Donald Trump

I like how CNN used Fallout 4 pictures to explain how Russian hacked
Yeah because they are world class news organization.
Another huge redpill is incoming, folks. The entire MSM is currently falling for fresh fake news. They're reporting that Russia has kompromat on Trump, mainly videos of him literally pissing on prostitutes and on life-sized dolls of Obama (yes, seriously). Buzzfeed leaked the document but then admitted that they couldn't verify anything:


I love this because normies will see once again how the MSM is not trustworthy. It's like Buzzfeed is doing psy-ops against itself lol.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
Another huge redpill is incoming, folks. The entire MSM is currently falling for fresh fake news. They're reporting that Russia has kompromat on Trump, mainly videos of him literally pissing on prostitutes and on life-sized dolls of Obama (yes, seriously). Buzzfeed leaked the document but then admitted that they couldn't verify anything:


I love this because normies will see once again how the MSM is not trustworthy. It's like Buzzfeed is doing psy-ops against itself lol.

Now, now. It isn't right to blame the victims of trickle down fake-o-nomics here.

Alas, poor journalistic integrity, we knew ye well.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
The 2017 NDAA was passed in December but was born much earlier, and even its initial May 18 report to Sen. McCain seems surprisingly hawkish (ctrl+F Russia in the link, it's a real tree-killer). The first report in the BuzzFeed dossier is allegedly July 30, after all amendments to the NDAA were already written (July 14).

Therefore, if the dossier is true, then before any knowledge of Russia's alleged conspiracy with Trump to subvert the Clinton campaign, the authors of the 2017 NDAA had the amazing prescience to both 1) increase military buildup against Russia, apparently in preparation for oncoming conflict, and 2) institute Government oversight on "propaganda" to combat "fake news" which would undermine "national security interests." I would consider that to be amazingly coincidental — prophetic, even. Instead, I'm included to believe that the dossier is of artificial manufacture, prejudiced towards a conclusion which predates its search for evidence. If there really was an agent creating the reports in the dossier on the dates specified, he was told exactly what to look for... and therefore, what to find.

By the way, I'm not saying the dossier is false, merely that it would still exist if it were false. Given that the US deep state has been moving towards war with Russia since at least May 2016 if not earlier, it would make actually sense for Russia not to take it lying down. I would be surprised if Russia did absolutely nothing; if not the dossier's list of shady things, then likely a different but similar list of shady things. The thing is, if the goal is avoiding war through backdoor channels, then I applaud such things instead of condemning them.

As I said earlier, Trump fans shouldn't egotistically believe that this Russia and/or "fake news" narrative is a reaction to Trump victory. The buildup against Russia has been in the works far longer than that, and Obama's crackdown against whistleblowers is years old. These are all very old plans, to which Trump's victory represents not the impetus but an unexpected hindrance.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jan 10, 2017, 11:57:29 PM
Just 9 days left...
Hold the door!

Libtards are digging themselves deeper and deeper.

Trump 'Golden Showers' with Prostitutes Caught on Video - The Latest Fake News from Liberal Media

'claimed to be', 'alleged', 'unverified', 'maybe', 'unnamed sources', etc. == the state of media today.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Last edited by morbo#1824 on Jan 11, 2017, 4:10:57 AM
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
kolyaboo wrote:
Yeah because they are world class news organization.

LMAO, Trump called them fake news at the last conference. Rekt. The CNN reporter there was pretty salty. Trump has the support of most people on this issue. There is not one reason he should take any shit from the media. He's not obligated to. I hope he continues reking them for the next 4 years, hopefully 8.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Jan 11, 2017, 2:32:40 PM
I saw it and he was right to do so. Someone should have called them out years ago.

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