Donald Trump

this was pretty interesting. I don't see where the guy shows an actual reason for throwing out the known protesters, which is the real problem. I find his research thorough on the people involved, but still don't see the physical disruption cause for throwing them out, but clearly they are protesters, is such protest (with no physical disruption) actionable or was this pretty extreme reaction by trump org? I don't know, and video really doesn't show it (a physical disruption), without which, trump is a monster imo.

is this policy path like linking immortal call to cast when damage taken or is he stacking pure crit discharge and glass cannon build when world does reflect damasge?

now I am just typing random shit but we have built up some endurance charges already. this thing on?
Last edited by LostForm#2813 on Feb 25, 2016, 8:18:34 PM
DalaiLama wrote:
When they are misfed information from kindergarten on, it becomes difficult to discern what is real or fabricated. There is also the visceral effect, where once people are trained to believe one thing, they will react emotionally towards it and disregard any contrasting facts automatically. If people had one brain system, instead of three, it wouldn't be so complex.


Part of it (the dangerous part) will be confronting and eliminating any cartels foolish enough to try to protect their 'routes'. That part will have to be done by the US military, with a hands off attitude from the US civil government, and the cooperation of Mexico. Unfortunately, I do not see any peaceful resolutions with the cartels. They will have to be taken down without remorse, and there will be a very high number of "innocent" deaths. Some of those innocents will be passively involved with the cartels, though most will only be guilty of trying to stay alive and live nearby.

The number of initial deaths will be very high, but once the lower level of cartel employees realize that it is all coming down and that they are just bomb fodder for A-10s, they will desert their leaders, and the cartels will come tumbling down.

The cartels aren't stupid, and with a strong governmental commitment out the outset, many will realize that they are not going to win this war (and it cannot be just a police action)and back down their operations. They would still be able to smuggle drugs across, so the bulk of their income wouldn't be affected anyways.

About the first part: in times of widespread false beliefs, relying in education is folly. This is the time where people should search the truth themselves rather than expect it from other source. There is no other alternative.

About the second part: the war on drugs will never work. When you start to kill people (it has been done before) the only thing you do is to move prices up in the drug market. Given that the demand is pretty inelastic, you'll have people willing to have short, dangerous lives for great profit.

If you want to defeat cartels, treating the drug addicts is the way to go. Once you cut the profits, cartels will be weak enough to be more like common criminals. That's manageable. Also, it would be nice to develop Mexico, Marshall plan style, so people are less tempted to want profit (most of the lowly mooks have been in poverty for most of their lives, this is the only chance to make a decent wage).

This is the tactic used with ISIS. NATO forces are bombing their oil supplies to cut their money so the desertions start when they receive less. Even then there is an ideology behind gluing all together, so they could be unkillable anyway (remember, before ISIS was Al Qaeda). Cartels could keep fighting out of spite to US (and believe me, that's good enough in a lot of places).
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Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Feb 25, 2016, 8:43:31 PM
NeroNoah wrote:
About the second part: the war on drugs will never work.

I wasn't advocating for a continuation or expansion of a war on drugs, but rather making it clear to the cartels that they need to get out of the human trafficking business, and that if they try to protect drug routes that turn into human trafficking routes, then we bring out the big guns - literally, and apply them not as needed, but with an over zealotry that makes the cartels more likely to put hungry piranha in their own swimwear than continue.

Technology will be the end of cartels. When affordable printers can synthesize chemical compounds, the drug cartels will wither up and die.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
That only worked with nuclear weapons in Japan. The rest of the time, long, unwinnable wars have happened. The collateral damage makes it undesirable too (cartels wouldn't give up with civilian deaths, and would recruit the victims). The amount of refugees is going to be insane, and the first world loves their refugees, of course. That's easily the worst way to go about the inmigration problem; creating more inmigrants.
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Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Feb 26, 2016, 9:49:21 AM
People will just find new ways, as it always was. Guns won´t help. Global fairness probably would.

Some sociopaths, egomaniacs, narcissists in the west become bankers and managers, elsewhere they become "criminals", they should all be treated the same.

When it comes to drugs, the demand for them has to be stopped(opportunities, participation, mental health care), when it comes to crime, the industrialized countries should pay enough money to other countries to support their law enforcement(at least).

Corruption often has to do with poverty(if you are an underpaid policeman, bureaucrat, medical doctor you will be corrupt) or greed (think of our own companies/banks and "their" politicians).

(Gary Haugen on poverty and law enforcement, english audio with german subs)

Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Feb 26, 2016, 10:27:14 AM
Debate yesterday was mudwrestling again. ;D

It's strange that Rubio apparently won the mudwrestling finally showing that Trump is dumb.
Also Trump lost his cool he also attacked the moderator once that nobody watches his show.

Highlight of the debate: Kasich got asked something but Trump, Rubio and Cruz are still talking and Carson asking "Can somebody attack me please"
I think the only other thing Carson said that made me remember was something about Fruit Salad.

Apparently I wasn't that wrong about the Superdelegates because Rubios new strategy is to get the votes of delegates in a brokered convention, because as long everybody stays in Trump won't have an absolute majority. I think it's very likely he will be the candidate if they expose Trump being stupid.

Despite the inaudible blabblering there were 2 heavy smart blows on Trump by Rubio.

First he has turned the Rubiobot into a Trumpbot on healthcare showing Trump has no idea.

Then he has shown that Trump hired illegal immigrants and got fined and said "google it"

Other good blows were Trump being a 200m heir not a selfmade man, he isn't releasing his tax returns because it will show he has far less money being a pretender.

Cruz pulled a Rubiobot on Trump and repeated the support of democrats again which backfired because Trump said "I supported you"

I suspect it will be between Rubio and Trump.

If he hadn’t inherited $200 million, you know where Donald Trump would be right now? Selling watches in Manhattan.

LOL That debate was jokes
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
They should add a Wrestlingring.

I enjoy the Republican Debates they are funnier than comedyshows.

While in the Democratic Debates it's more about "Gotcha (Communist/Wallstreetpuppet) questions by the moderators" and barely any viewers the Republican debates have quiet many viewers.

The next episode of the 3(2 if Megan Kelly is present) clowns and up to 2 sideshows airs on 3rd March on Fox.

Followed by the 10th March episode on CNN and the current season finale on 21 March.

NeroNoah wrote:
That only worked with nuclear weapons in Japan. The rest of the time, long, unwinnable wars have happened. The collateral damage makes it undesirable too (cartels wouldn't give up with civilian deaths, and would recruit the victims). The amount of refugees is going to be insane, and the first world loves their refugees, of course. That's easily the worst way to go about the inmigration problem; creating more inmigrants.

There is a vast difference between a real war (with a nation and a populace), and military prosecution of a small number of individuals, especially when that small group doesn't have any logistical resupply. An all out effort (with a much bigger cost outlay) could be done in a matter of 30-60 days tops. Once the ship is clearly burning and sinking, the rats won't be able to recruit a single thing.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
It's not a small number. Also, they have the support of part of the population. It will be more like fighting ISIS or Al Qaeda.

Have you heard about Pablo Escobar? That'll give you a idea of the scale of the problem.


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Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Feb 27, 2016, 9:49:37 AM

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