Donald Trump

Does anyone know why Trump did not mention to the trade deficit against Germany in the latest press conference despite being the second highest county US has deficit against? Is it because Germany is the member of EU?
It is because bitching against germany is not very popular in the us. And threatening to make german products more expensive to solve the deficit? Oh boy, won't end well.
Schmodderhengst wrote:
Speculation and discussion was and will always be a part of journalism. But it´s a huge difference between asking questions and making assertions.

Many of you have a double standard here. I´m wondering if you´re really not aware of this. It makes the impression of taking everyone for an idiot with dummy arguments.

Trump seems to be obsessed with defending himself (by attacking others). Not a good starting position.

Contrast what you are saying, with what you are posting. Your statement here:

"Many of you have a double standard here."
"I´m wondering if you´re really not aware of this."
"It makes the impression of taking everyone for an idiot with dummy arguments."

Does what you are saying
(in terms of defending a position/person by attacking others - not in terms of defending yourself)
is not a good starting position three times.

While I agree that ad hominem has very little logical value, it has been shown to be successful technique for convincing others and therefore falls into the "good" starting positions - if we are taking good to mean productive and not in the sense of morality.

Further, the ad hominem attack is essentially the entire campaign and criticism of Trump, and this new fake scandal is just an elevation of the personal attack aspects.

Schmodderhengst wrote:

For a "senior political analyst at Al Jazeera" his journalism gets a D- for professionalism

All of these inflammatory terms would cause the loss of points or outright rejection of a formal paper:

it "quivers"

"scandal-ridden "


"Pornographic stuff."



Then this supposed journalist makes the following claim:

"Leaks to the media blew it out of proportion after the entire report was posted by Buzzfeed, on its website, so that American can "decide for themselves".

BUZZZZ - *WRONG* - there are blanked sections and pages, the writer of this couldn't even bother to download the .pdf and see that the entire "report" was not posted.

Here's one of them:

Here's the link from Buzzfeed to their *cough* intelligence report *cough*

Here's the archived link, for the time when Buzzfeed decides to scrub their "intelligence report" if/when the lawyers come after them:
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Jan 12, 2017, 2:51:04 PM
Did CNN, and the MSM treat Pizzagate as if it were real? Did they attribute it to intelligence agencies?

This. None of it was covered by the MSM. NONE. And now CNN runs with this stupid junk that doesn't even have the (limited) credibility of leaked docs? WTF?
Last edited by kolyaboo#7295 on Jan 12, 2017, 3:04:08 PM
Oiranoiccid wrote:
Does anyone know why Trump did not mention to the trade deficit against Germany in the latest press conference despite being the second highest county US has deficit against? Is it because Germany is the member of EU?

Because half of it is Trumps alone. Oh trade deficit? Sorry I read debt.

Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Jan 12, 2017, 4:43:33 PM
Oiranoiccid wrote:
Does anyone know why Trump did not mention to the trade deficit against Germany in the latest press conference despite being the second highest county US has deficit against? Is it because Germany is the member of EU?

Trade with Germany doesn't bother me that much. First of all, you don't have people working there for $3/hr. US companies aren't exactly closing shop here to build plants in Germany, because their labor is cheaper. I haven't done a ton of research about it, but from what little I have done, industrial jobs in many European countries actually pay better comparatively speaking than they do in the USA. So it would actually cost a US company more to hire German workers than US workers.

FYI, there are some import tariffs on German goods as well. It's one of the reasons their cars are so expensive. Nobody would buy American automobiles if they could get Mercedes Benz for the same price. They're objectively better cars. Incredibly over engineered. A lot of German products are. Which is why they're respected for quality. When you make the best stuff, you can get away with charging a premium. But 2nd best has to compete with junk at a low price tag.

Trump should start slapping increased tariffs on Mexican products. That's how they'd pay for the wall, and they won't really have a say in the matter. We could rek them so hard on trade that Mexican companies will be closing shop down there to make shop up here. I don't think a lot of people understand how bad we're truly getting fucked, and how quickly and easily we could turn this around and start fucking right back. Fuck the cartels in Mexico, we could just send the military to the border, and if they're looking for a fight then they can fight tanks, snipers, fighter jets, and drones.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Jan 12, 2017, 5:31:39 PM
I read a great post on Reddit and wanted to share. It's worth the long-ish read imo.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
I read a great post on Reddit and wanted to share. It's worth the long-ish read imo.

thx for sharing, indeed worth reading. Was a good and inspiring message.
morbo wrote:
grepman wrote:
once the concept of 'news' deviated from 'reporting x y and z in as objective and detached manner possible' and devolved into 'take a piece of news and put a spin on it..

The media's job should be to report plain boring facts. But since that wouldn't sell very well, they are now mostly devoted to interpreting facts through a political filter. If there is a lack of facts that would support certain agaenda, then you just make up stuff.

exactly, once media is reduced to interpreting facts than reporting facts, we have a big problem with reputability.

internet is an amazing tool to aggregate information and make your own interpretation because of how much information is available to you. and people still would rather rely on some third party outlets to do the chewing for them so they can digest information in 1 minute reading it on their smartphone and then post reactions on social media without verifying any of it.
Why is Trump pissed at China and not so much at Germany:

How Hacking and Espionage Fuel China’s Growth

The Chinese are stealing intellectual property, reverse-engineer products and re-sell them back to US at a fraction of the cost. Germany is playing by the book, the Chinese are playing dirty (with their currency fixing too).
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