Donald Trump
" Antnee, you are winner for most toxic person I ever met on forums. Most of your posts are hysterical and full of prejudices. Your ambitions to rule and push your ideas into society are similar to megalomaniacs. You hate so many people only because of some idea. You represent comedy or tragedy and all what you wrote about other people is you and it is developed inside of you to the level, where compassion is something that is dwelling somewhere in the corner in the shadows. People are not what you think they are, they are not in the same "basket", they are much stronger than you can imagine, you are going to hit the wall you created only for and by yourself again and again. To Jennik: What I write now you already know, but its not bad idea to remind it: Most people like Russia like any other country and there are many people who are not voting at all or they are forced to go put vote due fear of something. Things in TV or in newspapers are suited only for those in power and for those who are getting benefits from it. Media are in private hands and are used only to make people believe in fairy tales or to make mood in society to be more easily manipulated for their needs. USA or NATO only look for pretence to attack not only Russia or to make everybody dependent on dollar, where sanctions is one of the forms; they need normal citizens to struggle and feel uncomfortable with fabricated situations, to feel no sympathy or to blame somebody: Putin in this case, lastly it was Asad, before Gadaffi, Hussein and go on and on; Iraq, Kosovo, Libya, now Russia are vilified to fulfill their goals which are in no way benefit for a common citizens; they want to make citizens volunteer to die or feel bad in the name of some idiotic idea or for some idiot in the chair. Hillery once said that hacking can be excuse for a such attack and now they only trying to make people agree with them to hate somebody. Can you imagine people going to war only because of a such crap? Its only mind manipulation where they are trying to make people believe in the fabricated truth instead living in compassion. Its like watching two people in the ring or two kings with their soldiers fighting on the battlefield and citizens only watching match and are curious how it all happens and the rest simply not following at all. Kings etc needs people to feel bad, because thats the only one thing when people thinks they need somebody in charge. |
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Listening to that idiot talk is so painful. It's pretty telling that a significant portion of Americans can actually listen to that moron speak and honestly believe he's intelligent. What a fucking stupid country this is.
Also, another entry for that classic game of Trumpian fun, "Lying or Senile?" Trump falsely claims no one mentioned Russia before his win This man is an absolute fucking buffoon. |
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" "If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long to act?" Trump tweeted. "Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?" He is questioning, why nobody ACTS? What u find wrong with it? |
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Barry calling them leakers, not hackers. He slipped up! This is important because Barry knows that Russia didn't hack shit, they just leaked the information they got from Guccifer 2.0. Now we know too. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence. Last edited by Xavderion#3432 on Dec 16, 2016, 7:36:25 PM
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" And in that one line you explained why you're a liberal voter, or just a Trump hater, take your pick. Narrow and juvenile thoughts will only keep you down. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
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" That anonymous source could be the janitor for all we know. On the flip side, we do have actual sources for the position that the US government does not "know" it was the Russians: And here's Assange being interviewed Yesterday on the very subject: Listen to Assange's assessment at 0:55 - where he talks about James Clapper the director of national intelligence - oversees all 17 us intelligence agencies. Then the actual quote of Clapper is played where he made the statement to the House Intelligence Comittee. Assange goes on to completely debunk Obama's claims. There was something about the head of the NSA being in disagreement with the CIA's claim , and the other 14 agencies not coming to any sort of conclusion. Thought I had saved a link to it, but not finding it atm. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Dec 17, 2016, 12:45:47 AM
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" Misdirection, redirection, change of priorities. Think about this - if he were talking every day about prosecuting Hillary, what are the chances Obama would just give her a blanket pardon? Even if Obama thinks she did nothing wrong (to use the vernacular), he might do it just to spite Trump. He's also giving the media and his opponents a very direct message - that if they think they know what his focus and methods are and intend to counter those, then they need to be wary, as he has successfully played them before. Rather than the analogy of the player bragging, I would use the analogy of the old joke where a rich guy goes up to a woman, says, "Would you sleep with me for a million dollars?" She says, "Yes." He says, "Would you sleep with me for $500?" She says, "What do you think I am, a whore?" He says, "We've already established that. Now we're just haggling on the price." Trump is reminding the media and his opponents that he can play them like a fiddle. Why remind them? It gives them the option of defecting and joining his team. Pilfering good employees from your competition is a standard business practice. Trump is always selling and always promoting himself. For many people that mindset alone is a deal breaker. Others can look past it depending on what they see in the deal for themselves. When you work for someone like Trump, you have a good idea what is genuine and what is promo material. Its confusing from the outside, because it is half meant to be, and half "I don't give a damn, I'm going to do what I know best, because it has always worked for me in the past." Hope that helps to understand what he is doing a little bit more. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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The same people that were fearmongering that Trump would start WWIII are now urging Obama to start a war with Russia.
Multi-Demi Winner Very Good Kisser Alt-Art Alpha’s Howl Winner Former Dominus Multiboxer Last edited by Manocean#0852 on Dec 17, 2016, 3:23:20 AM
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" Trump's right that his supporters were deplorable, rancid pieces of dogshit during the election. The idea that they've "mellowed" is a fucking joke, though. Trumpers are still just as shitty as you are, Donnie. Even if you scrub off the shit surface from a Trumper, you're only revealing more shit underneath. And the anti-intellectual, anti-reality, conspiracy-bullshit thinking of Trumpers is still disgusting. "Their source could be a janitor for all we know." Fucking really? You honestly believe their source could actually be a damn janitor? Get the fuck outta here. I haven't seen an apologist spew such clearly ridiculous shit since, well, since the last time I listened to the right. Why are Trumpers just as intellectually worthless as creationists? What is it about the right that just prevents them from comprehending reality even in the fucking slightest, while allowing them to believe whatever moronic bullshit reinforces their current idiotic views? Fucking deplorable. |
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" What do you try to prove by insulting every post trump supporters with ugly words and pretending to have higher morality than them? You act like those bully you condemn, you don t have higher moral ground than Trump supporters it s actually quite the opposite since you can t accept the democratic vote. But liberals can insults, restrict the freedom of speech and ban opposite point of view. For a liberal diversity is about thinking same as them. Those "dum" people who can t think like them are bigot and analphabets... Well I think the bigot here is you and your tiny mind. Grow up a little and accept other people Pov. Continue to support those pizza gate pedos and gay haters. Continue to support South arabia women molestation and gay murders. Trump people are proud to be open minded, unlike the ones you represent. ![]() Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Dec 17, 2016, 8:41:38 AM
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