Donald Trump

NeroNoah wrote:
It's not a small number. Also, they have the support of part of the population. It will be more like fighting ISIS or Al Qaeda.

Have you heard about Pablo Escobar? That'll give you a idea of the scale of the problem.



It's a small number relative to the population. The "support" of the people is very much like the "support" that was given to Saddam Hussain and will evaporate rather quickly when the direction things are heading is clear.

Even Escobar was a small fry in military terms. Most nations of the world are also small fry when it comes to competing against a major modern military.

I don't think most people begin to grasp what a major modern military can do, if they are given the right operating conditions. It isn't a matter of matching up numbers of people or weapons, it is about the orders of magnitude force multipliers bring in.

Imagine a horse trying to resist a rendering machine and you will have a more accurate picture. Imagine Putin vs 15,000 toddlers and you will have a good picture.

Lastly - you keep going back to a direction I explicitly said was not part of my suggestion. This wasn't a war on the cartels to stop drugs, but heavy action against them if they continued abetting illegal immigration.

The cartel doesn't give two flips about the people. Anyone who thinks they do might as well imagine that Trump is a meek person who is afraid to speak his mind. The cartels care about money. People - NO, money YES. When the bulk of their money supply and lives are threatened over a very small percentage of their money, they will give that up very quickly.

If the US wanted to kill the drug cartels off (well let's say 5 X decimation and cut their power and wealth in half) they could also just set up US govt based supply of all the drugs for cheap prices.

Boo Hoo - cheap, legal drugs at every gas station or food mart. Bye Bye Cartel.

These conflicts aren't about whether it is possible to accomplish things, they are ALWAYS about the political will or lack thereof in the incompetents in office.

Whether or not it will actually play out in policy adherence or while in office, Trump is displaying more of a will to get things done than his opponents are. Whether or not he would be any more effective is irrelevant in the public popularity arena. Whether that popularity will turn into actual votes is also questionable.

There are an awful lot of people that like Trump, but would never vote for him, just as there are people who detest Hillary, but would never vote against her.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
DalaiLama wrote:
The "support" of the people is very much like the "support" that was given to Saddam Hussain and will evaporate rather quickly when the direction things are heading is clear.

Not the best example, I think:

Good example, what happens with militarism, in this case, invading Iraq. Made things worse.

DalaiLama wrote:
Trump isn't saying anything new to the American public. He isn't fanning any flames or suggesting things that haven't been suggested time and again over the past 10+ years.

That´s probably the worst part about it, to think that someone like him aiming to be "the best leader" ^^ is a consequent continuation of already existing problems:

(14 points of fascism)

Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Feb 27, 2016, 6:01:19 PM
The real meme candidate (Bernie) just got stumped in SC. Yuge blow to his momentum right before super tuesday...
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
The real meme candidate (Bernie) just got stumped in SC. Yuge blow to his momentum right before super tuesday...

Bernie never had a real shot unfortunately.
Bernie became Democratic only in 2015 and was independant from the 70s and on.

He needs a 15% lead to have a chance and that's not gonna happen despite having the Internet on his side. It certainly will be Hillary.

I hope Trump wins.

i'm not from the US, but i'm certainly sure Trump is better in every possible aspect than that corrupted murderer liar terrorist supporter liberal-nazi Hillary.

Trump is very smart, he has a vision and he's even very funny and entertaining. His policy positions are totally fine.

P.s: If you don't want Trump send him to Europe, we desperately need a strong anti-immigrant leader, i'll be happy to vote for him.

Last edited by tr1gg3r3d#7270 on Feb 28, 2016, 9:07:12 AM
totalbackline wrote:

Yep, in Russia they already have a strong leader with a vision.
Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Feb 28, 2016, 5:18:29 PM
The nimble navigator retweeted a Mussolini quote. Cheeky!

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
^At this point it must be honest to God trolling.
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