Massively Overpowered reveals the Marauder Ascendancy Class: The Chieftain
You can becouse you burn not ignite during RF.
What we need from chieftan is + 5 to max fire resistance thats all :). Last edited by pro_zealot#2547 on Feb 19, 2016, 8:53:28 AM
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" I really hope you are trolling...sure the gladiator get nothing aside the 100% block applied to spell and + 10 block + boost damage based on blocked attacks/spells, the champion get ONLY perma fortify with 20% increased effect and the slayer is immune to stun with perma leech and can use single target attack with splash effect, like flicker strike if you get what i mean... The juggernaut is the weakest among all the ascendancy class, what bring on the table? lots of armor/physical resist and 1,6%(LOL) life regen? Zero damage, zero mobility and not a single game changing node, have fun making a build with it IGN: crazyjake, ,BadAndAngry Last edited by crazyjake#2300 on Feb 19, 2016, 9:29:14 AM
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totem righteous fire hype?
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" As you saw in the video you can use it. They changed the wording a while ago because of this. "Righteous Fire |
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Don't make Fortify necessary. Just reduce the monster damage back down. It's stupid that GGG increased it, then gave us fortify. By practically the same amount too.
Make mana costs of skills cheaper by 70 percent. Clarity is bad, mana is bad. EB Mom zo is terrible. Fix leech, both life and mana. More, and faster. Remove Vaal Pact entirely. It's your main contention with leech anyway, just nix it. Increase the max resistance for casters, increase physical reduction for melee chars. Adding worthwhile implicit mods with only 1 active per char easily solve this. Plus, it's thematic. Buff the crap out of chest pieces. Double or more on all the stats. Uniques are too easy to abuse... still. Can we get a good defensive and offensive aura that aren't Grace and Hatred? They are too ubiquitous. How about split auras? 1 percent life regen and 2 k flat armor for example. Please change the entire tree. For real, the tree is the least changed it's been in about 2 years. Every build feels and looks the same. Every pathing is the same. Increase the amount of dex/int/str that each little pathing node gives the player. 12+ is a good start. 15 would be better. It's extremely painful trying to get enough int to be crit while playing ranger... and what ranger isn't going crit? On that same thought, how about crit and non crit specific nodes for damage increases? For example, a + 50 percent damage and 10 AS but you can't crit, have a few nodes with drawbacks but big bonuses. They make the game more fun to plan. The new skills with the theme of "it casts like 4 seconds after you do it, well after everything has already hit you, also after you are dead, and they all move past that point." Are poorly designed. Too slow. It's a speed game, always had been. The quantity of life nodes necessary for making builds greatly reduces the diversity, i.e. fun, that is available. Give more life, either in nodes or in player life. Or, just take the first suggestion and reduce the damage back down. Fix tooltips to reflect area damage jewels and penetration gems please? New base items were good. More of that is better. MORE and more powerful unique imlicits. 2 percent move speed and 4 percent aoe is not worthwhile... at all. New and more monsters, fun mechanics and stuff. How about some good uniques? There really aren't many good unique coming at at all anymore. How about a unique for killing Malachai? Just a low level one, but something super useful and ubiquitous? I'm thinking of those uniques that sell like candy for 1 chaos in the beginning of the leagues. He is still pretty overtuned, and makes the next two acts in a higher difficulty a literal joke in comparison, even after ~4 nerfs. |
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to all those hating on this class. iron grip is in the tree if you didnt look it up hinekora, Death's fury tawhoa, forest's strength ngamahu, flame's advance doon cuebiyari Mokou's Embrace rise of the phoenix rf fireball or (skill tree would need tweaking) rf multitrap + firetrap flame surge or (skill tree would need tweaking) pyre instead of mokou's embrace + romira's banquet and rt rf cold snap or think about hinekora's death fury and the godess sword line or ... 2h oro sacrifice flicker or the already mentionned totem builds there is many things you can do with this ! imho great job GGG with this one alot of different build avenues it makes my mind racing with build possibilities ! |
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12 pages already and all I see is people talking about common spell totems, RF and even turning the Marauder into a spellcaster.
