Donald Trump
" Neo-liberalism knows no boundaries, it's an international socialist movement. And it's always scary. Neo-libs shout for human rights and equality, but at the same time restrict the free will and the freedom of speech, and try to manipulate human behavior, the totalitarian way. Look what did to the world Hitler and Stalin, both profound socialists. What's even more dangerous is, that "western" societies got no immune system against the socialism/comunims and alike, and easy fall into the trap. Ask any eastern european about it, these people can smell the pervert illness from miles. Westerners can't. This is a buff © 2016 The Experts ™ 2017 Last edited by torturo#7228 on Dec 22, 2016, 11:46:19 AM
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"It's important to get one's terms right, and I believe you mean neoconservatives, not neoliberals. "Neoconservative" means big military foreign policy + welfare state domestic policy, a la Bush, Obama and Clinton. "Neoliberal" primarily means diverting "traditional" government functions onto privatized models, such as charter school vouchers and some elements of Obamacare. I'm staunchly against neoconservatives. I'm mildly pro-neoliberalism, actually, although the potential to fuck it up is enormous, as Obamacare demonstrates. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 22, 2016, 12:29:25 PM
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" wait, isnt a democrat in power right now? A democrat who has been in power for 8 years and under whos administration these people who voted for trump were brewed? " well this is sort of the farce we are living with here in the uk. Theres a liberal dream, we can stop being such horrible white racists and live at pace with everyone, we can open our boarders and accept all cultures and creeds into our country, live in a truly multicultural paradise where everyone is respected, theres equal rights for all, the horrible prejudice of my great grandparents generation can be put to bed forever. Its a really great dream, I believed in it, I still believe its a beautiful idea. Thing is, the african cultures we opened our doors to are deeply racist, homophobic, sexist, corrupt cultures, the muslim cultures we have opened up to and said come on in and do your thing here, they are deeply racist, sexist, homophobic, corrupt cultures. the asian cultures, caribbean cultures, even australian people are often some of the most outrageously racist people you will ever come across in the uk. Places where you get asian people becoming managers, suddenly anyone who isnt asian has no chance of getting a job there, just the same way white people wouldnt employ asians 70 years ago, exactly the same thing we were trying to see an end to when we hatched this multicultural technicolored dream theory. Its as I was saying earlier, you cant make a tolerant free society by tolerating intolerant people who dont want freedom, it doesnt work. Then you can look at what i am saying, which is an honest appraisal born of observing the situation, and on some level am I not making generalisations about other cultures? am I not pre judging people based on their ethnicity? am I not essentially saying that the purity of my countries culture is being tainted by inferior cultures coming in? So now I too am a big racist cultural snob for defending the values of an anti racist, equal rights society against racist, sexist, homophobic people. The entire thing is a complete shitshow, and honestly i think it might be time for the left, and I do consider myself still a part of the left god help me, to rethink these 1 dimensional, shallow, limiting interpretations of what racism, sexism, xxxism etc are, how we judge them, what exactly it all means. Weve put up these barriers where thought is shut down, saying this or think that and you have crossed over into being an xxxist and now all discussion, reason, logic is banned and youre just a big evil shit who needs to shut the fk up. I think the idea of a universally tolerant society has proven itself to be a childish dream, the left need to abandon it in theory because they have already abandoned it in practice but under the delusion that its still a thing and its causing them to become a nightmare. I think we need some embracing of honest, logical intolerance based on left wing values to flush out the nonsense factor thats choking our politics. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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Scrottie, I use "neo-liberalism" just to separate the social liberalism which spread around the world after the WW2, from the classic doctrine, as people get confused.
