Donald Trump
^ this just in, Kanye West hates brown people because he met with Trump. Liberalism is a hell of a drug.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
"You're right, you can't. See, their mentality is so effortlessly, brazenly plastic that it cannot break. FBI says they're investigating Hillary? PROOF! DRAIN THE SWAMP! CIA says Trump benefitted from targeted hacking efforts? FAKE NEWS! MAGA I only hope that every Trump voter suffers immensely from their idiotic choices, and that they feel so personally disillusioned after 4 years of absolutely no benefit to their meth-addled lives that they never step foot in a voting booth, ever again. A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter: Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us: |
This was a duplicate post - but since it's still taking up a chunk of forum space...
From May 19/20 in the MSM: " Looks like yet another terrorist attack. Airplane departed from Paris. When will we get tough, smart and vigilant? Great hate and sickness!" — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 19, 2016 So the MSM took Trump to task for saying “I can practically guarantee who blew it up,” So, now (Dec 15th) we have the MSM reporting: "Traces of explosives found on EgyptAir crash victims, say authorities" Just another case in a long history of Trump's claim holding up and the MSM's bias being exposed. PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Dec 15, 2016, 11:48:27 AM
" Here's a video from CNN showing exactly why people don't trust them: straight link under the spoiler: " Is this an example of their "top notch" work? note the Dec 14 update. " As in, any time someone questions the talking points, they are grilled mercilessly. If the MSM says Hillary landed under sniper fire in Bosnia, and someone questions that, then the left treats them as if they advocated setting kittens on fire for fun. PoE Origins - Piety's story
" Such noble sentiments! At least they are honest sentiments, which makes you imminently more electable than Hillary was. If you feel so strongly about the issues, why not run for a local office yourself and try to make things better in the manner that you think they should be done? PoE Origins - Piety's story
Electing Trump didn't prove America suddenly turned racist. It just proved that shouting "racist" against your opposition no longer works. Calling people "racist" has been so overused by the left, that it's turned into a situation when most people hear it used, it's like the boy who cried wolf. People just shrug it off and laugh. The term no longer has any power. Seeing these people melt down over the election results, just makes me antipathetic to their cause.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 15, 2016, 4:12:27 PM
I covered this earlier but it bears repeating, in light of the article Jennik posted...
The following is based on publicly available evidence. As in primary sources. The DNC hack which provided the emails leading to the resignation of DWS were perpetrated by the Romanian hacker Guccifer 2.0 ("1.0" is another guy). He answered a Q & A online explaining his motives prior to his eventual arrest. Saying he is a Russian agent is at best a conspiracy theory. The hack on Podesta and others within the Clinton campaign was perpetrated with tools originally authored by the Russian government, at times consistent with Russian time zone sleep schedules, from Russian IPs. To say they weren't Russian is a conspiracy theory, and they definitely have enough connections to Russian government to acquire their software, but I had access to US Army software and I'm just a veteran now. If the CIA has more evidence to support their conclusion, they haven't made it public... and these are the guys who says Iraq had WMDs. It's a stretch to assume it was Russia (the government), but safe to assume they were Russian (the nationality). Given that Julian Assange said he didn't receive the leaks from the Russian government, and he hasn't been caught in a lie, I'm inclined to believe him; the Podesta hack was Russian but not Russia; that is, not a state actor. There is a possibility that Assange is being fooled somehow, but he's a savvy IT guy himself and understands hacking, so that's also unlikely. If the left wants to deride the Russian government for neglect, saying they should be policing their own people better, I guess that's fair enough. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 16, 2016, 2:20:48 AM
In the past few days there have been many articles about Putin's direct involvement in the hacks. Of course, Trump's still hard at work denying reality. Sure he's been turning down all of his security briefings, but, you know, he has a very good brain. What a fucking moron.
Trump in Denial as Evidence Grows Spymaster Putin Behind Election Hacks Obama's doing a press conference on Friday and should have something to say regarding this. We'll see what happens. Obama On Russian Hacking: 'We Need To Take Action. And We Will' " Also, the GOP in NC is staging a coup, and the piece of shit governor so awful people went split ticket to elect a monster like Trump and still voted him out evidently has a place in Trump's cabinet. In addition to looking for the wealthiest people he can get, apparently Trump's also looking for the shittiest. |
" Short reminder that every single article relies on the original article by the Washington Post. That article relies on "anonymous sources" who claim stuff but can't prove anything. The CIA itself refuses to do an official briefing. But because there are "many articles" and it fits his narrative, this "educated liberal" falls for it. It works. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Man this is so confusing... Have any of you ever heard a friend that is a f**kboy bragging about how he got in some girl's panties? It kinda sounds like that, they say like it's a game or something, a game that they won because they are good at it. But usually f**kboys brag to their friends only, not to the girl they had sex with... This is so weird, the fact that he is telling that to the public that voted for him is what confuses me. it's almost like he is saying: "That's how I got you guys pumped up, telling things that I didn't really meant", isn't he worried that people that believed him will get mad? Or does he believe that nobody took anything he said to the heart? He doesn't really need to tell people how he said just what they wanted to hear, it would be better for him that he didn't say anything about it, so why is he doing this? |