[2.2] Extremly cheap fast paced remote mine build. 100k+ 4 Link Tremor Rod. Izaro/atziri oneshot.
it's traps... not mines.... stupid me Last edited by hyper_ch#1759 on Mar 11, 2016, 11:38:08 AM
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i have never played a trap build. I have however something "planned" that i will probably never do:D you could use tremor rod, place a mine with minefield trap and cluster trap. and would gain 2x 15 traps per mine placed:D you wouldn't suffer from t he 35% less mine dmg ons taff and from the -21% from minefield. No clue if would be good. Or if it would work. You'd go for trap damage on the tree of course. you'd have to be saboteur to, so all traps would detonate instantly.
you would loose 1 gem that would be a dps gem (minefield) but gain 30 traps per mine placed. I think pohx, a known streamer has a guide, or atleast played with traps. Perhaps ask him? I only play mines, because in theory tremor rod is godly strong for every spell in the game unless you go crit. I play physical mines because of poison. I'd love to try saboteur with storm call, you'd easily get 70% area of effect with insane cast speed and nearly only multipliers in your " 7 link" :D but i hate leveling. In theory every aoe spell with saboteur and tremor rod is insane. Never played it though. Edit: With ice nova you gain the most cast speed benefit, with carcass jack lvl 20 inc aoe and all aoe nodes expect scion you'd have over 140% inc aoe on it. I would love to see someone try it out. I think this has insane potential. (44% inc aoe from saboteur) Edit2: something like this
you would have nearly 500% spell/ele/mine damage on the tree, 20% elemental penetration and all aoe that you can get, 179% life and 5 jewels. Coupled with the insane "cast speed" from tremor rod + minefield. Sounds good right? :D perhaps the most left templar stuff is not good, bc you'd have only small hits, don't know how good it would freeze. Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Mar 11, 2016, 11:54:59 AM
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I just randomly got my 6 link staff after less than 100 fusings:D
Bought two staffs. the first one 5 linked after 8 fuses. After two days randomly throwing every fusing / jeweller i got on the 2. one i got my first ever 6 link. I'm well connected now :D |
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Mana Costs with 6L?
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i don't have added chaos laying around, and getting 3 g / 3 b will take a while. So i just put in area of effect. With that setup it was around 206 at lvl 19 i think.
Edit: 205 with inc aoe, should be somewhere around 190 with trap and mine damage at lvl 19. Edit2: bought lvl 19 added chaos. 4link to 6 link is insane, double the damage :D. From 3100 per hit to 5750. Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Mar 12, 2016, 7:13:06 AM
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How well would a trap version of this work? Something like putting Bladefall, Poison, Cluster Trap, and Conc Effect in a 4-link Deerstalker? I ask this because after trying the build, I dislike the idea of being in melee range to put down mines, and throwing BF traps from a distance is safer (but of course less damage than the double detonation of Tremor Rod).
Last edited by phirefor#0344 on Mar 12, 2016, 7:09:40 AM
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" I don't think it would work that good, the damage comes from the extreme amount of hits you get from tremor rod. And of course the potential 7 link. If you go for poison scaling with traps, firestorm trap ->chaos with 2 of the conversion daggers should be better because you can double dip with wither totem 200% more initial dmg which gives 200% more poison damage, that than again gets 200% poison damage from the totem. I don't think bladefall can compete with that. Especially after the nerf. After my gear was finished, i only died once to a lag the last 2 days while playing extremly reckless (holding rightclick and spamming detonate without totem, running through all mobs.. I think this is an extremly tanky build when also played defensly. Oh no thats not true, i also died twice to tier 9 piety boss with turbo and 30% inc damage, her beam was oneshot:( wihtout the 30% damage on another map i survived it with ~20% hp. When you get some currency you could run blasphemy temp chains + enfeeble + lightning coil. Mind over matter is however awesome if you don't have the currency, or you are running a curse immunity map. But i honostly have to say, that now after i took all the life nodes, i have never ever played a character that was more tanky. Izaru's phys slamm still one shots :D. I even play with only one hand right now bc my left hand doesn't work for at least a few more weeks, so no 4 endurance charges / basalt flask. Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Mar 12, 2016, 7:31:08 AM
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Just did atziri, was pretty easy. Always thought it was a lvl 80 map, not 70.
