Donald Trump
I, as an ambassador of the United States of America, apologize for this man.
I'm sorry. A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter: Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us: Last edited by Rob_GGG#0000 on Jan 29, 2017, 5:46:57 AM Last bumped on Jan 29, 2017, 5:49:00 AM
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Why apologise? Every country has jackasses who become famous internationally, no one in their right mind takes them seriously as representative of a whole society. Of course, the US does tend to advertise theirs a little more than other countries (reality TV is an addiction you guys need to kick), but unless he actually gets voted in...
== Officially Retired 27/02/2019 == Massive thanks to GGG for producing such a fun and engaging game, it has taken up faaaaaaar too much of my life over the last 5 years. Best of luck in the future! Last edited by CaptainWaffleIron#2395 on Dec 11, 2015, 7:57:02 PM
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I feel like we are really missing a great opportunity with Trump. You just need to come up with a system to annihilate every person who shows up to vote for Trump. An easy way to remove most of the idiots from the country.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more." |
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" For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
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I live in Germany. I think as a primitive reaction to jihadist terrorism we see some ultranationalist movements that already existed being more successful in many countries. In France now the Front National is successful, in Poland the national-conservative PiS won the elections. In Germany we have the Pegida movement and the AfD, that makes open racist comments. Even in India with it´s neighbor Pakistan hinduist nationalism and crime against muslims is growing. So thanks for telling us you don´t agree with this man, but it´s not only a reaction in the USA, not even only in countries with a Christian majority. It´s an international phenomenon and unfortunately exactly what Isis wants. Well, basically idiots everywhere, but not a majority. :-) edit: 1) In my opinion it´s not a good idea, that single persons can have that much money(=influence), may their names be Trump, Putin, Murdock, Berlusconi or other... 2) more than 1.000.000 refugees in Germany this year, no terrorist attack so far. But there will be some in the future - with or without those people that are running away from violence and have to find a new home. I´m more afraid of the already existing violence from our own right wing idiots than being afraid of peaceful muslims. If you mistreat them, it might lead to a reaction though, extremism has a tendency to give birth to new extremism, I think. Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Dec 12, 2015, 12:06:04 PM
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As an American who identifies somewhat conservative (really more libertarian than anything else), I've found the Republican Party very frustrating over the past decade or so. They say they're the fiscally conservative option, but Bill Clinton balances the budget and good ole W trashes it worse than anyone ever has. I mean, the difference between a Republican and a tax-and-spend liberal is only the tax part.
That said... ![]() Like the Federalists and the Whigs before it, the party has become a breeding ground for idiocy and injustice. It is beyond saving and must be allowed to die. This is the most important function of the League of Shadows. It is one we’ve performed for centuries. The Republican Party… must be destroyed. So, um, vote Trump. In the primaries. Not in the general election. Obviously. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 12, 2015, 8:21:04 AM
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Let's see, I've read he is winning the Republican primaries, with a third of the votes of so. He must represent something like one tenth of the whole public. He will probably lose. He is Goldwater 2.0.
" You should be afraid of both. Right wing violence (to be fair, xenophobic, white supremacist, rather than just right wing) is more an inmediate reality, statistically speaking, and even if peaceful, muslims have some parts of their culture that need rework, and that mismatch is a source of extremism (see how second generation inmigrants are easier to radicalize than first generation; they idealize a idea of morality inadequate to the modern world, like some christian/hindu groups). That being said, refugees are refugees. Safety is a lesser concern over doing the right thing. Economy is a concern. " I don't understand libertarian positions about taxes and small government. I understand the government can cause crowding out and create monopolies/cartels when they do things, yet there are things that are stupid to put in private hands, or deregulate (think police, firemen, healthcare insurance, legislation, justice, militar forces, enviromental impact and many others). Then there are times like the Great Depression and the Great Recession where government can compensate for the shortcomings of the private system (well, there are three schools of economic thought, and two disagree about that, yet the evidence is out there). Small is not a proper size for all situations. About taxes, I've read some libertarians equating taxes to theft. I understand their arguments, but I have to see a functional system without taxation. The only things that justifies taxes is a working system. Taxes alone are not a guarantee of anything, but a functioning system has a price. Examples of places with low, or no taxes show the whole thing doesn't work (see some red states). Fiscal "responsability" with so little revenue would mean abandoning the vulnerable and destroying social mobility. That being said, optimizing spending is not a bad thing by itself, I wouldn't avoid necessary investments for that, though. That being said, fuck Republicans. Individually some of them are good people even if they are on the wrong side, but as a group they deserve to dissapear. Add a Forsaken Masters questline Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Dec 12, 2015, 2:10:35 PM
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Dull minds are easily swayed by non-intellectual emotional arguements, its all they understand.
And then there is the whole issue of extremist tactics of championing some issue to a ridiculous extreme in order to sway ppl more into the middle of the issue, which was the goal all along. Politics just makes me sick. We need a major overhaul of the american system, because as of right now it is broken. People whom havent harmed anyone are being ground through the gears of system at a rate of millions per year, yes millions. We are bombing the shit out of everyone whom isnt kissing our ass. And the inequality between the haves and the have nots is still at terrible levels. We are seperating 'us' from 'them' at every turn, mexicans... muslims... whos next to face our nazilike racism and hate? For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
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" I'd like to ask an honest question: Do you value your culture? If you do, then 1 million new Muslim immigrants should concern you gravely. Culturally, they will generally not assimilate. Their beliefs are fundamentally counter to Western standards of morality and justice (see Sharia Law). However, they will outbreed German natives. The birth rates for most European countries, excepting these immigrants, are mostly below sustainability, while immigrant populations tend to be expansive, at a rate well in excess of host nations. Even without armed jihad, your country, as you know it, will simply cease to be in a scant few more generations. To allow in more Muslim immigrants will simply hasten the process. ='[.]'= =^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled / =-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie |
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The whole multiculturalism thing is just a red herring. The cause of humanity is more important than any puny culture. Cultural homogeneity and national identities are just weak to ensure peace, stability and welfare. Reason is what glues humanity together.
The question is not if muslims can integrate (it's obvious as it is, that a non trivial number of them won't), the question is how to facilitate integration/adapt their culture. Even if it takes decades to solve, it's a fundamental problem you can't ignore. Western countries are as guilty as muslim countries for this shitshow, no matter what anyone tries to say. Many people have forgotten the riots in France that happened some many years ago. It was obvious there were problems, but nothing was done. Until some extremist came, no one cared. Unless you want to start the crusades again, of course. Muslims are 1.6 billions. You can't realistically expect them to be isolated from the rest of humanity. Add a Forsaken Masters questline Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Dec 12, 2015, 4:27:31 PM
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