[2.2] Extremly cheap fast paced remote mine build. 100k+ 4 Link Tremor Rod. Izaro/atziri oneshot.

don't worry about it :) it's a nice build.
Hmmm, I wonder, which Jewel should I go for:

One gives faster mine laying speed - more mines, more bladefalls, more damage...
The other one gives more mine damage...

Also: Does (global) faster cast help with the totem making the mines explode?
Last edited by hyper_ch#1759 on Mar 20, 2016, 7:52:20 AM
Laying speed gives more dps but only in a perfect scenario (high quality detonate mines totem up). I often just hold right click and spamm detonate with quicksilver up. Mostly totem for longer fights. Even then laying speed probably gives more dps though.

I'd buy a life + whatever is cheapest jewel.

Life + mana
Life + speed
Life + mine dmg
Life + area

Whatever is cheapest, but try to get 7% life on every jewel you have if possible.

Yes, cast speed applies to the totems, but you have more than enough with 20q detonate mines and faster casting.

Hmmm, I just can't get used to use Quicksilver Flask... Currently I have Basalt + 3x Bubbling Divin + 1x Bubbling Sanctified
well, i play softcore, i do use a defensive flask instead of quicksilver for harder content. just for farming stuff
Soon, first gems will hit lvl 20... just looked at Bladefall. There's no point in resetting it to lvl 1/20q because it just gets inc. AoE. However trying to corrupt it to Lvl 21 makes sense :)

Would Herald of Ash/Ice actually increase the damage by the spell totem/mines?
Last edited by hyper_ch#1759 on Mar 20, 2016, 11:42:13 AM
yes, they do. A full elemental build is also possible, without poison. Would do higher initial damage, but overall less dmg. And you'd have to run hatred and ash for most dmg.
Just been pondering to run tri-aura.... AA, HoX, TC -> 85% reservation.... still running TC/Enfeeble but if I add AA I'm at 95% reservation
Another thought:

Would IIR gem help on the spell totem? Since it's the spell totem that triggers mine detonation would IIR gem help there?
Last edited by hyper_ch#1759 on Mar 24, 2016, 1:32:29 AM
I don't think so. When you detonate the mines, you don't get the kill. So why should your totem get the kill when it detonates it. But to be 100% sure you could link culling strike with the totem and use a weaker bladefall, so you could actually see a 10% kill.
But both should definatly not work.
I'd be very surprised if it did.

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