Donald Trump
if you want to see a comical characterization of that quote, tune into the animated show Archer and check out the secretary.
it is a dumb quote of sanders, and hence why he apologized and down played ever saying it as a student in the 1970's, and why nobody is retweeting it as a indication of their policy plans. I mean we could plan to fulfill every woman's fanatasy, and then get left for being a cuck, good plan. does that help? this thing on?
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^something like that, thanks
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" I completely agree on that. But I think, he´s playing dumb so people will defend him. Ultra right wing politicians always try to do the same here. That´s my impression, I just don´t buy what this salesman is telling people. Not enough for bad consequences(burn the witch - nono), but enough to be careful, proof or not. Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Feb 29, 2016, 12:20:46 PM
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oh yeah, definitely be doubtful, that goes for everything. Oblivious Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Feb 29, 2016, 12:29:54 PM
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" "The builders of our capital are fully engaged in residential construction, and its labor force is deployed for that. Nobody has the intention to erect a wall." Walter Ulbricht, 15 June 1961 at a press conference in East Berlin. (Less than two months later construction began) Sure, this one was a Stalinist. At least Trump is open about his wishful thinking concerning walls. Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Feb 29, 2016, 12:44:25 PM
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" It's not the problem strength per se, it's the fact that the rhetoric of some implies that strength is a necessary quality in a leader (it's not, I'd say charisma, wisdom. and skill to coordinate with others are what matters). I don't care about a leader that brags about strength, and Trump is a colossal braggart full of hot air. Forget racism, that's not the main flaw of Trump (I'd argue that he is just cynically manipulating the xenophobic impulses of some people, rather than believing what he says, so the constant trolling). "Negotiating from a position of strength" is bullshit, and you know it. That being said, the phrase is not good. Sounds like advising a reckless life (that's the reason Mussolini said that, Fascists were all about fast, energetic, violent lives). Quoting fascists is a good way to start a fight, specially when the phrase is questionable as this one. It's not a Hitler ate sugar situation. He is a troll, and we shouldn't give him attention nor victory. " Wasn't that article about women fantasizing abour rape? Sanders has said many questionable things (specially in support of some socialist regimes in the 70s and 80s, and about economics), but that wasn't one of them. It requires some comprehensive reading skills to catch that, I guess. Dumb, maybe, but what he wanted to say is not controversial at all except for conservatives or people wanting to fish for problems. Here is a link if you want to read the whole article. Add a Forsaken Masters questline Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Feb 29, 2016, 1:23:16 PM
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" Here's Shillary praising a former KKK leader: If Trump was doing this it would be all over the media ;) GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" I dont see the phrase that way, I see it as an anti-sloth, pro-improvement outlook about aiming higher overall. It shows he's a true businessman. I know people like to repeat that if they had the same money he did (and yeah he did have a good start in life) they would make as much as he did, but I doubt most would even make half, that is if they would make any. Most people dont have the drive, much less the eye for profit. You can improve yourself all the time, but fact is majority of the population will get comfortable and then bitch about those that decided to get off the couch and do something for their lives. another thing he has going for it - hate the man or not - he has the devil's charisma, he knows how to maintain the aura of a winner, an alpha image, and that is also an extremely positive point for negotiations. Someone said (maybe a talk show or some other politician?) that if he wasnt born rich he would be selling watches in the streets. I agree, I do think he would do that, but from there he would go to the next level, that's the kind of person he seems to me. Now whether that's good or not to run a country depends entirely on what moves and where you play your cards. and frankly I havent seen enough of the deck to judge it myself. He can play audiences, that's for sure. I disagree with the "negotiating from a point of power" being bullshit, America is a superpower, if anything its stupid to not to use the influence you have to leverage bargains (that does not necessarily imply military intervention, if you meant it that way then Its another case). Any nation should be concerned with protecting their own sovereignty first and foremost, while not forgetting all of the other players. one real problem with the average voter with good intentions is that they forget that the world isnt as kind as you are, and your good intentions can easily be answered with an intent to crush you. Like in business, one does not rise to the top and stay there without improving yourself and crushing the competition. and you dont need to crush the little guys (thought often they are indirectly crushed, but that isnt necessarily the truth for international politics), just cull the most threatening. I dont know if it was in this thread or another, but I said one of the mandatory courses in public education should be critical thinking, I should add that logistics should also be mandatory. Anyway, dont take me wrongly because of this analysis, there's a difference between arriving to the conclusion that it can not all be butterflies and rainbows, and effectively killing the stock. As a comparison, I think it would do good for the human race -and the rest of the planet- to have 3/5 of it killed off , doesnt mean I support such a notion or that I would do it myself if I had a magic button. Unfortunately Im a fool that really loves animals, so I too, lose. for the bernie article, I understand the point, but I find the deliverance of it pretty bad, and it could do without the extras. Could easily cut half of it while still retaining the point about understanding one another and expectations in relationships and societal roles. Also, some implied assumptions there make me seriously question his mind... and not in a good way. Oblivious Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Feb 29, 2016, 2:41:17 PM
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" um. I don't think so. There is no parallel between Robert Byrd and David Duke. though Byrd did have a way with words: this thing on?
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MSNBC showing us the true face of racist Trump supporters:
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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