Massively Overpowered reveals the Marauder Ascendancy Class: The Chieftain

Mathosse wrote:
First: Ahah so funny when people start argument with i play harcore if you don' t play it than you sxx

I wasn't taunting standard player. Just saying that I understand a subclass that only brings survivability and no "MOAR DAMAGEEEES" is worthless for them.

if you have prolem with physical you should use 2 Granite flasks or a Taste of Hate

If you know how to pop granite flasks, I'm pretty sure you know how to use amethyst flask or ruby flask too, eh?
Plus, when I do crematorium for exemple, I would definetly switch one of my aura to a leveled purity of fire if I'm unsure.

since the tree already give you tons of armor node so that 2k armor if you already got 10k

Uh... You know the +2k from armor got multiplied also by your armor nodes? It's +2k BASE armor. So it brings you way way more in effective armor

yes my 15k ES 2/3k REGEN CI char is immortal
Nothing is immortal :P That's why we often see top ladder people dying. Everyday.

We just have different opinon man, nothing will change my mind by thinking the Juggernaut class is bad and also boring since doesn't offer new play style, if you think +1 endurance and 6k? armor will fix your problem then go Juggernaut, i personally think for example to a low life RF Guardian with 2 point by reserving 2k life and mana can get 300 ES And 3200 armor (without modifiers) and be also more usefull in party.
For not talking of a CI trickster with free 250 extra ES that multiply any cure for 1.6, if you already have 14% thats 22% ES regenerated per sec + Leech, if you don't call this being immortal..
As a main Marauder player i'm just pissed that i can' t find a single sub class that fit my playstyle, this is just my opinion, i respect other thought so don' t call other utter shit
IGN: crazyjake, ,BadAndAngry
Well, I understand your point of view. As a RF lover, I agree ES RF is superior and has been tremendously boosted with new classes!

i personally think for example to a low life RF Guardian

Guardian looks ubercool for sure, but I think he is more powerful for traditionnal auramancer.

But personally, my choice for a ES RF will be hierophant! You also get the bonus ES from mana (15% from all mana compared to 15% of reserved mana, quite similar, but you also get +100mana with hierophant) and because as a low-life RF user you don't need a lot of aura (PoF, vitality, discipline) you can keep at least a good bunch of your mana unreserved, making with MoM and hierophant passive a good boost of survivability :)

And you can put your RF in gloves for +20% AoE. And when i see how damn important increased AoE is on RF, it's what convince me :)
Or if you want to switch for more damage, the +20% penetration is appealing too
Last edited by Mathosse#5449 on Feb 20, 2016, 9:16:37 AM
Finally, after thinking about it a bit... i'm now wondering if guardian will be maybe more powerful for low-life ES RF :p. Sure you get less AoE, but so much more bonuses.
Lanfear88 wrote:
Honestly i was expecting scion today. Not sure if i can make it another week without knowing
without that information i am probably will die too
Mathosse wrote:
Well, I understand your point of view. As a RF lover, I agree ES RF is superior and has been tremendously boosted with new classes!

i personally think for example to a low life RF Guardian

Guardian looks ubercool for sure, but I think he is more powerful for traditionnal auramancer.

But personally, my choice for a ES RF will be hierophant! You also get the bonus ES from mana (15% from all mana compared to 15% of reserved mana, quite similar, but you also get +100mana with hierophant) and because as a low-life RF user you don't need a lot of aura (PoF, vitality, discipline) you can keep at least a good bunch of your mana unreserved, making with MoM and hierophant passive a good boost of survivability :)

And you can put your RF in gloves for +20% AoE. And when i see how damn important increased AoE is on RF, it's what convince me :)
Or if you want to switch for more damage, the +20% penetration is appealing too

Burning damage is still burning damage, I don't see the pen in the helm affecting RF. The gloves AoE could be a cool idea though.
Hello GGG's i Need a chaosorb keychain ! Pls consider selling them again.
You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.
So does can not be ignited means the toon doesn't take any burning damage? Can we run RF without very high fire resists/life regen?
Cannot be ignited means you can't run RF.
EastofI wrote:
Cannot be ignited means you can't run RF.

RF is NOT an ignite.

It is burning damage.

Ignites cause burning damage, but you can have burns without ignites. Examples of this include searing bond totem and the burning ground from fire trap. Both of these inflict burning damage without ignites.
availablex wrote:
Lanfear88 wrote:
Honestly i was expecting scion today. Not sure if i can make it another week without knowing
without that information i am probably will die too

I was hoping for an announcement today hehehe.

But, perhaps the late announcement is due to the dev's sitting around the board table, trying to figure out what to do with her????

"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.

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