[2.2] Extremly cheap fast paced remote mine build. 100k+ 4 Link Tremor Rod. Izaro/atziri oneshot.
Hi there, my Name is Phendrik and first of i wanted to say that this is my first Guide (and probably the last^^) so don't expect miracles. English is not my native language so please don't be to harsh for false grammar/stuff. But please pm me or write something if anything is unclear. Another Thing that is important: dont think of it as the usual Mine build that is slow and boring. Its really fast paced (more at the bottom) Videos: I can't do videos myself, so i depend on other people posting me their videos, to share with their permission of course. Ty very much
one really nice member of the community was so generous and made a video for you guys. Its a cruel Malachai kill on level 56. Props go to FloopiFloop thank you very much! As a tip: for Bosses like malachai that destroy your totem pretty regulary, there is no reason to not detonate them by yourself while dodging stuff. Merciless Boss video compliation from FloopiFloop always 1-3 level under area level. Thank you very much again:) Btw you should really use vaal clarity at this point:D And don't forget, this build is as tanky as you want it to be (more under skilltree's) UPDATE 26.01 Today i got a video from Kesshi, he uses a very different build with his own unique touch on it. He uses the flask centered dodge version with a high mana pool and MoM. The video is an Orchard double boss map. He had around 4k hp with lightning coil and 5 link Tremor rod. Update ascendancy: I really like this one. You'll see it under skilltrees:).
Same guy, did atziri with a friend. Kesshi
Guide start:D 1. Introduction 2. Why going mines? 3. Gems 4. Passive tree's 5. General Playstyle 6. Leveling 7. Gear Choices 8. Math 9. Final words (acutally worth reading at the end^^) 1. Indroduction So i wanted to make Poison work, like pretty much the whole community after 2.1 went live. My 2. Build with fire nova mine poisener didn't go so well (dmg was fine, but i kept dying because i pretty much needed to facetank), so i searched the googles for a way to do something similar without needing to facetank everything. Then i came across the mighty Tremor Rod, the one and only mine unique and i immidiatly thought of Ethereal Knives. After some Thought i had realised that it would be really hard to get enough projectile speed to not force me to facetank everything. After a night of thinking (yes it actually took that long:D) iwas like: Fuck! Bladefall! UPDATE: With the new ascendancy classes, deadeye with Ek chain is actually good too, more later on. There are many different skill trees of this build, more under skilltrees. So you'll often see "depending on your build" things. 2. Why going mines? Bladefalls base cast time is 0,8 seconds. Just Bladefall beeing a mine gets it to 0.5 seconds. Of course you'd easily make up for that with faster casting and Echo, right?. Here comes Tremor Rod, the only mandatory item in this build in play. It Gives you 40-60% mine laying speed. You will get around 3-3.5 mines per second depending on your weapon and the skilltree you choose. Tremor rod gives you another 100% More cast speed with the "Mines can detonate an addional time" mod on it. But lets not forget it also gives 35% Less mine dmg. This will end up giving us 2x 65% dmg=130% dmg. So a 30% more dmg mod on the staff while getting4 Mines per second. This staff gives everything you gem in it remote mine level 10 witch gives another 40% more damage modifier. This pretty much means Tremor Rod gives you an 30% more modifier, another 40% modifier and 40-60% mine laying speed. Well and the most important Reason to go mines is, because mine damage would double dip on the poison damage if the poison is applied through a mine. Double dip means, that if for example you have 100% mine damage. Your mine does 100 damage, it does 200 damage. These 200 damage then benefit from the poison gem. The poison damage then also gets the 100% mine damage again! Bladefall / Poison nerfs Yes they hurt, but clearspeed is higher than before patch bc of ascendancy. You can read more under important notes at the end of the skilltree section 3. Gems Minefield is crazy! This build is better than ever. The gems in order of importance are Bladefall: Poison-> Minefield -> Conc Effect-> Trap and mine damage -> controlled destruction Ethereal Knives: Poison ->Minefield ->Pierce -> Trap and mine damage -> controlled destruction Pathfinder replaces poison with added chaos, but becomes