized ascendancy classes look very strong -> no real point in going scion (very extraordinary and goofy builds excluded) Suggestion: change the scion's ascendancy point requirement such that she can get 2 ascendancies of other classes while also getting the starting area of one of those 2. The Scion would still remain very versatile ovarall OR If you go 'Ascendancy class1'(cost: 3 points) and 'Path of class1' (cost: 2 addtional points) -> then you should be able to spend your last ascendancy point in a second specialization of 'Ascendancy class1' -> no waste of asc. point and represents the specialization into that 'class1' [the wording of 'Path of class1' could include "you can choose a second Ascendancy of this class"] -> would be great! Last edited by ANGELofDESPAIR#6508 on Feb 26, 2016, 2:40:19 AM
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