[2.2] Extremly cheap fast paced remote mine build. 100k+ 4 Link Tremor Rod. Izaro/atziri oneshot.
Hi, just wanted to say that I enjoyed the build quite a bit. Took me furthest on HC Talisman so far, level 69. I find the build to be fairly safe as things usually can't touch you before they die, even the major lag upon opening boxes isn't a concern with pre-plant mines. Very effective and fun with mostly self-found gear, except the weapon of course. Died to a detonate dead box, but that just me being bad :3
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Thank you for this guide. I have put my spin on it, and I would like some feedback.
I am currently level 73, and this is my tree: http://poeurl.com/v5Q I have a 5 Link Tremor Rod with 2 Green, 2 Blue, and 1 Red in the 5 Link. The gems are Bladefall + Poison + Controlled Destruction + Conc Effect + Added Fire. I have a 2nd Tremor Rod, but it's only a 4 Link. I plan on trying to 6 Link it and if it lands on a 5 Link first, try to roll the colors I want (3G2B) and sell the other one. Most of the time I detonate with a Spell Totem + Detonate Mines + Totem Res + Inc Duration. I run Purity of Lightning and Clarity + Blood Magic for auras. I use a Lightning Coil (hence PoL) and have 77% max Lightning Res. Up to 78% once PoL hits the next level. I have 3007/3479 Life and 1074/1653 Mana with both auras active. For Jewels, I'm currently running Conqueror's Lengevity (2% Dodge and Inc Life Rec from flasks) and Assassin's Haste (Mana Regen and Move Speed.) I'm thinking of replacing both of these with -%Mana costs Jewels. In addition I'm going to take the Jewel socket near to Mind over Matter next level. Damage seems to be fine, and survivability seems to be fine, too. But that's the thing, they're both "fine"; neither one is amazing. So that leaves me wondering what direction I should be going next to improve my damage. My Skill Tree is right next to some damage nodes. 2x 16% in the Clever Construction circle, 1x 10% in the Volatile Mines circle, and 18% in the Life Circle. My Skill Tree is also right next to a lot of life. Life Circle, Life and Energy Shield (Written in Blood), and Profane Chemistry. Another thing I've noticed is that Totem Placement Speed decrease time before doing first damage, so that gives me the opportunity to take Totemic Zeal for some more utility. Furthermore, (if I understand Poison correctly) taking +increased duration nodes will increase Poison duration because I am using a gem, in addition to increasing the duration of my totem. All-in-all this is a really really fun build and I am thoroughly enjoying my first Mine build. I welcome advice for moving forward. Where should I go next? What jewels should I consider? Any [other] unique items I should consider adding to this build? Thanks again for the build. |
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hey, so your general idea is life/evasion with a bit of mana regen for mind over matter.
For that you should really try and rely mostly on Hybrid Flasks (they are more than enough especially with all the flask nodes you have to run mind over matter) and drop the costly mana region like clarity and the 3 mana cost nodes. You should try 2 vaal claritys and 1 defensive aura, if you get enough mana, grace should be better than 1 purity. Something like 2 Hybrid. 1 instant life, 1 jade and 1 resistance flask (or quicksilver) shoud work pretty well. At the start of the map drop your defensive aura to get your first charges on vaal clarity more easily. (btw vaal clarity with all the duration nodes will work very good, even for longer lasting bosses) Your best bet damage wise are the duration nodes. They add the most damage you can get, the problem is they only add to the poison part. If the mobs don't die quick, the totem will always detonate to the same target, which can result in low clearspeed. The totem will always try to hit the mobs near to you. So your positioning will be key to attack the mobs you want and don't overkill every group with extreme poison. You have very low life, you should immediatly try to fix that. I'd take 3 duration nodes first and then go full life. Drop the mana cost reduction at scion and the 3 life region at shadow (you don't need life region without zealoth's oath). Something like this
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIAm40ILu2DGY4AXtN-73oknX11RA3uDvajYlr-usjwo4oVICP2LOlNko19hrMA7jB8Kk1RRz8no-9H4o2_X5hKyFSCIuIFtdQjWW2Kr26qpDkGcMLsMHHPMpARtfJOn7TF3ah7wzWSen9irNvnS3j-j9i9bIxsCHBROkJN4_4KnarxinZvswOmV_JFtz42PX6wMhg64UGH62PYVPnotUgRL4LHKwoo-h2-XfK4kzOHDkgc3APuEZbuFevujxp_xgcet3Wa4IUywcWVLkWdoEPw1VNSEcJJUZ3ZI18= If you get higher level, take the evasion life nodes between shadow and ranger Try and get life on every jewel, with area or mine damage extra. And btw you really want 2 flask rolls on your belt, take what you can get cheap. Edit: OH btw, there are very good very cheap gloves you can take. Take southbound, they add a good amout of life and the drawback that only frozen HITS can kill enemys doesn't matter, because poison is no hit and they die either way. The second "cheap" item you could use to get more life is belly of the beast, but lightning coil should be the goal. Try and get to 6k life with thoses uniques, should get you pretty tanky. Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 22, 2016, 9:48:56 AM
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At first i thought, wow this does look very bad and can't work^^ but now when you change up the things just a little bit, this could be very very good. I'd love to hear more from you when you get around 10 more levels and the two % life items southbound/belly.
