[2.2] Extremly cheap fast paced remote mine build. 100k+ 4 Link Tremor Rod. Izaro/atziri oneshot.

Being a bit more caucious on HC I'm now at lvl 73 and doing fine :)

Still using 4L Rod cause I need to save up currency for 5L. Tooltip DPS shows 1900 :)
hyper_ch wrote:
Being a bit more caucious on HC I'm now at lvl 73 and doing fine :)

Still using 4L Rod cause I need to save up currency for 5L. Tooltip DPS shows 1900 :)

Nice, hope you don't die!

The 1900 is average damage per hit. You get around 18-20 hits per second + poison damage that isn't shown.

If you die and still want to play this build perhaps try the juggernaut blood magic one if you want.

Good luck
Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Mar 13, 2016, 9:44:29 AM
flekelon wrote:

The 1900 is average damage per hit. You get around 18-20 hits per second + poison damage that isn't shown.

I know :)
I just saw that i literally have the only 5 link tremor rod in PSC on poe.trade.
Feelsbadman :D

Sold to an arc miner, seems to work too :D
Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Mar 14, 2016, 10:59:15 AM
Btw, not really sure how the Scion Ascendancy Skill Tree works. But it's not too far off to start with IMHO and it has some nice specs.

E.g. go to Sentinel and the get starting Resistance Nodes. When you reach Sentinel you have 28% all resistances. Then you go towards the Ranger tree and then up the Shadow part.

Also, it seems that a Scion can spend Ascendancy points to start at another skill tree location. So some dex/life node skills that are used as bridge could be jumped.

But as said, I'm totally unsure how the Scion Ascendant skill tree works.

Interesting stuff could be:


20% increased Cooldown Recovery Speed for throwing Traps
20% chance to create a Smoke Cloud when you place a Mine or throw a Trap
5% increased Damage for each Trap and Mine you have
Damage Penetrates 6% Elemental Resistances if you Detonated Mines Recently


Path of the Shadow
Can Allocate Passives from the Shadow's starting point
Requires: Shadow Ascendancy


50% increased Flask Charges gained
25% increased Damage during Flask effect
50% chance to avoid Freeze, Shock, Ignite and Bleed during Flask effect
4% reduced Elemental Damage taken during Flask effect
I really like the scion blood magic->saboteur ->jump to shadow start tree i posted.
Its very simple, just very high life and high damage. Nothing fancy.
For everythinig else, i feel like the real ascendancys are better.
Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Mar 14, 2016, 10:59:53 AM
scion blood magic? you posted that one?
hyper_ch wrote:
scion blood magic? you posted that one?

Hi, yes yesterday someone asked for non mana potion / non vaal clarity builds.

The longest post on page 10. Don't have it on the guide though. I only added that if someone was interested in other variations they should look at page 10.

Edit: Didn't added them bc i haven't played them. The both blood magic builds however do look pretty good.
Perhaps the trickster too.
Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Mar 14, 2016, 1:44:10 PM
Why use Blood Magic? Instead of spending 5 nodes on Blood Magic you could get like 3x 30 Int Nodes or something.
what do you mean with "why use blood magic"? It's so you don't need mana of course. The build is for people who don't want to use the flask variant and don't like vaal clarity.
And what does intelligence have to do with it? :D
I'm confused.

Edit: You also get a huge amount of life and life regen.
Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Mar 15, 2016, 8:36:10 AM

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