[2.2] Extremly cheap fast paced remote mine build. 100k+ 4 Link Tremor Rod. Izaro/atziri oneshot.
SUP i made a montage about one shotting bosses in merciless :D (was 1-3 lower lvl than the bosses areas)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDdCnAE5MmE also pl0x change the name to Floopy or Floopifloop this one here is an old one that i dont like anymore but have no idea how to change it here XD |
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" I will use the second one than, because its the same as your youtube. Thank you very much:)) |
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So I'm currently running this build and I'm stoked.
Most bang for the buck, I've ever gotten out of 1 alch (also gotten me my first ex drop this season!) Did some lake runs now and managed to 5l my tremor rod. Gear&Passives I arrived a4m: Gear
New badboy: Went with added fire because of the lower multiplier, gotta figure the mana-issue out. So far it's endurable but I'd like to ditch the immortal flesh soon and/or go for alpha's howl and some aura nodes and pick up arctic armour/hatred/defensive aura or w/e. Edit: totally forgot the vaal clarity, got 2 now, all fine. I'm currently disabling Grace when I enter an area to get those up more fluid and go nuts when both are up. Will post some more in the future. Kudos to you, Phendrik, thanks for sharing that one Last edited by Itches#1684 on Jan 3, 2016, 10:32:42 AM
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Hey Itches, i'm very happy that you like it:). The Ranger tree should be the best defensive option and the best for high damage at high levels ( very easy to get high frenzy charges/movespeed with blood dance boots and movespeed is absolut gold), but sadly it needs vaal clarity. You had a really good idea with disabeling grace at the start of a map, shoud make it far less clunky in the beginning of a map.
Arctic armor is a very good choice, because you tend to get the most damage when you get stunned in melee range. Which movement skill did you like the most so far? I'm also thinking of investing in a +2minion helmet, because this build doesn't need many gems. Could add some defenses. Summon zombie, fortify, minion life, elemental resistances. What do you think? Thank you very much for sharing your build. Looking forward to hear more from your progression:) Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 3, 2016, 11:54:46 AM
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Hey man! First things first, amazing build. I just got my ranger to level 45 and I have to say, I was worried about a few factors but I've not had this much fun since rainbownuke. For anyone considering this build, or if you're on the fence, I highly recommend it. It does exactly what it says it does. 5 stars. | |
Disclaimer: I'm a total PoE newbie.
I'm only playing hardcore but I really like the idea behind this build. I was thinking about going for the suggested ranger + evasion passive tree. What would be the safe amount of health to have at different stages in the game? I've never played an evasion based character and my usual HC ranger dies around level 30. Also, would this be a viable build for HC? Are there any general trap / mine guides worth reading? Especially something explaining which attributes should I put priority to on different elements of my equipment, etc. |
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" Hey, i'm glad you're having fun:) Thank you very much for your feedback! |
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" Hi, first off thank you for your interest. In theory this build gets very tanky, but the general mine playstyle can get very dangerous very fast, because if you want the fast clearspeed that it has you are pretty much playing melee half of the time. You can play it very safe, but the clearspeed suffers heavliy. Ranger is definatly a good choice because you don't have to worry much about your stats. (depending on if you choose to use high strength requirement gems in your gear, try and get a little bit of strength later on). But i think the ranger evasion just needs a little bit of strength for your spell totem. You should always try to get life and resistances, you don't need any damage stats on this build. Don't look away from blue items, especially resistance rings can be worth it. I recommend to put a few points in some bow nodes and level to 45 with split arrow / frenzy and even the new ballista totem. You should always try and be 3-5 levels over the zone level, good leveling zones for this are ledge in act 1, fellshrine ruins in act 2, docks in act 3 (make sure to have capped fire resistance) and dried lake in act 4. If you decide to play this version, don't worry about a 5 link and try to safe up all your currency to get a lightning coil first, its a very very good item for every evasion build. If you aren't just interested in mines, but traps also. I would also recommend using a trap poison guide, its more expensive, but the trap playstyle in general is safer than mines. I think pohx has a good guide up anywhere, just google him. Thank you very much for your feedback, perhaps someone more expierenced on the forums can give you a few sources to look up and i hope you end up with the right build for you. Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Jan 4, 2016, 10:21:08 AM
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" First off, the new setup. Gear:
3.4k hp, 'estimated chance to evade attacks 58% (watt?), 40% dodge attacks, 46% spells. Haven't optimized my flasks yet but I'm running t8 ezpz with lvl 74. Back to 4'l because getting the g-g-b-b-b is eating up my currency. (yes, t8 on a 4l, peeps) Actually, I've played without any movement spells - haven't even felt the need for getting one. But I guess my choice would be flamedash. What really hurts is the lack of a cwdt-setup. Guess there's room for it when I managed to 4+2l my carcass. I'm hoping for a fancy x-x-x-x r-b link there to put a 'low-level' clarity on blood magic, which then is going to be turned off - instead of grace. I'm not sure about minions, I was playing something else in a hybrid way with 9 points in minion life nodes and it wasn't enough, zombies were still dying 24/7 so I doubt that it'd be that usefull. Maybe for the CI-approach, but the ranger ev/life/dodge doesn't need it imho. Really fascinated by the build, especially the ground-concept and the fact that it can be optimized in so many ways to get a 'personal touch', even with the ranger start. |
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" I ditched the minion setup idea very fast, i'm using different auras in my open gem slots right now to switch to the appropriate one to boost my defenses even more. I'm also leveling every resistance aura at the moment, i really want to try using most blue gear (only High life/resistances) with resistance auras to push the damage with a Hidden potential jewel to stupidly amounts. Just an idea, not working towards it right now. Using a second 4 link Tremor rod while trying to link/chrome your other one is a very good idea, i'll add this to the guide. Looking forward for more updates! Have fun and thank you very much. |
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