lowest priority (6 link) Since it is hard to roll the right colors on your tremor rod it is ok to change the order. Poison, minefield and conc effect for bladefall, should be definetly on it though. Added chaos and added fire are okay options too if you are our of chromes. (tips on crafting your tremor rod later on) Spelltotem, detonate mines, faster casting, totem resistances Golem: Chaos golem, minion life, resistance. Or high lvl cast when damage taken Chaos golem low level Cast when damage taken can be linked with: Immortal call, Frost wall (not in public partys!) arctic breath, summon skeletons Temp chains(depends on your curse setup), inc duration You can also choose enduring cry with +1 bandit in merciless if you want to. It's pretty good especially with the new physical resistance flask, but it's more buttons to press. So decide for yourself. You want quality on detonate mines. Everything else is not too important. Depending on your build, you can choose to self curse only harder mobs. You can run blasphemy with vulnerability, temp chains or in case of EK even projectile weakness. All are very similar in strength. Other usefull auras are Grace / Determination / discipline / arctic armor Just use them as you see fit. The mana cost of this build is very high, so try to use 1-2 vaal claritys linked with inc duration as soon as you find / buy them. But it is definatly possible to level with 1-2 mana flasks. 4. Skilltree's, Update 2.2 Since ascendancy there are definatly less really good options to play this build. But in theory you can still do the old build with witch hybrid / CI, scion, or other variations. I do however recommend the following 3 skilltrees. All of them are actually very similar and priorities defenses and flask management/nodes. No glass cannons. All of them are planned to be used with Cloak of Defiance. A chest that converts 30% of damage taken to mana. If you have the currency or don't want to be dependend on 1 mana flask, you can also use lightning coil or a good rare chest. Bladefall Saboteur (isn't actually that good for it sadly, more at the end of this section)
Demolitiions specialist + Explosives expert Ethereal Knives Deadeye
Ricochet +2 proj dmg nodes. you can also choose powerful precision if you don't have controlled destruction. Bladefall Pathfinder
Important Notes on the builds!!111 Bladefall saboteur
Okay, first the saboteur. If you read all the benefits of it, especially demolotians specialist it looks pretty good. You gain 36% mine laying speed which is very strong. 40% increased mine damage, also pretty nice. And the 30% chance to place an additional mine when placing a mine. The last one is actually not good, because you will have minefield. With minefield you lay 3 mines, but you sadly only get one time 30% chance for 1 extra mine. So it's pretty much only 10% more mines. You also have 11 maximum mines when your build is finished, which means you'll often get 36-44% increased aoe on bladefall. This is actually good and very bad at the same time. Your map clear speed increases dramatically, but your singletarget boss damage is like 30-50% less than before patch (depending on how big the boss is). But don't be alarmed on these numbers, 5 second boss kills are okay too, they don't have to die in 2 seconds :D. But you can definatly see the boss dmg difference if you have played this before.
All in all pretty okay ish stuff. Ethereal knives deadeye.
With the passive nodes and deadeye you gain 60% proj speed and chain. Those together give a very good aoe coverage. Sadly the damage is at least to my calculations around 40% lower than bladefall.
So you trade a high amount of damage for potentially better clearspeed on Tier 1-12 maps depending on your gear. Bladefall Pathfinder
I started a saboteur this league, and after some mapping i realised that even though the clearspeed is way higher, the singletarget dps is (compared to last patch) way lower. Here comes the pathfinder in play. The pathfinder doesn't have the higher aoe that saboteur has, so way more bladefall hits will actually hit the boss. The pathfinder also doesn't care about the poison nerf, because it doesn't use the poison gem. So the fact, that it doesn't get forced increased aoe like the saboteur and the fact, that you get an extra gem slot because you don't have to use poison both benefits the singletarget damage. So if you do content where killing the boss is actually the most important thing (Atziri, Izaru :D for example) Pathfinder is the way to go.
