Massively Overpowered reveals the Marauder Ascendancy Class: The Chieftain

crazyjake wrote:
The sad thing is that this is the strongest among the marauder classes, and still not at the level of the other ascendancy, rip level 94 marauder, i really hope they change something before release or i really doubt Juggernaut and berserker will be played

Thinking about it... and you right
Not so sure if Duelist will help melee, as 1H damage super weak, when most of spells, totems, MFs, CA, CoC, 99% Ranged just one hit/shot everything with high aoe, while 1H 300DPS weapon rly hard to find or craft (plus always super expensive) for no damage.

But that class looks fine, interested for sure, but i think it should be templar or shadow or witch class, not mara. Not suit there, as there no melee class with mara.
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nomis01 wrote:
to all those hating on this class.

iron grip is in the tree if you didnt look it up

hinekora, Death's fury
tawhoa, forest's strength
ngamahu, flame's advance

doon cuebiyari
Mokou's Embrace
rise of the phoenix


(skill tree would need tweaking)
multitrap + firetrap
flame surge

(skill tree would need tweaking)
pyre instead of mokou's embrace + romira's banquet and rt
cold snap

or think about hinekora's death fury and the godess sword line
or ... 2h oro sacrifice flicker
or the already mentionned totem builds
there is many things you can do with this !

imho great job GGG with this one alot of different build avenues it makes my mind racing with build possibilities !

Im sorry dude, but as far as I know, Iron grip only applys to phys projectile damage. Magma Orb Iron will+Iron grip would have been ridiculus.
Well, you still could try EK with that. Which is the only skill that would benefit from dual strenght scaling.. sadly..

Will definitely make this my Ascendancy Class. Marauder is a very cool char. Propably going to make a 7 to 8 endurance charges RF Flame surge marauder. 8 endurance charges are 32% phys dmg reduction+ele resists+ 5.6% life regen with the 0.2%life per endurance charge on the tree. Seems decent. Only thing i hope for is a decent Helmet enchantment for RF like "take 20% less self burn from RF". Or something to improve the clearspeed of flamesurge..
Coal48 wrote:
nopanone wrote:
so bad oh my god!!

yeah I agree, I think the marauder has the worst ascendancies of all classes

Sorry Sir, but you clearly don't know anything about this game. ^^ Two out of the three marauder subclasses are able to break the game completely. If you don't like the chieftain than you don't like being OP as fuck. This subclass is soooooo strong I can't believe they really will release it. This will become the first time since a very long time that marauder is fine even compared to the other classes. #thumbsup
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
Snorkle_uk wrote:
crazyjake wrote:

I really hope you are trolling...


Sorry for you...

crazyjake wrote:
the champion get ONLY perma fortify with 20% increased effect

yeah thats utterly shit unless you are some niche build who cant get fortify because you are not melee. Just activate it with a secondary attack when you need it on a melee character. Complete and utter waste of an ascendancy for a melee character. Im sure people will use it, they can have their fortify and their enfeeble blasphemy, meanwhile Ill have enfeeble through a cwdt, fortify when I want it from a secondary attack and then Ill use grace and spec a proper ascendancy class like juggernaut that has some real benefit on top of those things.

Not 100% true, you lose socket to get that fortify effect, plus there are some scenario when you can' t have fortify up all the time, for example end game map like The Vinktar Square or Malformation, i also use flicker/Leap slam fortify and i could use these slot for better setup however i reach 50% physical damage reduction with my 2H marauder without flask so physical reduction never been a problem and grace will be just a wastle of aura

crazyjake wrote:
the slayer is immune to stun with perma leech and can use single target attack with splash effect, like flicker strike if you get what i mean...

Snorkle_uk wrote:

yeah, I get that a niche build like flicker thats cool, and for most other builds... I can splash heavy strike! Dont care, use a proper aoe melee ability, splashed single target as your main aoe is fairly shit no matter what way you look at it, damage isnt an issue its not even about having a free support, it will just never match sweep, slam, cyclone etc, it wont even match cleave and cleave is rubbish. Flicker, yes, infernal blow maybe, few niche things. Stuns, dont care, very rarely get stunned and its never a worry, get 100% stun threshold with Juggernaut anyway, leech... dont care, attack based build, not hard to get amazing leech.

Again you don' t understand that this open new possibility for 'niche' skill that aren't used because doesn' t have area as tag: viper strike,puncture,glacial hammer? And again 100% stun theshold isn't like stun immune is far inferior, plus Slayer can leech even when full life so is like having crazy hp%regen sure much more than 1,6% + The Retch? LOL, and you are forgetting 30% more damage while leeching + 14% x 3 = 42% more damage with 2H
Snorkle_uk wrote:

What is hard to do is get decent defense levels on a 2h char who has no shield and hence loses 2k armour. Cannot be frozen or slowed + an extra chest armour + another endurance charge? Yep, thats better than any duelist or ranger option for a 2h build imo, any day of the week. I literally switched my 2h axe cyclone from ranger to marauder in order to use juggernaut. Im not wanting for damage or leech with a 2h Im just missing base defense levels.