Call it multiculturalism, neo-socialism, whatever. This plague is one and the same, no matter the wording. " I have friends living and working in the UK, one is lector in Oxford. What they tell me isn't pretty, Snork. You look like utterly fucked up :/ Much more than other places of western europe, you somehow managed to bring this multiculti neosocialist shit on a brand new level. Besides Sweden. No one can beat Sweden. This is a buff © 2016 The Experts ™ 2017 Last edited by torturo#7228 on Dec 22, 2016, 2:34:25 PM
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" Catch 22 - the moment you stopped being "horrible white racist" and opened the borders, you fucked up and let in a bunch of "un-enlightened" cultures from the 3rd world. According to the cultural marxist doctrine, all cultures are supposed to be equally good and nice, but in reality they are not. Some are better, some are worse and some are really horrible. The idealist multicultural paradise is an utopia, it doesnt exist, because the most aggressive & militant culture will always try to take over. Your country is now filled with islamist radicals openly shouting calls for "jihad" and "death to democracy". You will have relative peace, as long as you can keep the welfare system going. When the cash flow dries up, you will have an urban guerilla warfare on your hands - see Paris riots 2005. The same will happen in France, Belgium, Germany and Cuck-Swedistan. I think you guys from western europe got already tired of your freedoms, liberties & prosperity you had for so long. You became accustomed, bored, passive and don't care anymore. Such nations can be easily taken over by a more militant, prolific & energetic ideology. Contrary, we in eastern europe got our freedoms only ~20 years ago, after half a century of communism and aren't just as ready to submit to another totalitarian idiocy imported from the Middle East & Africa. But when people in Poland, Slovakia, Czech rep., Hungary.. are protesting the unchecked massive immigration EU policies, smug western Europe calls them "racist & bigots"... -_- You can't eat your kebab, err.. country and have it too. When night falls She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness Last edited by morbo#1824 on Dec 22, 2016, 2:03:24 PM
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" I've been a huge advocate for education for many years. It's one of the areas the country has been consistently failing with. The Republicans are much worse, obviously, since they actively fight to gut education. Even without them, though, we're still a country of magical thinkers. Getting a majority-Christian nation to teach logic, critical thinking, and healthy skepticism will be like pulling teeth without even having the benefit of a dentist. I think now that we actually have hard evidence of just how fucking stupid and monstrously malinformed America has become, some liberals might be willing to fight back. Republican still won't. Trump's shitty Education appointee is proof of that. They're much more interested in getting Jesus into schools than in actually educating people. What a party of imbeciles. There's a huge ball of bullshit built around a tiny grain of truth in everything else you posted, and it's bullshit I've written about plenty of times in this thread already. Start a hundred pages back or so if you want to see more of my views. I haven't talked about the UK much in this thread, mainly because I don't live there and America has enough shit for me to deal with already. Their problems are not like those the US faces. They are almost completely dissimilar from ours. Still, I'd say the biggest mistake made over there is treating everyone equally without evidence for doing so. I don't advocate idiocy. I have clearly and repeatedly in this thread advocated accurately assessing reality and making decisions based on facts. I'm not too familiar with your "left," but they've been as blind to reality as our right from what I can tell. They treat extremists from theocracies the same way Americans treat moderates who were born in our own country. These two groups are nothing alike, though. I don't advocate inviting religious extremists into your country in such large numbers that damn near become a minority. That's just fucking insane. You fix that problem by eliminating blindness, though. You don't fix it by coming at things from an equally blind, only more hate-infused direction. |
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On this page's post...
" " Ok. I checked. Nothing around 100 pages back, but around 36 pages back... " And that was just one one page. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
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Oh no! I appear to have triggered an SJW with my naughty words!
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"First sentence is ironic, but true. I think religion has no place in school. But some people disagree and might want to send their child to a school which puts religion in school. If they do, I think it's silly that the government fully subsidizes the "official" option but makes the religious nutter pay the full cost. There shouldn't even be an "official" option; schools should compete in the marketplace, offering different things to different customers. Yes, Jennik, even the Saul Alinsky Indoctrination Academy. If vouchers translate to real choice, instead of a crony corporatist cash grab and/or a breakdown of separation of church and state, I'm all for it. As such, I view DeVos as someone with a chance to do great things, but who will more likely fuck shit up. I think you should write her a letter. Not on whether or not vouchers, she obviously wants vouchers; instead, on how to implement vouchers without completely fucking everything up. Make yourself useful, you know. @cipher Fucking shitty fuckers fucking shitty fucking fuckers' fucking shit. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 22, 2016, 3:22:45 PM
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