Another thing if you are interested in it: If you take the 4 ascendancy points to master alchemist and skill the elemental avoidance nodes below acro and phase acro, you actually have 100% to avoid freeze, chill, ignite and shock while under the effect of a flask. That alone to me sounds pretty good :D. All of these builds work with 1 manaflask as fuel. For bosses you should have 1-2 vaal claritys ready. Bandits: Oak, Skillpoint, Skillpoint After playing saboteur, i think pathfinder is best because izaru is an extremly important part of the expansion, and Pathfinder just has more singletarget damage. But haven't played it so far. CI / Hybrid double/triple curse should work very good too, but i don't have enough expierence with it to justify a recommendation. Update: On site 10, my longest post (with a bunch of Spoilers), you can find Blood magic and Eldritch battery variantions, with templar / scion / marauder if you are interested! Use at own risk :D Btw, i could very well see the whole mine concept working well with other spells too. For example magma orb, gmp, conc effect, elemental focus, controlled destruction. But depending on the skill you choose, saboteur's 44% inc aoe might be very useful :D Saboteur also gives more elemental bonuses than physical. But i think it can get very laggy very fast. 5. General Playstyle So for max single target dps you have to hold shift and hold your mineskill while your detonate mines totem is up. Because you are more likely to dodge stuff in hard boss fights, it is actually very strong to do a wither totem and detonate by yourself. That is not always possible of course. The best playstyle if think is to stutterstep, which is extremly easy with mines. Just hold your button one or two centimeters away from your character and hold your mineskill. You will always move to the mouse position lay a mine and continue. You can ether spamm detonate by yourself, push it while your character moves to the next mine laying spot, or if possible put down your detonate mines spell totem anywhere safe. You need vaal clarity, the mana cost gets pretty high pretty quick. BTW The numbers say its Hardcore viable, but its still a mine build. If you don't realise that your detonate mines totem died, things can go bad pretty quick. You should definatly try to have 1 vaal clarity ready for the map boss. For most map bosses your mana potion can be enough, but vaal clarity makes the fight way faster. Dealing with strongboxes: Step 1 lay all dmg mines that you can step 2 lay a smoke mine in a safe distance step 3 cast spell totem step 4 open the box As soon as enemys spawn, the spell totem will detonate the mines, killing them and teleporting you away. Izaro oneshot tactic: You need a 6 link chest (tabula or another of your choice) Remote mine, bladefall, poison, conc effect, trap and mine damage, controlled destruction. Buy a high spell damage wand + shield / wand. whatever is cheap. Place 9 mines before he spawns + spell totem detonate mines. Have vulnerability up. Before he spawns use atziris promise and / or a sulphur flask. If you are saboteur, use a 3 link with whatever trap+cluster trap+multitrap and place 12 traps anywhere in the room. The moment izaru spawns, he will drop to his phase end HP. In p1 and p2 he will run around and fight another 10 seconds, but you won't have to attack him, he just waits till all his buffs are spawned. (don't worry, you oneshot him in every phase) Do this in p2 and p3 again, p2 you will have tu run around again 10 seconds, but as long as you run in a circle around him, nothing will hit you. P3 he will just die instantly. You don't need to do this, but i prefer a 100% safe oneshot over a 5 second fight. And you get 3 keys all the time without beeing in danger ever. The same applies to every other boss where you have 5+ seconds to setup (atziri). With my gear right now (level 90), tabula + 3c wand 3c shield, Atziri phase is over with only 2 mines (9 possible) Her phase is also over in one bladefall wave phase with normal tremor rod setup. But then you need all your mines (up to 12). Use vulnerability against her, blasphemy doesn't get reflected! Edit: Did normal Atziri on a 4 link Cloak of defiance without tremor rod 3c wand 3c shield. Was no problem, skipped all but one of her healing phases. 6. Leveling Whatever tree you are using, rush for the right side of the tree to get The Clever Construction Notable (your mines can't be damaged 5 seconds after you lay them). You could level with whatever you want, for example a Night's Hold Talisman with Flame Totem, Flameblast, Lightning Tendrils/spark with orb of storms, or whatever you leveled with in previous leagues. Choose depending on your starting nodes (shadow, ranger). There is nothing wrong to take all the proj dmg nodes at ranger for leveling. The second you have clever construction you can switch to mines, poison however at this point isn't that strong. When you get to lvl 45 you should definatly equip tremor rod and go full mines. The second you equip a 4 link Tremor Rod. You become God. Nothing from that point on (exept malachai of course) lived more that 3 seconds and i mean it: NOTHING. I was always 2-4 levels under the zone level. Rares usually take 1 Bladefall, the toughest of the tough rares take 2 bladefalls. Update ascendancy: Singletarget damage is a little lower than before in some cases due to bladefall nerf. (You have probably read it already in the skilltrees section) This build is very nice together with a friend that uses wither totem + some kind of chaos / chaos dot damage. 