You can still be slowed as Juggernaut and usually what kills you in map is elemental damage since granite flask already give you all the armour you need

Unbreakable is basically a free iron reflex grace, its 2k base armour for free. On a 2h build thats probably better than determination. Stacking armour + endurance + evasion is mighty strong, I wouldnt underestimate essentially getting a free defense aura from 1 single node like that. Then you just activate Fortify with an attack and now you have the best part of what the champion subclass has to offer at the same time.

Champion is for casters, summoners, archers and lazy people, it has no place in an efficient melee build imo. I just dont see anything in slayer outside of Impact, its got 1 node that you might want on some niche builds. Thats it, everything else is fairly crap. All Im seeing in duelist that I really care about for melee is Gladiator spell block, and Im only interested in it with a 1h shield build.

If you want dps go berserker, if you want defense go jugernaut.

However i'm not saying duelist classes are op, they are ok, sure better than Juggernaut/Berserker, i won' t use any of those class for my 2H ascendancy char
IGN: crazyjake, ,BadAndAngry
Last edited by crazyjake#2300 on Feb 19, 2016, 4:44:03 PM
Deadpeng wrote:
YohSL wrote:
Booo, I was expecting the Scion reveal to come with this one.
Leaving the best for last I suppose.

Wiesl_1404 wrote:
I am sry but i don't like this class at all, i think GGG did a very bad job here. -snip

Your just not thinking about it creatively. On the surface it's an increase to fire damage, or physical and fire damage hybrid, and totems. But you can convert other damage types to fire without too much difficultly.

Pyre, Call of the Brotherhood, Cold to Fire, Physical to Lightning, half a dozen other unique that convert stuff to fire, and of course Avatar of Fire.
So if you really want to you can use most skills in the game, so it's not that pigeonholed.

The only thing your not going to be doing with this is chill or freeze, thou shock is available with Three Dragons.

And you spend one item slot or gem slot just for conversion. If they really care about conversion, they should have attached the conversion to the passive skills themselves.

"If they really cared about <insert support> they would have attached it directly to <insert skill>"

you probably didn't see what I did there.
Sorry Sir, but you clearly don't know anything about this game. ^^ Two out of the three marauder subclasses are able to break the game completely. If you don't like the chieftain than you don't like being OP as fuck. This subclass is soooooo strong I can't believe they really will release it. This will become the first time since a very long time that marauder is fine even compared to the other classes. #thumbsup

Just this.

Oh and:


The sad thing is that this is the strongest among the marauder classes, and still not at the level of the other ascendancy, rip level 94 marauder, i really hope they change something before release or i really doubt Juggernaut and berserker will be played

Sorry, but this is utter bullshit.

Juggernaut is an EXTREMELY good subclass. I'll assume we all play hardcore. Else... Well, we don't play the same game, sorry.
So, we play hardcore, and hardcore is all about tankyness, no? Bingo, Juggernaut as some of the best tanky nodes:

Unbreakable: With a good 2000+ armor, determination aura and a few armor nodes, you can probably tank Vaal Ground slam...

unflinching: welcome 8 endurance charge build! (not counting potential +1 stuff...) You want more garanted damage reduction?

unrelenting: Eyh, you want a passive that gives you +5% resistance to all damage? (because, well, you are already mostly immune to phys damage...) AND with +32% at least to ALL damage? For ANY builds?

unyelding: free regen notable. With damage. Anything else?

I already run a cheap RF life-based marauder with 7 endurance charges as my first good HC character. And juggernaut is for him. Period

Mathosse wrote:

Unbreakable: With a good 2000+ armor, determination aura and a few armor nodes, you can probably tank Vaal Ground slam...

You dont understand how armor works.
Apparently you can ignite yourself with RF, because its not igniting.
50% of your armor goes to totems? That`s really great, I always wanted totems to have 5% damage reduction.
Last edited by Ropoloid#7865 on Feb 19, 2016, 7:39:33 PM
You dont understand how armor works

call me stupid.

Damage reduction = (Armor/(armor+damage*10))+flat damage reduction (mostly charges)

with 8 charges, you have 32% flat reduction.
With the armor passive, you can easily get between 15 000 and 20 000 armor with no flasks.

Vaal in merciless deal 6k+6k (phys+fire)

Damage= 6000*0.25 + 6000*1/((20 000/(20 000+60 000))+0.32) = 4080 HP

Definitely tankable.

I'v been playing with armors for a long time, and i can tell you: anything is tankable. Even vaal map boss with a bit of dedication
talerz wrote:
Mathosse wrote:

Unbreakable: With a good 2000+ armor, determination aura and a few armor nodes, you can probably tank Vaal Ground slam...

You dont understand how armor works.

Ever watch ZenocideGenius on twitch? You might rethink how you feel about armour. He is one of the only people I've seen run an Abyssus in hardcore successfully, and he runs on armour heavy builds. For reference this node with a 2k body armour is basically the same as running a great piece of armour with a great armour shield.

As for the actual numbers behind it it really depends on how much life you have, and how much you have to mitigate as armour has a diminishing returns formula. But just think of it this way, this node has the potential to be about two thirds of a granite flask constantly with a 2k piece of body armour. And you can run it with a shield or with a granite for even more armour stacking. I'd love to see the mathetmical comparison between a 2k piece of body armour and lightning coil with this new node.

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