I will quit without an in game auction house
It won't be an auction house. But we'll get something. Maybe Christmas 2016. Maybe 2017.
It might allow you to trade without having to party or leave your map. It might allow you to trade without having to be online as the other player (say you play at different times.) It might allow you to trade on your phone, such as at work or on the bus. It will come. But it won't be here tomorrow. Is the glass half full or half empty? It's scotch. Shut up and drink it. |
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GGG want player to trade online each other....
but YET they didnt have the tools to make the entire process easier. 1. Can I send offline whisper ingame to the seller telling him I want to buy his item & he will get my msg when he come online? NOPE 2. Can I check when is the last time the seller when offline? NOPE 3. Can I even track when is the seller typically online in statistics chart? NOPE, thats means u have no idea when he usually online at 4. I am waiting the seller at the moment to reply my whisper I sent him, it took him long enough, I waited so long I walk off my screen & I went afk. The seller finally replied my whisper. yay finally! but thats was 30mins ago....and I have noidea it is 30mins ago because the game does not show me the timestamps of the msg. 5. I check /whois <character_A> he is not online. But he is actually ONLINE playing <character_B>. The game does not tell me that. It is no wonder soo many people have complain it is sooo difficult to trade each other even it is online. |
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" Well it's nice that you take the 'I said something years ago! I'll always hold my same opinions, never change my mind on anything' approach. |
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It's about credibility.
I would like an AH in PoE, and I feel the reasons given for not developing one are either accidentally or conveniently on the FUD side of things, especially in light of poe.trade and the botting/automated scripting that is taking place there, not to mention the RMT market already surrounding the game, but I also believe it is worthy of respect when companies stick to very basic statements they made in the past when they were looking for financial support, instead of performing 180-degree turns after a lot of customers handed them money. I respect Chris/GGG for their consistency in this matter. It makes them trustworthy and credible to me, even if I don't agree with their views about an AH. I don't know that I would not keep buying supporter packs if they were more fickle (I probably would keep buying them as long as I enjoy the game), but their credibility makes it easy to hand over money while also feeling good about it. I still buy Blizzard's games also, but I'm not a happy customer. Does it make a financial difference? Probably not in the short run, but word of mouth counts for something, and in my own job I prefer getting money from customers who are happy with me, rather than those who pay for something while being resentful of my employer. | |
I like the poe trade system. It is great for people who like trading, know who to trade, know their value of the item they sell and the value of the item they want to buy. AH will kill the trading system. No scamaz anymore, no gumball, less communication with players. Just no. I will be glad if GGG implements something ingame similar to poe.trade. I know it will be a kick in the balls to poe.trade authors but this game has to evolve its own trade system, but not the auction house, no way.
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"That made me smile. And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
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There could be something like Pocket Monsters Global Trade System (GTS) or an in game trading forum. If there ever is an auction house make the listing time like 4 hours with a list fee relative to currency selling for.
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" LIAR!!!! I am the living proof that you're lying... 99.9% self-found player, lvl 94 and advancing slowly but surely. Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
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" It is not problem, it is something that keep some items at sellworth price. "Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms." |
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Interesting fact:
Without poetrade working as an AH, GGG would lose a lot of players each time they nerf some kind of build, which force the player to change gear. GGG should focus on these two problems 1) Trade is tedious and excessively complicated (for a human). 2) Trade is the most effective way to objectively gain wealth. With the current trade system, this is easily exploitable by humans (even if tedious) and also by BOTS (which do not know tediousness). It seems that there is a false believe in the community that the unnecessary complexity of trade of point 1) mitigates the effect of point 2). This is false, or it mitigates very little. The actual situation is that we have an AH (poetrade) with all the drawbacks of a poorly designed AH, but without its advantages in terms of tediousness. 1) Trade should be fast and EASY (in term of complexity) 2) Most of all, trade should be NOT REWARDING in absolute terms. It should be a way to downgrade an high tier item which you do not need for a lower tier which you need, or for a 1-way exchange of your orbs for a piece of gear (by 1-way i mean that if you perform the opposite step, you get less orbs). As long as point 2) is achieved in a smart way, wathever the automation of a speed-of-light AH, there would be no drawbaks. Roma timezone (Italy) Last edited by HellGauss#6525 on Jan 15, 2016, 3:18:21 AM
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