7. Gear Choices The only mandatory Unique is Tremor rod. As of right now it costs about 1 Fusing. If you want to use frenzy charges with bloodrage or blood dance boots, you need Southbound Gloves, so every kill is achieved by your poison and not your mine. You really want movespeed on your boots and if possible a quicksilver flask with extra movespeed. Depending on which skilltree you end up doing there are several items that could be very useful. You could use lightning coil or belly of the beast You could even use a Restless ward in conjunction with Doedre's Elixir and the many many flask nodes available for this build as an extremly cheap way to get charges. If you have more currency you could lavianga's spirit as your mana flask. The endgame CI variant is low life Shav's of course. Of course Taste of Hate or Atziri's Promise always will be good. Just pick the items you want that will suit your chosen build Jewels: You Want Life/Mine damage on your jewels. Area and Damage rolls are also good, but mine damage jewels are way cheaper because there is pretty much no demand for it. Important!: While trying to 5 link your Tremor rod, you have 2 options to not get frustated. First of only try to 5 link it while it has 6 sockets and 20% quality, perhaps you get lucky. Option 1: Buy a 2 chaos 5 link and roll it by yourself with the right colors. Option 2: Wear whatever chest you want (unique for example) and don't link it at all, just roll your needed amount of sockets in it. Use a second Tremor rod 4 link while trying to 5/6 link your other one. Desired stats: In case of the 3 linked trees you want Life -> resistance ->maximum mana ->evasion Movespeed on your boots is very important. Spelldamage on your amulet is good too, but always prioritize defense. Cast speed is usless, don't trust the tooltip Current Gear
8. Math
Okay, first of all, now that it is confirmed in ascendancy: poeurl.com/ziW
Poison does double dip with mines / area damage. It was easy to test ingame, but there was no confirmation for it. Now we choose the shadow skilltree without ascendancy. Desired 4 link: Bladefall, poison, minefield, conc effect. Tremor rod gives lvl 10 remote mine, a -35% mine damage mod and double mine explosion. We use a perfect 60/60 Tremor rod in this expample, no jewels, no buffs, no flask, no gear. All gems lvl 20 without quality. First our stats. Minedamage+spelldamage+physical damage = 336% Poison damage: 419% +50% increased duration. Bladefall damage: 475 per hit. We only use 1 hit as damage calculation. There will hit more however. Mines per seconds: 3.27(mine laying speed) x2 (tremor rod) x 3 (minefield) = 19,5 Hits per seconds. Multipliers: -35% (staff modifier), +39% (lvl10 remote mine), -21% (minefield), +59% (conc effect) All of them apply twice: The initial hit and the poison damage. So double dipping in a good and a bad way. Bladefall physical dpse= 475 x (1+3,36) x19,5 x 0,65 x 1,39 x 0,79 x 1.59 = 45800 dps Poison gives deals 2 seconds 10% of physical damage per second, so 20% of physical damage. Poison dps= 45800 / 5 x (1+4,19) x 0,65 x 1,39 x 0,79 x 1,59 x 1,5 (inc duration) =80900 dps Bladefall dps: 126700 dps 4 link. 5 link gives another 39% double dip multiplier. 6 link gives another 44% multiplier. You need a high quality detonate mine gem and a faster casting linked to your spell totem to get this dps. Also of course this is while staying still and spamming. This is like mentioned without jewels, buffs, flask, ancendancy, curse, gear (other than 60/60 tremor rod) and with only 1 estimated bladefall hit per cast. Yes, bladefall can hit with the weaker, later hits. But it can also hit 2 or 3 times as well. You can use the same math for the other builds, just switch the spell, mine and poison damage depending on your build, or gear if you want to calculate that too. 9. Final Words Because this build is extremly variably, i encourage you guys (especially newcomers) to just try and do a build for yourself. Just try to get most of the Mine damage nodes, a few jewels and the poison damage cluster. You can go armor, life, evasion, hybrid, CI. I reccommend EmmitJ's offline skill tree planer. Just google it. This is the first ever build that i made myself that really worked out great. The feeling when i realised that it works was just awesome. As general tips, if you go hybrid you can easily achive 150-250% energy shield and between 130-190% life depending on what you favour. If you go CI you should take all the energy nodes available because you don't have a shield. I think CI is the most expensive way to start this build off. Occultist would probably be the way to go. If you go armor or evasion you should aim for about 180%+Life and you should really think of all the flask nodes that are available as ranger Don't take all the damage nodes at the shadow area (unless you are shadow of course), you really don't need them, build tanky so you can level higher. I'm looking forward for feedback and i'd love to see some of you guys posting Gameplays so everyone can see it. Special Thanks go to Zizaran (pcchild) for encouragin me to make a guide. I'm a shy person and normally wouldn't post anything. Map update: March 10th
I got my first t10 map :D vaaled it to 140% quantity 28% packsize double boss necorpolis. Got an achievement for vaaling it :D. Bossfight was dangerous, had to roll a freeze immunity utility flask. Had to leave once in the boss fight through portal bc flask had no charges left. The whole fight took around 90 seconds. Dropped another 2 necropolis, i'll keep them around, didn't like the boss:D
Atziri update: March 13th
Just did atziri after i randomly 6 linked my staff yesterday for the very first time ever. All portals left, never came even close to dying, expect in atziri fight something that does bleed damage took me to 30% hp. I didn't bother switching flasks, just my normal quicksilver, atziri 2 life 1 mana flask. No movement skill.
