Donald Trump
" That seems like the wrong way to think about the issue. For starters, we certainly have the power to drastically alter the world. We can level forests, hunt species to extinction, and have built so much infrastructure that our machinations can be seen from space. Between exponential population growth* and (apparent) exponential technological growth**, we have more power to change things on a massive scale than we ever did in the past for the better or for the worse. Separately, the planet isn't going to die if the temperature wildly shifts. Many of us will (due to rising waters causing migrations, the turning of arable land, and so on). Other life forms that don't have the power to plan ahead certainly will suffer and the effect on ecosystems at large is highly unpredictable. The planet will continue spinning in its orbit silently and presumably some forms of life will manage. The question should be posed as "What can we do to keep the temperature exactly the way we are used to". We don't have a backup planet to go use if this one gets fucked up by our own hand or by a natural hand. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that CO2 in the air means increased temperatures. If we're measuring an uptrend, we should strive to counter it with a downtrend (and vice versa); not throw up our hands and say "welp, nothing we could've done". We like the temperature that we're at and we've planned everything around it not changing by too much. The reality is that it requires coordination between lots of people that all generally hate each other and/or want each other's resources for their own while at the same time being a massive sacrifice in our daily freedoms. As a result of this, I have approximately zero hope that it will be addressed at all, even as the results of climate change (natural or man-made!) kick our ass. It's way easier and honestly probably more productive to ignore the issue, continue burning hydrocarbons (read: just generally not giving a shit about CO2 levels), and focus on practical things like building bunkers and learning how to hunt wildlife. --- As a great example of how we saw a problem and fixed it in the past, we knew that CFCs were causing ozone depletion in the atmosphere. Countries around the world agreed to ban their use and the problem halted. It didn't go away naturally (notably, it wasn't even caused naturally) -- it took a conscious choice. (Of course, you can't run a car on CFCs, nor can you heat a house or any of the other millions of reasons why portable, dense energy in the form of hydrocarbons is so appealing. CFCs were replaced with something else less harmful.) ---
Between 1950 and now, the world's population has tripled. This number still catches me off guard and sounds absurd, but it's true.
Good reading on this. Cherry-picked quote, "Over 23% of all the goods and services made since 1AD were produced from 2001 to 2010".
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" It's Trump's actions we need to pay attention to now, not what he states in public. With the CIA, I think it is a matter of "keep your friends close and your enemies even closer". Trump can be praising the CIA with one hand, while gutting and cleaning house with the other. Praising them publicly just makes it harder for them to complain. Companies do this all the time - talking about how their employees are their greatest asset while quietly releasing hundreds of them to "seek other opportunities" Think of it like a breakup and Trump is publicly saying - "It's not you, it's me." Trump has to get all his people in place and figure out who the moles and traitors are first. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" Some choice moments from Sanders attempt to badger Pruitt" "97% of scientists " Ah - so there is no more testing of theories, but science is rather determined by popular vote now? If 97% of them say the speed of light is 68 km/hr will the speed of light actually change to comply? "Scientists believe.." Ah - so science is now faith based? Is that what Sanders is telling us? "Scientists say we have got to act bodly.." Because human intervention with nature has worked out so well. Sanders has drank deeply of the Kool Aid. A series (12?) of satellites could be put up to measure the Earth's varying infrared albedo, and the spectrum of absorption would give us almost real time data on what gases are absorbing what frequencies (C02 has a unique spectrum signature, just like other compounds and elements). If Sanders is trying to tell us that 97% of scientists can't have figured that out by now, those scientists should all be sent back to school for retraining. It's like someone telling us that their house is too hot, and they have lasers and chemical sniffers, and tree rings but no thermometer or thermostat. If humans have become this inane, we should start tinkering with Chimpanzees so they can take over early for us. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" We know that CO2 absorbs infrared wavelengths which means that less is available to be reflected into space. We know that C02 in simple laboratory models absorbs infrared and causes heat to rise. It is likely that it behaves similarly in our atmosphere. It is not the only "greenhouse" gas, and the effects of other gases may be even greater than C02. Telling people that water vapor is bad doesn't sell well to the masses. How much of the heat rise is caused by C02 and what percentage is caused by other factors is the question that is not being properly addressed. - - Some carbon based food for thought: "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" A shift of 0.017°C/ year compared to a shift of 0.00004°C / year. The rate of change differs with about 3 orders of magnitude. More precisely, 425 times faster. How much more does it take for you to find it alarming, I wonder? (edit: yes, I'm well aware concentrating on a spike vs longer term average is going to yield very different results. But the argument is seldom that "change kills" but that "fast change kills". And 1 full degree every 60 years is fast.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " A consensus does indeed not decide the science, but communicates it. Denialism is not scepticism. " If we didn't want to clean it up, we shouldn't have messed it up. By your decree, we should never have acted on the freon crisis either (or any other of the environmental side effects our (often) shortsighted ingenuity has rendered). That would have worked out just splendidly. " While water is an integrated part of our biosphere, the co2 released from the fossil fuel we keep extracting hasn't been so since millions upon millions of years ago. It's not that this co2 is particularly volumous compared to the "native" gases; it's that it threatens the balance of a delicate scale. Or, to put it in terms that might resonate with you better; we have an uncontrolled immigration of prehistoric co2 and we need to build a wall (intersperse 'amazing', 'very' and 'great' as you see fit). You won't get no glory on that side of the hole. Last edited by Upandatem#4635 on Jan 23, 2017, 8:38:28 AM
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Unless you force China and other developing countries to abide to the rules, all these anti global warming measures, will be just another governmental scam to waste your money for corruption & bullshit projects.
While China is dumping massive amounts of toxic shit into the atmosphere and two billion of Chinese & Indians want to have cars, it's globally irrelevant how many electric cars the EU governments subsidize, for example. It's like pissing into a fire tornado. When night falls She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness Last edited by morbo#1824 on Jan 23, 2017, 8:54:09 AM
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" Naturally, it's in our best interests that they aquire cleaner technology. Meanwhile, even pissing on the fire is probably less insane that doing your very best to fuel it further. You won't get no glory on that side of the hole.
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" Don't worry. We will outsource CO2 emissions to developing economies. Then we will buy carbon allocation from third world countries. Countries that pledged to cut emissions will fail to meet their promises. The chances that the world can cut its emissions quickly enough to stay below the 2C threshold are somewhere between zip, zilch and zero. We are gonna break Paris Climate Agreement. It will be glorious. |
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in the last 48 hours Trump has been doing more for his country than Obama in the last 8 year. |
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"Here's what I mean by absurd: I am willing to bet that on at least one occasion an accountant has raped a midget. This is a bad thing and it would be better if it was prevented. However, if your politicians then issue several statements about the accountant rapist epidemic, or the midget rape crisis, that would be absurd. In the same way, the *scope* of climate change (and, for that matter, human-caused extinction of species) is massively overblown. I guess it technically is a problem, but we've so many bigger things on our plate to address first. And yes, reliable energy is on the list of higher priorities. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jan 23, 2017, 12:04:16 PM
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