Donald Trump
The Spanish part can't be compared where they call themselves liars and nasty for almost 2 minutes, while Kasich resigns "We won't win against Clinton this way" That part it comedy gold. "My mother is the bravest woman in the world" "Maybe she should run for president" Those debates need a South Park episode. Rubio being controlled by another Lemmiwinks Brother Cruz being Canadian and he brawls with Rubio, while Garrison claims "Fuck them all to death" and fights with Bush. Carson being a Paper advertisement for his book Kasich just standing in shame. |
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I´d like to see a South Park or Simpsons comment on this(somehow I have to think of that Texan guy with the pistols when I think of Trump)...
Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Feb 15, 2016, 12:29:01 PM
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" I used to like South Park for the fact that they would direct their satire at anything. Then they chickened out, and started doubling down on others to make up for it. Now I just think of them as cowardly bullies; consequently, the humour is only 15% of what it used to be imo. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" For me it's the opposite. They got more political with each season. |
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SP changed the style the episodes stay connected.
They are also far more political compared to the early seasons. IE last season was about Political Correctness and the message is clear. PC itself is okay but there are many who abuse it. It's actually Comedy Central chickening out on Prophet Mohammed 6 years ago. The big problem at the moment is that instead of 2x7 episodes each season they do a 1x10 episode season so they can work on other projects in winter till summer. Team America is already 12 years old. I am not sure if you are old enough to remember the show "That's my Bush". It ran in 2001 till August and only got canceled because it was too expensive(well WTC would have killed it anyway) And imagine Trump becomes president. That would certainly open the doors for a new sitcom. |
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" I had completely forgotten about Team America. That movie was so much fun. ![]() I wonder if it was the getting past the censors that kept them from making a sequel? Maybe if Trump gets elected, Stephen Chow can direct a live action version with Team Donald vs Team Vladimir. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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Jerking this back on topic for a sec, I no longer think of him as being the worst candidate in that side of the field. Paraphrasing:
"I support Planned Parenthood" "George W did NOT keep us safe, and there were no WMDs in Iraq" ...said in front of a foaming at the mouth right-wing crowd (really, a bunch of paid shills for Jeb!) He gets points from me for that. A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter: Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us: |
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If the polls are credible enough Kasich, Carson and Bush are out after SC.
While Bush might be a considerable among the GOP canidate his campaign is a joke and you can only pity him. Getting kicked out of a rotery club. "Please Clap" Struggle with a hoodie Jimmy Kimmel Jam Using his mother with weird make up as combat message to Trump while his followers counter with "too many bushes as president" "I want to be your first" Tweets like: If I used twitter I would have asked if his plan is to kill the Trump next debate claiming "I was sure he would be the next Hitler" " The issue with Trump is that he has no clue about anything. IE nuclear Triad. Political he is more of a Democrat and not a Conversative. His opponents just fail to show that with their memorized speeches or low energies. His speeches is appealing but he has no plan how to execute it. IE he wants to tax the company that moves to Mexiko. In reality he has no chance of getting this idea past Senate/House. His WTC and WMD move only will show that he cannot be touched anymore. I suspect that Trump will win several states and the superdelegates will all go to the second to prevent Trump. In terms of crazyness Cruz is several levels above others. And TBH I only see the GOP win pres. elections when the dem. canidate turns out to be a second Jimmy Carter. |
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GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" In a militar/social sense he is not insane compared to the rest, but in a economic sense he is an interventionist. If he went to power, and his reforms were to pass, US would be seriously harmed. I don't know what is worse. I mean, US wrecking shit like South America in the 80s with Reagan is awful, but US collapsing is 1930's awful (he is too reminiscent of Hoover in that sense, that guy used tariffs and everything went to shit when added with the roaring twenties). ... THIS IS NOT A PARODY. 100% CRUZ. 'MURICA FUCK YEAH. Add a Forsaken Masters questline |
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