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Hi, I have a few questions again.
Is there a range where the Detonate Mines totem won't detect mines? Or can you put a totem at the start of a zone and still have it detonate mines at the end of a zone, assuming the totem is still up? And do you think it's worth spending more points to get the second +45 skill duration cluster, seeing as how important Vaal Clarity is, as well as making the Detonate Mines totem live longer? And is it possible to make a tree where this build runs smoothly without the use of mana pots and vaal clarity? Last edited by phirefor#0344 on Mar 12, 2016, 10:02:49 PM
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" Hi, the totem will always detonate all mines if an enemy gets in sight radius of it. The mines however, when the enemy is too far away, just will bladefall on top of the mine. You only need one duration cluster. I only use 1 vaal clarity right now, because it is enough. I don't recommend taking it with the shadow / ranger tree i posted. Shadow and ranger without mana potion (at least this very tanky ones) shoudln't work good. If you got occultist, you can do eldritch battery double curse. Perhaps you don't need zealots oath because of occultist, vaal clarity however is 100% needed. With a 6 link you have around 650-750 mana cost per second. You will loose a high amount of survivability. You gain the option to double curse, that can be used for 2 defensive curses however. I did EZMoM last league, i didn't feel it was tanky enough. Edit: Trickster could probably do it. Something like this:
has a little low life, but 5 jewels to make up for it Occultist with zaeloths oath takes too much point investment. The new unique chest gives ZO, but it only has 200 ish energy shield. So i think a very high es pool + occultists wicked ward, would be the way to go. Perhaps something like this: I can't recommend both of these, no clue if they would work. Trickster looks good, but i don't know if occultists wicked ward is enough to make up for the loss of zealoths oath. Templar and scion could do a zealoths oath variant, but no ascendancy seems really worth it.
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAUAAE8EQ8gdmX5sgOBboMS012qbMKdVfA5o8vAfogAEs8BmRUcy0evumuCFMqcIHNxFnZ2uuJOPGlNSGmwo-jbp98GCx1fJJKodvvnoDXwWbzOHaHRBh-q642oD7tpitz60DBhW_grK00W58kXYvb6KhHc64TWSkyehL1Riplf-j3_G74hN4xGWwcX5NwceDkiIQqBD18-VLl3ygh4d2RHCSbHw1SsK2wtDVJ3ZSVERL_RxI1_rYw6ONj2dqmyMYqy0xdvncFF2b36w2FSzAzIY7hW3dbcw6FomiGwI8YoAAAAA This should work (perhaps even without vaal clarity), but like i said, no real ascendancy bonus. Edit: I'm stupid, you can also go blood magic, i did this last league too. I try to make a build for it. Perhaps there is a good ascendancy for it. Marauder skilltree:
you can choose Berserker for 40% more damage, or juggernaut for huge amounts of armor (use the new ring essence worm for determination) Scion skilltree something in the direction of this:
Use the new essence worm ring for a free aura. Trickster/saboteur in scion. You would loose a little damage and clearspeed and the option to use blasphemy with the blood magic variant, but it would be extremly easy to play and very tanky. I'd probably go juggernaut + essence worm determination for an insanely tanky variant, or Berserker+essence worm free aura of your choice. If i would ever play this in hardcore, Juggernaut+essence worm determination would be my recommendation. You can't die to physical hits, you can't die to reflect, lightning thorns. You gain a maximum of 1 stack corrupted blood per enemy because only the kill counts as hitting them if they die from the poison. The bladefall hit will not give stacks to you. You pretty much can only die to insanely high amounts of spell damage if you have enough chaos resistance. So it looks like there are endless possibilities :D Hope you find one that suits you! Have a nice day and thank you Last edited by flekelon#1496 on Mar 13, 2016, 9:12:04 AM
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