The vaal guys each died in ~2 seconds. The whole trio fight took 6 seconds. Every atziri phase was over after 1 bladefall wave of 11 mines (with atziris promise up). Never did her before, have no clue what order in trio fight does. I only know that she does something with curses, so i turned vuln off. I killed the bottom left of her 4 copys everytime, don't know why just saw it in streams.I always thought she was this unbeatable noobslayer. Yeah the 6 link helped, but 4-6 link = 100% more damage. So i figure the fights would take twice as long, which is still pretty fast from what i've seen. Honestly, double mervell was 10 times harder. March 14th
I got a wasteland map after i did crematorium. 4 extra exiles, 23 more magic, 25 more rare, ele eq, no regen, 49% monster life, 4 proj, 107% cold, nemesis, bloodline, reduced crit. 153q, 58r, 28p.
Only thing that was dangerous, were those mobs that explode and shoot projectiles when they die (had quicksilver because i googeld who the boss is before:D). I died once at the boss, saw him->charge->dead:D. Boss died in about 20 seconds with careful kiting around half a screen away from him. Took around ~60 bladefall hits. I was very afraid, because he killed me in like a second before. If i could spamm the cast he'd be dead in ~4 seconds i guess. Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Mar 31, 2016, 8:30:15 AM Last bumped on Aug 3, 2016, 12:32:27 PM
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no video?
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hi, I'm sorry. i can't record a video with my PC. I'm hoping someone trys the build and posts one.
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Looks interesting, good job.
Last edited by Byrr#3009 on Dec 31, 2015, 2:35:05 AM
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" Thank you very much, really appreciate the feedback. |
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Added a small Jewels section at Gear choices.
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this looks unique and really fun =D was looking for something like dat
i made a ranger in the talisman league called it DerpMiner 3: with the iron reflexes path gonna lvl it with fire trap firenova mine and flame surge sry but noob questions: so to get more armor im going to use determination or grace? and why not using regular clarity if the mana reserve is the problem will a lower lvl clarity wont be effective? |
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" Hi, before using the 2. aura (blasphemy+xxx (grace/determination/discipline) i used clarity and leveled just fine to about 70 with clarity+mana potion + the 3 mana nodes at the witch start (i did witch hybrid variant). But the moment i had blasphemy + discipline running, i specced out of the mana nodes and used 2 vaal clarity. When you do party play or get a 5 link early, clarity isn't enough any more because you get very fast to around 400+ mana cost per second. Btw you don't have to use determination or grace, you could also run a herald or arctic armor but i recommend do get as much survivability as possible. For example you could use Grace+arctic armor and curse bosses with a normal curse cast without curse on hit and faster casting. You don't need to curse every mob. The posibilites are endless Thank you vey much for your interest and feedback EDIT: If you want you could also run 1 aura of your choice and put some points (around 5-8) in mana with a high level clarity+1 instant mana potion. This way you could go with vaal grace or vaal discipline. But the moment you get a 5 link Or if you want to Group. Supporting the mana cost without vaal clarity gets really expensive in terms of point investment. (Added to Gem section) Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Dec 31, 2015, 5:15:42 PM
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" oh ok thank you ^^ i guess ill just lvl and decide as i go |
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I've been trying bladefall traps and bladefall totems, but mines have somehow escaped my attention. How high into maps has this build taken you?
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