Donald Trump

DalaiLama wrote:
Anyone who didn't see this coming 30 years ago, wasn't paying attention. The immigrants are NOT a problem, they are evolutionarily speaking, a solution to the problem caused by those who put their own needs and comfort first and foremost.

Please note, I am not being sarcastic, and I don't mean that in any sort of cultural-ethnophobic way.

Sure, predator capitalism with it´s false promise of freedom and equal chances produces (anti)social imbalances within and between countries/cultural backgrounds, as a result spitting out angry (and violent) young men. It does not belong to European Culture as I see it. Unfortunately we became part of it.

Banks and companies have far too much influence for my taste.

When it comes to djihadists, over decades they have been supported by the U.S. directly (mujahiddin in Afghanistan) or indirectly (e.g. the Wahhabit state of Saudi Arabia, that still supports Isis). Isis as it is now is a product of American interventions in the middle east, followed by ethnic suppression by Iraqi President Maliki. As a result Isis was able to have free access to banks when entering Mossul, as a consequence they have billions of dollars and attract angry young men/criminals.

Climate change as a result of Industrialization+Capitalism will bring more immigrants to Europe in the future. What is happening now is nothing compared to what will happen within the coming decades.

"Western morals" nowadays are a joke. Even the pope condemns this sort of Capitalism. (Evangelii gaudium, chapter 2, if I´m not mistaken). I´ll try to look it up.

edit: found it, read below..

edit2: of course Germany has relations to Saudi Arabia as well, I hate it, that Germany sold weapons to them recently, not to mention that exporting weapons is not a good idea on the long run anyhow; fun fact: Trump´s grandfather was a German immigrant

edit3, last but not least:

"[...]Petroleum export era
See also: Petro-Islam

The pumping and export of oil from Saudi Arabia started during World War II, and its earnings helped fund religious activities in the 1950s and 60. But it was the 1973 oil crisis and quadrupling in the price of oil that both increased the kingdom's wealth astronomically and enhanced its prestige by demonstrating its international power as a leader of OPEC. By 1980, Saudi Arabia was earning every three days the income from oil it had taken a year to earn before the embargo.[162] Tens of billions of dollars of this money were spent on books, media, schools, scholarships for students (from primary to post-graduate), fellowships and subsidies to reward journalists, academics and Islamic scholars, the building of hundreds of Islamic centers and universities, and over one thousand schools and one thousand mosques.[163][164] [165] During this time, Wahhabism attained what Gilles Kepel called a "preeminent position of strength in the global expression of Islam.[...]"

Western, industrializes countries in general with their oil-dependancy indirectly supported this otherwise less influential orthodox form of islamic interpretation as I see it, probably a good answer to Trump´s question "What the hell is going on ?"
Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Dec 15, 2015, 10:12:09 PM
Pope Francis, evangelii gaudium, chapter 2:


No to an economy of exclusion

53. Just as the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say “thou shalt not” to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills. How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points? This is a case of exclusion. Can we continue to stand by when food is thrown away while people are starving? This is a case of inequality. Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape.

Human beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded. We have created a “throw away” culture which is now spreading. It is no longer simply about exploitation and oppression, but something new. Exclusion ultimately has to do with what it means to be a part of the society in which we live; those excluded are no longer society’s underside or its fringes or its disenfranchised – they are no longer even a part of it. The excluded are not the “exploited” but the outcast, the “leftovers”.[...]"

I´m not religious myself(though I´m still a member of the catholic church) and don´t expect to read solutions from me, I just see this as one of the major ethical questions of our times. People don´t like to be "leftovers" and especially young men often react in an irrational and aggressive way.

Now that we have the Dalai Lama and the Pope around - I´m out, I guess. :-)
Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Dec 14, 2015, 4:55:56 AM
The last few years have been really... interesting for me. I've always leaned what I guess you'd call far left, at least in American terms. Trump and his ilk have really just brought out to the public eye what I've seen lurking under the surface of the far right for a long time. So I feel affirmed in my leftness.

But then the (far) left starts acting ridiculous, and I feel like I can't be that anymore, either! "Safe Spaces", trying to ban clapping, triggers, white guilt, the stack...

So despite the fact that I'm socially and fiscally very liberal, I'm actually more... centrist?

What the fuck.
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Antnee wrote:
The last few years have been really... interesting for me. I've always leaned what I guess you'd call far left, at least in American terms. Trump and his ilk have really just brought out to the public eye what I've seen lurking under the surface of the far right for a long time. So I feel affirmed in my leftness.

But then the (far) left starts acting ridiculous, and I feel like I can't be that anymore, either! "Safe Spaces", trying to ban clapping, triggers, white guilt, the stack...

So despite the fact that I'm socially and fiscally very liberal, I'm actually more... centrist?

What the fuck.