It seems some points were missed there. There is a new type of totem coming, with the first one ready and another two in the making, probably coming a few weeks after Ascendancy (MassOP post quotes Chris saying this). This whole tree helps it. Totems are "extensions" of sorts of their summoner, the melee totem would receive a lot of bonuses from almost all those nodes, it could become a beast. Of course, non-melting RF totems and easier RF builds are awesome and obvious, but please, take your time to look into it, there is a lot more to do with this class. Abandon that stupid "attack speed, fast clearing meta" though, play a class that is awesome, there is a huge universe of possibilities that aren't that obvious, that without counting it in that other 2 melee totems that we will be getting. The only downside to all Marauder classes in the absence of a 2-handed focused one, other than that, there are marvelous things to do with them. Just open your mind a little and play outside the meta. After all, what is the point of playing a game to get to the end game faster and get rich if the build you are playing isn't entertaining? The beauty of this game is to play and create around all those things, not to be the first to get orbs, please enjoy the effort put into this and given to you for free. Criticism is usefull, but it has been hard to find good criticism these days around here. If you people had played more games made by companies like EA, NCSoft and Blizzard, you would understand that GGG is the best out there when it comes to MMORPGs, at least they care. Mind your words and thoughs, use reason to complain. "Meh, boring", "another trash unique to vendor", things like that aren't improving anything. If anything, they just show that your mindset is part of the toxic part of the community. Please, don't let this community become poisonous as others (*cough* LoL, WoW, Diablo 3) Last edited by Luxiel#6487 on Feb 19, 2016, 11:36:16 AM
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Already drafted a Dual Ancestral Brotector Totem Build myself... You could remove Ancestral Bond Pathing to free up 6 skill points to get Martial Experience/Blunt Instrument So you can do something aside from watching 2 of them whack Wurms/Rakango's back into their holes. (Went with the 2H Mace Line as its easier for Marauder) Just another Forum Signature in a Sea of Signatures. Last edited by Atomic_Noodles#2233 on Feb 19, 2016, 11:37:21 AM
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" nope " yeah thats utterly shit unless you are some niche build who cant get fortify because you are not melee. Just activate it with a secondary attack when you need it on a melee character. Complete and utter waste of an ascendancy for a melee character. Im sure people will use it, they can have their fortify and their enfeeble blasphemy, meanwhile Ill have enfeeble through a cwdt, fortify when I want it from a secondary attack and then Ill use grace and spec a proper ascendancy class like juggernaut that has some real benefit on top of those things. " yeah, I get that a niche build like flicker thats cool, and for most other builds... I can splash heavy strike! Dont care, use a proper aoe melee ability, splashed single target as your main aoe is fairly shit no matter what way you look at it, damage isnt an issue its not even about having a free support, it will just never match sweep, slam, cyclone etc, it wont even match cleave and cleave is rubbish. Flicker, yes, infernal blow maybe, few niche things. Stuns, dont care, very rarely get stunned and its never a worry, get 100% stun threshold with Juggernaut anyway, leech... dont care, attack based build, not hard to get amazing leech. What is hard to do is get decent defense levels on a 2h char who has no shield and hence loses 2k armour. Cannot be frozen or slowed + an extra chest armour + another endurance charge? Yep, thats better than any duelist or ranger option for a 2h build imo, any day of the week. I literally switched my 2h axe cyclone from ranger to marauder in order to use juggernaut. Im not wanting for damage or leech with a 2h Im just missing base defense levels. Unbreakable is basically a free iron reflex grace, its 2k base armour for free. On a 2h build thats probably better than determination. Stacking armour + endurance + evasion is mighty strong, I wouldnt underestimate essentially getting a free defense aura from 1 single node like that. Then you just activate Fortify with an attack and now you have the best part of what the champion subclass has to offer at the same time. Champion is for casters, summoners, archers and lazy people, it has no place in an efficient melee build imo. I just dont see anything in slayer outside of Impact, its got 1 node that you might want on some niche builds. Thats it, everything else is fairly crap. All Im seeing in duelist that I really care about for melee is Gladiator spell block, and Im only interested in it with a 1h shield build. If you want dps go berserker, if you want defense go jugernaut. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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To everyone complaining the ascendancy classes are underwhelming: yes, most of them are _right now_, but does no one notice the ascendancy trees are two thirds empty? There's more to come.
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