Donald Trump
regarding trump, the danger in him is that he's acting so extreme that the real extremists look like a reasonable alternative.
bernie sanders is experienced enough to know that americas power is not in money alone (they just generate some if they want to to finance something) but in people and (access to) resources. just imagine the power which would unfold if america would lower it's destructive power towards the world and direct their resources more into making america itself a better place to live? age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
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Trump isn't acting extreme he has no clue about anything and just uses bar room level slurs to polarise.
The danger is more that Trump has a strong slogan "Make America great again" while his competitors have slogans like "Jebb!" The question will be more who will be the allied Republican front runner against Trump because they already had a "No Trump" meeting. Ted Cruz is a dangerous extremist. Jebb Bush needs to score or he will drop out Rubio is likely to drop out after the next debate once he repeats himself. I don't know much about Kasich though. |
Can I just jump in here with a vital Chrome extension: The Trumpweb.
"Finds any mention of Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump on a website and adds an actual Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump quote to his name." Such gems as: "I am the least racist person" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump "My I.Q. is one of the highest" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump "I beat China all the time" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump "Our planet is freezing" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump "My twitter has become so powerful" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump "We have stupid people" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump "We need global warming" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump "@BetteMidler is an extremely unattractive woman" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump "Maybe it says he's a Muslim" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump "All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump This thread is a gold mine. |
" So what's a sufficient political background? I'm a member of the IWW... does that somehow make me an authority on politics? " But that's the point, to denounce Sanders supporters as ignorant or uninformed isn't an actual argument, it's an ad hominem attack. #1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Yeah, well, except for all this "make America great again, win, win, beat everyone" crap he is a preacher of hate.
" Maybe If I didnt see people parroting his positions without actually understanding them, I wouldnt say stuff like that. People could tell me to "feel the bern", link to the website and twitter and say what is positions are (at least the "robin hood" tax proposal), but many were quick to flee once I questioned them. (thanks Nero for actually responding to me BTW) I havent felt this in a while regarding politics, but a fuckload of Sanders supporters come off as Jeovahs witnesses. "excuse me, have you a moment to hear the words of our lord and savior Jes- Bernie Sanders??". I've seen it in poe (ok maybe my fault for opening global) and in forums unrelated to politics. far more than any other candidate. and as I implied earlier, im not american, so I dont really have to know much about people Im not going to vote for. EDIT: edited to fix some mistakes. wrote this in a rush before leaving for an appointment. added some stuff now too. Oblivious Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Feb 10, 2016, 11:56:20 AM
" That might be the problem though. I dont really like the terms left and right, I only really use them in a lose fashion thats separate from whatever the deo/repub/labour/conserv/whatever parties are doing right now. But if we take the sensible, future thinking, sustainable, science and logic driven area of options, maybe thats typically more to the left on that spectrum? That might be fair to say? Doesnt the future they are essentially pushing for where equality, respect, responsibility and sustainable forward thinking systems are universal require a central world governing structure? If we are to take control of our impact on each other and the planet then we need control of ourselves across the planet. That means a lot of ideologies and governing structures in the world right now need to go, one way or the other, and the sooner the better. That in turn requires a lot of wars that can only be fueled by racism, nationalism, religion... essentially the road to the 'left wing' hippy dream in practice is a 'right wing' hell of hate and destruction. Whos willing to go to bat across the world for those hippy agendas? Whos doublethinked beyond all sense to the point where they will follow nationalist, right wing agendas of hate into the arms of a world government that will destroy their nationalism and facilitate a lot of these left wing agendas that are unworkable under our current systems but basically essential to the long term development of our species? On some level are America not the last soldier we have in the west? Dont we need them to do what we dont have the stomach for, what we cant admit needs done for the good of us all so that our kids can live to see a day in a world without wars, pollution, inequality that is working towards a sustainable, science driven future for our planet? Im not really sure how i feel about it all tbh. Im absolutely with the likes of Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn on many levels, but maybe theyre just 100 years too early. Put them in power, sure, but it wont matter just like it wont matter if Trump gets in. The world to me seems like a train in motion right now and individuals, even the leaders of the most influential countries in the world, can either stand in its way or stand aside, the train is not stopping. We dont need someone to step in and destroy the right wing, religious extremes etc, theyre destroying themselves. The bankers, the big corps like monsanto, idiots like trump, theyre chasing an agenda that is centralizing world power in a way that will invalidate their capitalist bullshit. Everything that needs to go is destroying itself in a horrifying display of idiocy. As much as it offends my principals to watch it unfold on some level if you are a largely left wing hippy maybe you just need to popcorn facetank the next 40 years from your sofa while these idiots completely obliterate themselves and lay the foundations we need for the future we want to see. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Very interesting to see who voted for Bernie and who for Shillary:
The voters of my age are all over The Bern. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence. Last edited by Xavderion#3432 on Feb 10, 2016, 12:18:16 PM
^yeah, he's definitely more popular with the young audiences. But Shillary is the estabilishment candidate, wonder how this will go.
" Oh definitely, Im laughing all the way at Jeb JUST-guacamole Bush spilling his spaghetti from time to time, Rubio going full robot, Carson almost (?) falling asleep, Cruz daughter refusing a kiss from her father with a face of disgust on, Trump being an asshole and making people mad as hell, etc. The republican party in particular is very entertaining. Even laugh at poor rand, I dont know whats about him, hes not abnormally short, but he just looks a bit like a kid I swear the happy meal box is just off-shot ofc I try to laugh at them and judge them for their proposals separately. though sometimes its hard to take people serious after some events. (well not my place to take them seriously anyway, like I mentioned before, not american so I dont have to care that much) Oblivious Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Feb 10, 2016, 5:55:04 PM