Donald Trump

Xavderion wrote:
diablofdb wrote:
I was thinking, if Donald Trump get assassinated do you think his son Barron Trump will become Batman?

Trump wife is really channeling Jakie Kennedy in that Gif
Trey Gowdy is an absolute badass. If he ever runs for national office I will campaign for him. He's like Ted Cruz, but not smarmy, power hungry, calculating, whiny, obnoxious, or fixated on living under Christian sharia. Which is to say that, like Cruz, he loves the constitution, but unlike Cruz, he isn't Cruz.
innervation wrote:
Trey Gowdy is an absolute badass. If he ever runs for national office I will campaign for him. He's like Ted Cruz, but not smarmy, power hungry, calculating, whiny, obnoxious, or fixated on living under Christian sharia. Which is to say that, like Cruz, he loves the constitution, but unlike Cruz, he isn't Cruz.

I hope Growdy to lead the investigation against Clinton
Disrupted wrote:
Schmodderhengst wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Clinton stole the nomination from Bernie, and his response? Endorse her.

Actually that´s a good example for responsible behavior. What could he do ?

Maybe not sell his supporters to something he himself claimed to be against?

not surprised in the least that you excuse being a psychological cuck.
"responsible"... AH! pathetic, simply pathetic.

Bet this guy is manly too

Sometimes compromise is necessary in politics. If you look at the following video, that´s just one of the examples, why it was important to stop Trump:

(again responsible vs. irresponsible)

Maybe you will get it when you grow up.
Schmodderhengst wrote:
Maybe you will get it when you grow up.

since you're all in defense for the Democrates I have 1 single question for you. What was good about going into a military escalation with the Russia this last year with Obama and Hillary? What good could have came from this?
Schmodderhengst wrote:

Sometimes compromise is necessary in politics.

there is compromising and there is selling out your own audience. but its ok, I understand your mind has been conditioned to normalize betrayal in a relationship between parts.
Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Jan 23, 2017, 12:30:53 PM
Schmodderhengst wrote:
Sometimes compromise is necessary in politics. If you look at the following video, that´s just one of the examples, why it was important to stop Trump:

(again responsible vs. irresponsible)

Maybe you will get it when you grow up.
While Trump's appointee was amazingly mealy-mouthed in that hearing, Sanders is on the wrong side of that issue.

Fact: In the years 1996-2012, average annual temperature increase was 0.017°C. That's one degree every 60 years, assuming that current rate.

Fact: The earth has been warmer in the past than it is now. Historical estimations of past temperature indicate the earth was about 0.3°C warmer 7000-8000 years ago than it is presently.

Fact: Our planetary temperature hit notable lows about 400 years ago during what climatologists call the "Little Ice Age." Since then, planetary temperatures have been steadily increasing.

I do believe that humans are creating enough CO2 to warm the planet considerably more than it otherwise would. But the rate of warming is not a cause for great alarm, and a significant portion, perhaps even a vast majority, of that warming would be currently occurring even without human interference.

Climate change is massively overhyped. The "science" that makes the news are the most sensationalist forecasting models — models that, if you're as old as I am (or Bernie is), you've lived long enough to see come out, totally disproven 15 years later, and replaced with a brand new doomsday scenario. There's some good, conservative estimates for warning out there — for example, the warning from 1996 to 2012 I mentioned earlier was accurately forecasted in 1996 by a conservative model; however, it is mostly drowned out by more dramatic assessments.

But more than anything else, the concept that this warming is mostly or entirely caused by humans simply flies in the face of historical evidence. That the warming is our fault, that it will send the planet off balance in a way it cannot naturally recover from, is absurd.

Primarily, global warming is being used as a means of economic control, limiting productivity by law. Why? Well, I'll give you a hint: what countries outside the US and Europe give zero fucks about polluting, and wish to compete against them?
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jan 22, 2017, 11:42:01 PM
Woman march

... march to defend women...

Libtard PUNCH a woman in the face during the march because she is a conservative.

other women/men around protect him.

Once again they show their true nature.

Poe Pvp experience
^Yeah, I could d without the doomsday scenarios every few years. Then again, people did laugh at Jimmy Carter for suggesting that people wear sweaters in the winter time, which is actually not bad advice, even when you do have access to a 45,000 BTU central air/heat system. Turn it down to 64 F and save a few bucks on the electric/gas bill.

Reminder to self: Get ideas on Dommsday Prepping for the next big one... profit!
[quote="Lovecraftuk"]I think the new meta is everyone bitching about the new league. [/quote]
Schmodderhengst wrote:
A spoiled little boy rules the U.S., together with some billionaire public enemies. Simply disgusting.

(Trump attacks media over crowd photos)

Photos which were taken very early while the crowd was still being let through are what most media showed - like the BBC which showed this:

When the reality was much different:

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story

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