I really thought there could be no other very different good build than what i posted, but i think you did it:D Edit: When you roll your second tremor rod, if you get 3 blue 2 green, keep it that way, 3 green 2 blue takes around 3 times as much currency in average. Added chaos as a third blue is really strong. Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 22, 2016, 10:04:19 AM
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Thank you flekelon for your personalized input. You have been a big help.
I hit 79 and respecced into this: http://poeurl.com/v7g I am reluctant to give up Dynamo as it makes MoM builds so much better I got my 2nd 5link, and rolled it to 3b2g. Bladefall + Poison + Conc + Controlled Destruction + Added Chaos. (I had been leveling an Added Chaos on weapon swap, so everything is level 18.) I have a pair of Southbound gloves, and Belly of the Beast isn't outside of my price range, but I'd need to regear almost everything else in order to make this work. So I'm sticking with my Lightning Coil + PoL setup for now. Health: 3304/3803 Mana: 1296/1995 I have a 15% Healthy Mind jewel (and 20%s are super cheap) and I put it in the slot southeast of the Scion start. That gives me +15% (jewel) and +24% from the nearby life nodes. That helps a lot with the mana needed to survive big hits. I try to keep my unreserved mana over 30% of my unreserved health when I play MoM. Also Jewels for this build are super cheap. You can go for +Physical, +Mine, +Area, or +Damage. Chances are finding one or two of those + the other stats you need (life, mine placement speed, etc.) are pretty easy. I'm reluctant to give up Clarity since it is over 1/3rd of my mana regen. When I regear perhaps I'll look at dropping my Clarity + BM aura, and consider getting a Grace. I can even get some armor from the Jewel slot east of Shadow start (you can turn the ES there into + %Armor.) I do need a Vaal Clarity for sure, though. I've been doing some 75 and 76 maps, and other than operator error I've been easily clearing them without any deaths. I died watching videos in the other window while mindlessly placing mines ignoring the threat that I needed to move away from. Oops. :P Thanks again for your help. If you have more advice I'll be more than willing to listen. Also as a general comment about your build, the only thing you get from Destructive Apparatus that you can't get from Jewels elsewhere is the Mine Duration. This is why I ignored it and went for more Jewel Slots. You spend 7 points getting there and it puts you near some sub-par life nodes, and 1 good Jewel slot (1 point for Jewel slot.) By ignoring that and going elsewhere you can save a few points and gain the same stats other than the duration. |
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hey, i totally didn't see you have lightning coil already^^ of course you take it + lightning aura. once you have 2 hybrid flasks and 2 vaal claritys, you really shouldn't need clarity. i wouldn't run grace with this anyway then. Perhaps arctic armour if you can find a place for it (mana). When you get better gear with high mana rolls on it, you'd obviously go for more life then.
