Donald Trump

solwitch wrote:
Did my United States president just declare nuclear war inadvertently? Was hearing his latest speech....Omfg he did. LOL... Ugh lobbyist without a job congratulations!!!

This is truly how liberals think

Multi-Demi Winner
Very Good Kisser
Alt-Art Alpha’s Howl Winner
Former Dominus Multiboxer
I'm just going to bed because I'm tired and extremly drunk and it's late as fuck.

But I just wanted to share, I masterbate while reading statements such as the ones wrote by SJW like Jennick. And I do that while bathing in their tears from all their whining.

have a good night and sleep well.

p.s. To the future me, if you feel very hangover tomorrow while reading this please take two aspirins. Also remember that the second bottle of 24 ounces was a bad idea.
Poe Pvp experience
I'm reading in local media that german police arrested two more wannabe terrorists (Kosovo nationals) that were planning an attack, while Australians also nabbed a jihadist cell in Melbourne, that was planning a big attack for Christmas.

"Open the borders"
"Refugees welcome"
"Religion of Peace"
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
LOL REKT! Pepe is awesome!

Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 23, 2016, 3:50:11 AM
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
A good ridannce, but now they won't be able to investigate. This man is not alone.
This is a buff © 2016

The Experts ™ 2017
This thread is utterly mindless. I've been waiting for a Trumper with even a smidge of intelligence to come along. Unsurprisingly, none have, so I'll finally take my leave.

The Trumplings who populate this thread, as I've often said, are clearly so far gone that rationality will never reach them. I'm not sure any other kind exists, though. I've certainly never seen one.

Again, the positive slant is that most of the Trumpers in this thread are literal children. There's an off chance they'll gain an education and acquire a more accurate understanding of reality while doing so. Personal experience is about the only thing that works to change simple minds. I don't hold out hope, though.

Here's to one less baffler for your echo chamber. You can now jerk each other more vigorously knowing that one of your boogeymen is no more.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness

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