[2.2] Extremly cheap fast paced remote mine build. 100k+ 4 Link Tremor Rod. Izaro/atziri oneshot.

What is the more desire stat on amulets/talismans? Spell power, physical damage, chaos damage? Bladefall tooltip benefits from all three.

Fun build. Thanks for the guide.
Seanj0 wrote:
What is the more desire stat on amulets/talismans? Spell power, physical damage, chaos damage? Bladefall tooltip benefits from all three.

Fun build. Thanks for the guide.

Spell and physical are the same without with probably chaos damage beein the winner once you get added chaos. But to be honest, chaos is meta right now so a good one with chaos/life/resist will cost a fortune. I'd always pick the most defensive one. Perhaps a Dex/str one with life/resist and if possible a little bit of spelldamage.
For your "endgame" talisman you'd want the increased damage mod for double dipping. My favourite one would be 100% lightning +100% cold converted to fire. With purity and 1-2 resistance flasks.
if that is acutally possible^^. If not, % life and increased damage are the ones to go

Thank you very much for your feedback.
Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 5, 2016, 8:32:20 AM

Just got to Merciless @ Lv55.

Still having a fun time playing with this character.

Other than the mana issue, boy is it annoying to have mobs constantly aggro your totem just as you set it! I even tried Jewels with totem life and res, they still get one hit. Oh well.

I like your Hidden Potential idea. I'm going to build towards that and see what I can do. Seeing as there are 3 aura clusters that I can reasonably reach, Purities in an Alphas will land me at 78% reservation. I also like the idea of running Grace and Discipline, but it will be hard to cap res + have armor affixes, as well as having life. Other than Vaal Clarity, I need to figure out how to lessen the strain on mana costs.

Seeing as the build already does fantastic damage, it's a tough call. I'm playing SC so I really don't have anything to lose by going glass cannon, but nobody likes needless deaths. ;)
I've been playing a build very similar to this and thought I'd share the direction I took. I decided to go the flask/evasion route as I think it's likely the strongest at most gear levels and also the easiest to adapt to MFing. Example end-game tree(lvl 92):

This gives us solid life (170%), a huge mana pool, 4 jewel slots, and lots of eva + flask buffs. With queen of the forest and grace, I have 15k evasion in hideout and about 40k with jade up with absurd movement speed. I'm currently using 4 endurance charges + chaos golem for 20% phys reduction, and am dodge capped as well with vaal grace up. I also just got a taste of hate for an additional 39% phys converted to cold damage. So extremely tanky for an evasion build, I run directly into the middle of packs most of the time and rarely die.

I've only gotten up to tier 10/11 maps so far, but even then a 4L tremor rod and 1-5c quality gear in every slot has been more than enough (I have a 5L but switched out controlled destruction for item rarity). A 7.5k TT on bladefall nearly one shots any magic/rares, and most bosses die in 3-5 traps. I don't like the idea of vaal clarity at all, and have been doing fine with 500 unreserved mana and ~120 mana regen. I swap in a mana flask for low/no regen maps which works well enough. And being able to run literally every map mod is great.

So yeah the build is pretty strong, same as every other bladefall/poison/trap/conversion type build at the moment. I'd recommend anyone building this to try making their character MF-oriented, as there are almost no stats we care about on gear besides life/res and maybe mana regen on a couple of slots. Good job on the guide though, I think it explains the build well for the most part.
Baww wrote:

Just got to Merciless @ Lv55.

Still having a fun time playing with this character.

Other than the mana issue, boy is it annoying to have mobs constantly aggro your totem just as you set it! I even tried Jewels with totem life and res, they still get one hit. Oh well.

I like your Hidden Potential idea. I'm going to build towards that and see what I can do. Seeing as there are 3 aura clusters that I can reasonably reach, Purities in an Alphas will land me at 78% reservation. I also like the idea of running Grace and Discipline, but it will be hard to cap res + have armor affixes, as well as having life. Other than Vaal Clarity, I need to figure out how to lessen the strain on mana costs.

Seeing as the build already does fantastic damage, it's a tough call. I'm playing SC so I really don't have anything to lose by going glass cannon, but nobody likes needless deaths. ;)

Hi, the thing with totems is, you'll learn how and where to set them after a few more hours, sometimes especially when you get overrun, its ofthen better to detonate 2-3 mines by yourself while repositioning. There are only 1 type of mobs where i get real problems with totem placement (and many bosses^^ but detonating by yourself is often very good for bosses). I mean the mobs that explode in a circle of projectile attacks. Did a orchard map 2 days ago, the first time i got really annoyed, decided to not run orchard the next couple days:D.

Wihtout going Blood magic or EZMoM, there is no way you can sustain bladefall off of mana, unless you don't reserve anything but a clarity perhaps with 10+mana nodes and 60-70% unreserved and 2 mana flasks it's possible, but i don't think its worth the investment. For general mapping, running two vaal claritys should be the fastest and tankiest way to do it.

EZMoM is the best non clarity variant vs spells and Blood Magic vs physical.