The mine damages nodes are pretty good, 50% is much when you don't get much on the tree. but dmg wise duration nodes are waaaay better, so when you are near 2 duration clusters. you absolutyl don't need any more damage, you just need to "aim" the mines then so they don't overkill every pack with huge poisons. I'd only use lightning purity and try to get 30% mana/life only use more than that if you get insane mana gear. Higher effective lifepool is more important. edit: btw mine duration doesn't give poison duration. Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 22, 2016, 6:47:16 PM
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Hit 85 last night and still enjoying this build. Lightning Coil and switching from Flame Golem to Chaos made a big difference in survivability. I find myself too lazy to cast enduring cry, which is horrible I know. I feel the key to this class is just positioning and luring/kiting. Up until T8-T9 maps, I can just walk into an area, place totem, then place mines. In T8+ I find myself planting totems every x amount of distance, then mining as soon as I see something move. This ensures nothing survives, and kills stuff before it can even touch me most of the time. Trying to figure out what's next, and how I can put my twist on the build. I am pondering over shooting down and taking the node that turns Evasion into armor, and ditching the dodge, just so I have some steadiness in my health pool. Will keep this thread updated with what I found to work better/worse as I figure the character out more. It's a nice build to just vedge out and get in a groove, and not worry about all the what if's and what needs changing... |
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Hello again, it's me, the MoM guy.
I hit 85 and this build is amazing. This is the highest I've ever got a character in PoE (was 84 before this build.) I love Bladefall Mines for so many reasons. Anyways, I made you a video if you want to see how I do with it. https://youtu.be/RbJ_IHalYeM A couple of things to note. 1) All gems are level 19 or lower. No level 20 gems, no level 21 gems. Nothing has quality except for the added fire gem (7%) and that isn't even linked to anything useful. 2) I'm lazy. I don't use flasks nearly as much as I should. You should use flasks more than me! 3) I almost die around the 5 minute mark. I didn't see that the box said "Explodes." Oops! 4) I can probably leave my totem down more and not recast it as much, especially with a 16 second duration. 5) Due to a physical condition I have trouble using the mouse button for precision. This is why I have left and right click bound to move only and why I only use 4 keyboard buttons for my active skills. 6) The buttons I use are Q W E and R, however since I am using a Dvorak keyboard the game sees them as ' , . and P. That's "apostrophe" "comma" "period" and "the letter P." 7) My flasks are crap. Only 3 are magical, and 2 have Surgeon's prefix, which offer me 0 benefit with mines. I'll get that sorted out later...(I told you I was lazy.) This video does a good job of showcasing how tanky I get with only 4k health and MoM. Especially the part where I stand next to the exploding box! Again, I'm lazy, so I like regen. Less need to be active with my amount of regen. Here's a 2nd video showing my gems, items, skill tree, and stats. https://youtu.be/1_X36LtxCdE Hopefully you can see the stats. Skill tree link http://poeurl.com/wcs Gear notes: 1) Zero Vaal Clarity gems needed. MoM does well with lots of Mana. Lots of Mana means lots of Mana Regen. Vaal Clarity becomes unnecessary, but I also acknowledge that it could be amazingly useful since your mana is also your HP in my setup. 2) My gloves are intentionally linked 2+2 so I can swap in and out blood magic on Clarity in case I want to for testing purposes without it affecting Purity of Lightning. 3) I used to have Vengeance linked with a Blind gem but I rerolled the Lightning Coil and in getting the top 4 link colored properly lost my bottom 2 links. I have Blind on a weaponswap and have been leveling it if I change things around again. 4) Vengeance has a 72% chance to hit. :( Leap Slam, linked with Accuracy, has an 87% chance to hit...but I think it's closer to 90something since I'm fighting level 75-77 mobs in this map. 5) I am considering running a 2nd CWDT, this one will be leveled and linked with a Chaos Golem and Molten Shell. 6) Almost every piece of gear I have was super cheap other than the 5 Link Tremor Rod (90 fusings) and the Lightning Coil (30 Chaos, already 6 Socketed.) My next most expensive item is the triple damage jewel at 7 chaos. Most items are 1-2 chaos or less. Putting this build well below 2 exalts even after linking and coloring everything. It may be Atziri viable in its current state. I hope this gives you some information about my spin on your build. One last thing, I have a 6S4+2L Hyrri's Ire and am considering using that instead of the Lighting Coil. Getting colors for my build may be troublesome, but it is a cheaper alternative to the Lightning Coil. Something you may want to include in your guide. Even though I already have the Lightning Coil, the Hyrri's Ire may be more survivable because I'd be dropping the reserved mana on Purity of Lightning. 52% dodge (2% from the jewel) and 40% spell dodge is quite high, even if I lose a bit of armour and life. With the Hyrri's Ire I can then move my Clarity to Blood Magic then drop 1 or 2 of the Healthy Mind jewels. This gets me %health from the tree because Healthy Mind isn't taking over life nodes, and it also lets me run a Clear Mind jewel for a bunch of damage. Looking forward to your thoughts and criticism. |
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hey, i love it that you chose orchard for your video^^ i had so many problems with this map (because of the exploding guys) on my EZMoM character without dodge and on my CI character.. But you just fly through it:) I had around 6k life(EZMoM) and 9k ES (CI). Dodge is so powerfull and coupled with MoM for a higher hp pool is awesome:D. But i guess the map mod made it a little easier^^. The changes you've listed look pretty good, get as much life as possible, thats pretty much the goal.
