[2.2] Extremly cheap fast paced remote mine build. 100k+ 4 Link Tremor Rod. Izaro/atziri oneshot.
" Hey, first off for linking, you should buy a 2. tremor rod and link this one (6 socket before) It can be pretty hard to get the right colors, you absolutly need 2 blue 2 green. Bladefall poison controlled + conc. Depending on what 5. color you get, you put in added chaos or trap/mine damage. If you're broke on chromes, you could also use added fire. But try to get one of the other colors as soon as you have another 100 chromes lying around. You could use cast when damage taken Immortal call+frostwall+summon skeletons. You can drop immortal call and keep your endurance stacks up with faster casting enduring cry. You should also use flame dash with faster casting. You can use flame dash to charge through enemys and through your frost wall. Dont use frostwall in public groups. You should use grace. You can also use vaal grace/vaal clarity with inc duration. If you have open sockets, you could put all resistance auras in there, so if needed you can swap to a leveled one. Or you can level a bunch of extra bladefalls and 1 extra poison gem (you really want quality on poison) and all the extra bladefalls are for vaaling / 20% quality recipe later. Try and get cheap life/resist rares on every slot. Lightning coil should be your very first "big" item. It should cost around 60-70 chaos. So try and get all your currency together for it, even before 5 linking. It is god tier for all evasion characters. 2. really big item is taste of hate, which costs around 3 ex if i remember correctly. But lightning coil should be enough for the higher map tiers. Roll all the different resistance flasks preferably with charge recovery+immun to freeze/shock/bleeding. Use the right one depending on the map mod (added fire/cold/lightning). You should also use a jade flask with % increased evasion. When ever you are in danger, use the evasion+the right resistance flask. The other 3 flask should contain 1 quicksilver with remove bleeding (i like this one on my quicksilver, because i have it always equipped). That said you should probably use 1 instant health flask, so you have depending on the map mod only 1 or 2 flask slots open, if thats enough for mana, fine. If not use 1-2 vaal clarity on your gear, and disable grace on the start of every map so you can easily charge up your first vaal clarity. Hope you keep having fun! Thank you for your interest:) Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 10, 2016, 11:14:45 AM
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What's so great about the Lightning Coil?
Is it so that you can stack lightning resist to balance the loss, then take less physical damage? |
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" So the problem with evasion based characters is, that even if you most of the time don't get hit at all, the occasional hit that gets through, does hit you very hard. Resists shouldn't be a problem at all so the "drawback" of -60 lightning is very easily avoided. Because of the high physical spikes, some people actually run a granit instead of a jade flask till they get taste of hate. So in short, to lower/avoid the occasional oneshot from high physical hits. Thats what lightning coil is for. If you don't mind the expierence loss sometimes, you don't really need it in softcore, but a really good evasion chest that you otherwise might wear should cost around the same. So why take the risk:) ps: funny that the "short" part was nearly as long as the "long" part:)) Edit: lightning coil gets especially strong coupled with endurance charges and taste of hate. They work really great together Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 10, 2016, 2:32:36 PM
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Just got a 5 link Tremor Rod, almost 4k hp, and up to 10k tooltip bladefall dps. The dps is very deceptive, cuz I kill shyt soooo fast. Still no Lightning Coil.
Doing T4-T5 maps with maxed resists, almost 4k hp, 45% evade, and 1 life, 2 hybrid, 2 movement flasks. Still only using mines and totem, with flame golem, clarity, and hatred. No flame dash, ice wall or any endurance charges yet. Still a good way to go to optimize, but nothing survives long at all.... Edit: trying to get all jewels that are % mine damage, % area damage, and % health. They are a little pricey, but when I find some for a few chaos I buy them up. Here is my gear now (Kind of Meh...) I have WAY to much resists, so will probably change some gear around when I get some more currency. Just spent the last bit on a 5 link and some jewels with %mine damage, %area damage, %life.... BTW, with Immortal Flesh and Clarity I can sustain mana pretty well almost w/o flasks. I use hybrid flasks, so I am always popping something to keep that health coming back since I get charges so quick and in case I get into trouble, and during that time I just kite by throwing a totem, stepping back and casting 2-3 traps, and watch everything die. Anything that makes it to the totem, I plant another behind me, step behind it, cast 4-6 more, and that will kill damn near EVERYTHING, bosses included. Most of the time that's overkill, but I rarely get touched and obliterate everything :) Not rushing into maps (tier wise) because I don't have many higher ones, but I do 6-7's when I get them VERY easily, just run more of a risk of my health dipping fast. Still, nothing withstands the mines... Last edited by sheeeeeeets#3568 on Jan 12, 2016, 8:48:13 AM
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A little progress update- . Hit 7.3k DPS, still using my 4L. . Been working on gearing for Hidden Potential, which is being difficult because I don't get much playtime except on weekends. . I've also tried mapping in a party, build shines really well! . I've amassed quite a number of 40%+ damage jewels which you can see in my passive tree. Each boost my DPS by about 300. . Running two vaal clarity's is really nice! . Level 73 and doing T7/8 maps. | |
" Hey, you're going pretty well, don't forget to use some life jewels if you can find cheap ones. And 7,3 is the average damage per hit, not your dps^^. you get around 4 mines per second, that detonate twice, so 8 per second +poison that isn't shown in your damage per hit. T5-8 are very good for leveling, i'd pesonally do 5-6 till 85 ish, that way you should have a high number of maps left to go. High level maps are more valuable when you are higher level because of exp penalty. Have fun and good luck! |
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" Hi, looks pretty good as well^^, next league i really want to do the evasion variant too probably with flasks. I hope it gets a good ascendancy class for it, really don't want to go shadow. You probably have already read the other post i wrote, it pretty much is the same i'd write to you^^. Try and update your defenses, exp loss is always annoying. Hope you get a few more chromes, can be really annoying to get the right colors:(^^ but i'd only try if i have around 300. I tend to rage quit if i throw a bunch of currency in one item that i really need right now and end up with completly useless links/colors:D Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 12, 2016, 11:26:35 AM
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" Is it worth going through hundreds of chromes to get a blue instead of the red? how much more does added chaos add over fire do you think? |
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" added chaos gives around 40-50% more damage, added fire gives 40% more to only the initial hit which is about 35% of the full damage. so if you count the poison damage in, added chaos gives more than doubble the boost than added fire. Without the poison it gives about the same. So if everything dies in 2 seconds anyway, who cares, but on longer fights you really see the difference. Added trap/mine damage is pretty much as strong as added chaos. |
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Added chaos damage .. My God. I created a Ranger character specifically for this build and I gotta say, I just vaporize everything after getting myself a 5L Tremor Rod.
Mana cost for each mine is absolutely insane (90 something at lvl 54, just about to beat cruel, but stopped lvling the build due to waiting on new league to actually get back into the game), but I've yet to do more than place the totem and 4-5 mines down in order to kill any boss coming my way. Tooltip dmg of over 2k is clearly a lie, but that's already explained in the main post. If bladefall doesn't kill them, then poison takes their health down so fast you don't really need to worry about anything. Voll took little more than a second to die. Having a lot of fun with this one. Will probably use it again when the next update hits. Last edited by Konsai#3914 on Jan 17, 2016, 2:21:41 AM
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