Extremes at either side always seem to want to control other people's lives. Maybe they don't have enough of a life themselves and need to play more video games.

DR's Rx: "Gain two levels and call us in the morning if you still feel the need to run other people's lives."

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
I love the Trump. He's hilarious and he says what he wants without caring. Kinda admirable if it wasn't for the fact everything he says sounds like the ramblings of the "racist drunk uncle" with a bunch of buzzwords thrown in. Unfortunately my candidate will never actually win :(. Poor Vermin Supreme, he'll never be able to gift every American a free pony.

Not my real account anymore, use it for forums while I work
You might also know me as "Thisisnotmyrealaccount" to which I forgot the E-mail for.
My real account is Einkil1, it's my steam account which is why I can't access it at work >.>
I'm voting for him xD lol just because I enjoy drinking from the tears of rage of the liberals full of political correctness
diablofdb wrote:
I'm voting for him xD lol just because I enjoy drinking from the tears of rage of the liberals full of political correctness

Ok, but as soon as they start burning books and mosques you should leave to find a free country, from what I´ve heard.

Seriously, this was a comment on youtube I´ve found:

"Im living in Iraq here in Basra and we are afraid that the worlds biggest super power gets a leader more retarded than George Bush."

Nothing more to say.
Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Dec 15, 2015, 9:57:55 PM
Antnee wrote:
The last few years have been really... interesting for me. I've always leaned what I guess you'd call far left, at least in American terms. Trump and his ilk have really just brought out to the public eye what I've seen lurking under the surface of the far right for a long time. So I feel affirmed in my leftness.

But then the (far) left starts acting ridiculous, and I feel like I can't be that anymore, either! "Safe Spaces", trying to ban clapping, triggers, white guilt, the stack...

So despite the fact that I'm socially and fiscally very liberal, I'm actually more... centrist?

What the fuck.

The Allies had Stalin. But what mattered was to defeat Nazis. You have to understand that every alliance has their rotten apples. Fight them, but don't forget about fascists, because they are even worse. SJWs must be stopped, but they are not as big of a menace as the far right in US and Europe right now (in South America I would actually say that the left is problematic enough to require more care, see Venezuela and Argentina).

Also, Overton window. You are not far left, your country is too much to the right. You are probably center left for the world.

Some times a center right government can be a good option for some countries, the problem is that historically the right has been overrepresented in government, and it's fairly abnormal to find reasonable people on that group that you can disagree with without wishing they wouldn't exist (like Milton Friedman).

diablofdb wrote:
I'm voting for him xD lol just because I enjoy drinking from the tears of rage of the liberals full of political correctness

So hate liberals more than you love to be free from a fascist theocracy? Well, that's being stupid. Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally stupid. Democrats are corrupt (there is not denying), but they are the lesser evil (for what I have read). Reform is the way. Or to create another political party from the corpse of the Republican party as Scrotie proposed. I don't know. But please, don't go full retard. Trump (or almost any GOP member, except Rand Paul, maybe) will fuck the world, not just US. We are too tired from US fuckups.

Also, stop using Political Correctness as a strawman to distract from stupid/evil decisions. It's not smart, it's truly moronic.
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Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Dec 16, 2015, 1:47:04 PM
diablofdb wrote:
I'm voting for him xD lol just because I enjoy drinking from the tears of rage of the liberals full of political correctness

Sounds like his marketing team is getting bonuses at the end of the year.


It's silly to vote for people based solely on their talk. They'll tell you anything you want to hear if cheap talk alone will get your vote.

Looking at (historical) actions and looking at who they are (currently) connected to will tell you a lot more about what kind of politician they'll be than their words ever will.

Similarly, political affiliation is cheap. There are 'lefts' and 'rights' even within a single party, and there are 'honests' and 'liars' in there too. Watch the money, watch their voting history (or lack thereof), watch who they spend time with.


I just wish the election would be over, and it's still a fucking year away. This quadrannual election entertainment circus is such a fucking waste of time.

"I mean, OMG, did you see what he was wearing? Did you hear him make that awful faux pas? Are people allowed to say that? What does this have to do with $topic_of_the_week? Why do people hate him? Why do people love him? Stay tuned for answers to these important questions after this commercial break!"

Even spending a month getting every candidates' histories out into the open to be judged by the general public seems like too long, let alone a year and a half (or more).

Makes me want to drop everything and move into the mountains and become a goatherder until I eventually die of exposure. Anything to get the fuck away from that incessant, ad-supported noise.
Last edited by pneuma#0134 on Dec 16, 2015, 3:27:32 PM
pneuma wrote:
I just wish the election would be over, and it's still a fucking year away. This quadrannual election entertainment circus is such a fucking waste of time.

Well, don't you have candidates proposing political campaign reforms? There must be somewhat that could see the insanity of this whole thing.
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