Thank you very much for your feedback, looking forward for more:))

Edi:t well, the unique manaflask is an option too, but its very expensive^^
Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 6, 2016, 8:01:13 AM
dockam wrote:
I've been playing a build very similar to this and thought I'd share the direction I took. I decided to go the flask/evasion route as I think it's likely the strongest at most gear levels and also the easiest to adapt to MFing. Example end-game tree(lvl 92):

This gives us solid life (170%), a huge mana pool, 4 jewel slots, and lots of eva + flask buffs. With queen of the forest and grace, I have 15k evasion in hideout and about 40k with jade up with absurd movement speed. I'm currently using 4 endurance charges + chaos golem for 20% phys reduction, and am dodge capped as well with vaal grace up. I also just got a taste of hate for an additional 39% phys converted to cold damage. So extremely tanky for an evasion build, I run directly into the middle of packs most of the time and rarely die.

I've only gotten up to tier 10/11 maps so far, but even then a 4L tremor rod and 1-5c quality gear in every slot has been more than enough (I have a 5L but switched out controlled destruction for item rarity). A 7.5k TT on bladefall nearly one shots any magic/rares, and most bosses die in 3-5 traps. I don't like the idea of vaal clarity at all, and have been doing fine with 500 unreserved mana and ~120 mana regen. I swap in a mana flask for low/no regen maps which works well enough. And being able to run literally every map mod is great.

So yeah the build is pretty strong, same as every other bladefall/poison/trap/conversion type build at the moment. I'd recommend anyone building this to try making their character MF-oriented, as there are almost no stats we care about on gear besides life/res and maybe mana regen on a couple of slots. Good job on the guide though, I think it explains the build well for the most part.

Hey, build looks good, i really like the flask nodes, i think they are extremly strong. Looks very tanky, i didn't think you could change the ranger flask template to actually work without vaal clarity, but you did a nice job doing so:). I tried with my CI one with around 7 high quality mana nodes, but no mana regen on gear and it was a complete failure^^. Somehow i didn't even think of leaving more mana unreserved, got to around 110 ish manaregen.
But i didn't like CI that much, i think i play to bad for a build like this:( had 9k energyshield and kept dying.

Thanks for sharing your build, looking forward to see more:)
@flekelon hi very nice build.

Please could post your gear please?

Thanks :)
afonsosp wrote:
@flekelon hi very nice build.

Please could post your gear please?

Thanks :)

Hi, first needed to figure out how its done:D

I'm playing EZMoM right now.

hope it worked!

Edit: yay worked, but doesn't look that fancy:(

Ps: i have way to much stats and resists right now, but not feeling the need to upgrade anything other than the rings for more life. Today i decided to try something different, see how it goes and get back to this one later. I'm probably using much of this gear for it. I don't know if it updates to naked here later^^.
Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 6, 2016, 4:53:10 PM
I got to 90 with this today. It's a fun build with a semi unique play style. A couple things I could recommend:

* As I got higher up in maps and levels I used my totem less and less. Instead I'd detonate a single mine, and let poison do its work. There are times in which you can pop totem and vaal clarity and burn, but I'd say it's maybe 30% of the time (in my case).

*I went with the evasion version of the build, and I can say the most important flask set up you can have for defense is quicksilver. Movement speed trumps the other flask. With that being said, 30% is a requirement on boots.

I honestly don't remember the last time I died. When I first started mapping with this I didn't know if it could be hardcore viable (I'm SC), but it is. I'm pretty sure I could take this farther, but with ongoing map shortages it's funner to start something else.

Thanks again Phendrik,

PS - I highly suggest a Lightning Coil. Also, frostwall was a nice suggestion.
Level 68 and having a blast murdering everything with a 4 link Tremor Rod and 4 links on my boots for my totem. I have not used anything else, and seriously feel too OP.

I havent played for awhile, and decided to give this build a try on my comeback to leagues (SC Talisman). Once I hit 45, the build was LoL...

I am going evasion and have maxed resists and have only been using clarity, which I just about dont need. Using 3 hybrid flasks and 2 movement flasks. I use Spell Totem, totem resist, faster casting and detonate in a 4 link and controlled, consentrated, posion and bladefall in tremor rod. I also use flame golem. I was able to start mapping at 60 efficiently and got to "The Harvest" in the story to get the dudes Organs at 65 with barely any deaths.

Killing has never been an issue, and I have maxed resists and only 2.5k hp. I am thinking when I get about 3k to 3.5k hp and more evasion I should be pretty tough, but I know I am dying because I am under leveled BIG time.

My next step is to get a 5 link rod and figure out which gem to use. So here are my questions...

Which gem should be my 5th in a 5 link?
What other auras/spells/skills would be useful to link in my helm (4), gloves (4), and chest (3 now, will be 5-6)?
What cheap Evasion uniques could I get for toughness?

Still love using my spell totem. That guy is tough as hell, and with 1200 mana pool, I can just hold right click and deink some flasks and never run out. Flasks fill so fast that I have zero issues.

Anymore tips? I am already killing super fast on T1-T2 maps, just need to level up to catch the creatures I am fighting :)

BTW, thanks for the build TS!
Last edited by sheeeeeeets#3568 on Jan 9, 2016, 11:34:46 PM

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