Btw you put trapper in both video titles^^ Vall clarity will definatly be great, you don't even have to link it with inc duration, only put one on your gear and don't use it on cd you don't seem to need it, just whenever you expect high damage (boxes or bosses for example) so MoM can do its job and you still can safely do damage. Btw its amazing that only 1 mana flask is enough. I don't have much expierence with high level evasion characters, but i think since you have MoM which is pretty much the same effect as lightning coil in theory i guess every chest should be "enough". Lighning coil just increases your max life against physical. But since MoM does the same thing and other dodge characters don't seem to need it why not give the other chest a shot. You could still just swap in lighting coil if you are going to fight a boss with physical one shot potential. I'll include your video to the guide and say a few words about it. I guess the best way is to send people who are interested in it to page 6:D Thank you very much for everything:) Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 26, 2016, 9:50:32 AM
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" Oops. I still erroneously call all my mine characters "trappers." In fact I bought this amazing jewel the other day, it had 3 forums of damage and bonus evasion. Cost like 2 chaos. Only afterwards did I realize one of the damage mods was Trap damage, not Mine damage. ha! I have a friend doing the trap poisonstorm, so I gave him the jewel and he was quite happy about it. I've updated my videos. Thanks for the catch. " Now do you see why I was so reluctant to give up Dynamo and Clarity? :P Mana is an extremely undervalued stat in PoE. People spend so much extra on gear to make sure that they need as few +Mana nodes in the tree. And it makes sense, too. Spend a bit more on your gear and you can stretch your tree to more Keystones, Notables, or %Health. However all of the mana nodes I've taken are more than just +mana. The three mana clusters on the right side all have flask charge properties, and the left one is Dynamo (-%mana cost of skill). The Synergy with MoM here is amazing. Add to that the life cluster near MoM also has mana regen, and the Shaper notable that we pass through on our way, and they all work together quite well. " I think this build works so well because almost everything is hybridized. Damage comes in the form of stacking more modifiers and in both Physical and DoT damage. That is, you can stack 6 bladefall traps, then trigger them, and do a ton of up front damage. This is great for things like storyline bosses, Vagan dalies, boxes, and the occasional time when a strong Devourer boss burrows. You just sit still and drop a bunch of mines, only for him to ascend and be pulverized. :P Then you have the Poison DoT. You can't always sit still dropping mines. So if you only hit one volley on an enemy, the DoT + Duration will kill the enemy. Detonating our damage comes in two ways. One with the totem for situations where you can just sit still and throw mines everywhere, and two self detonation for when you don't have time to throw down your totem or your totem doesn't survive very long. Damage resistance comes in multiple forms, too. The obvious Acrobatics/Phase Acrobatics Keystones. Then there's evasion, a bit of Armor, a bit of Block, and the obvious Life. And finally there's Mana. Regen even comes in multiple forms. For normal regen maps there is a lot of regen in this setup. For low/no regen maps, you have a ton of Flask changes gained, and reduced Flask charges used, as well as bonus mana and life from Flasks. I haven't tried a no regen map yet, but if it wasn't something super troublesome I bet I could handle it. This hybridization of everything permits this build to have virtually no trouble dealing with whatever is in front of it at the moment. It's been a very fun build, and I thank you for posting it, and your thoughts about my take on it. |
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