Donald Trump
" Well, US electoral system is known to be rigged. First past the post voting, gerrymandering and non compulsory votes mean a few lunatics and some people in denial about how crappy the party is can destroy a democracy. US was a better place when there was centrists at the power (think of Roosevelt and Einsenhower, even fucking Nixon). This not only fucked Republicans, but fucks Democrats too because the lack of sane competence means they don't have to make any effort, and they can be corrupt because they are still the sane option. This is how I see it: ![]() Add a Forsaken Masters questline |
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Trump has spent much time and resources helping veterans in the US as well as giving anyone who actually cares about America hope again.
There's tons of people coming into the US ILLEGALLY and living on tax payer's dollars, taking jobs away from legit Americans and in some extreme cases these illegal immigrants are plotting terrorist attacks in the country. If Trump becomes president America will be much safer than it is now and people who were actually born here/live here legally will have a much better chance to be successful or at least earn a living, as well as being safer. I'm tired of people throwing so much hate at Trump. He IS what America needs, whether the rest of the world likes it or not, and I will be voting for him. At least Trump is a US citizen, unlike Obama who can't even fabricate a birth certificate. Designer of Unending Hunger and The Craving divination card. Last edited by FriendlyGamerGuy#1133 on Feb 9, 2016, 2:27:31 PM
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Must not comment other peoples political views.
Nope, not worth it. |
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" seriously? These are the guys? a group of men who cant walk out of a door without fucking it up? Whats the deal with trump? The first guy managed to make a complete mess out of walking 20 feet, ok, but then trump...? Has he seen it and out of some sort of capitalist, competitive, peenmeasuring instinct decided that hes not going to let this guy outidiot him? Youre still number 1 trump, well done. " ....? I dont even know what to say, words cannot describe. At this point not only could a robot do his job but it could do a better job of it. Did trump make sure to then repeat his blurb 4 times? Or was he forced to concede second place to this straight ace performance in the race for the biggest waste of space medal? American politics literally makes me question reality on a fundamental level. Its like finding something in a dream so absurd that you are aware you must be dreaming. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" " Modern GOP in a nutshell, yeah. They spent the last 30 years pandering to nutters of all varieties (christian evangelicals, racists, birthers, the senile elderly vote, and uneducated hicks) that it finally wore off on them. The current state is only surprising if you're missing history. " I thought that, if anything, he was actually paying attention and was waiting for whoever was hosting the debate to unfuck themselves. Not like they did in a timely fashion, not to mention nearly forgetting one of the candidates (Kasich) entirely. --- This is a great year for popcorn sales, if nothing else. Last edited by pneuma#0134 on Feb 9, 2016, 4:12:49 PM
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" At least his strategy seems to work, make people afraid and make them think he would be the "solution". Be happy about your geography, that makes the U.S. a (more or less) safe place compared to Europe (- you just destroy that safety from the inside with social imbalances and too many rifles/guns especially associated with fear, so for now I prefer to live in Europe. Each year violence kills 55.000 people in the U.S. - I hope it will be Sanders or Clinton in the end. My impression is that Republicans nowadays are neither good for the United States nor for the rest of the world. Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Feb 10, 2016, 2:09:42 AM
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" You mean after WW 3 where the North West belongs Russia the South West to China and the North East to Europe and Southwest to Latin America? The only thing Trump cares for is the abuse of seizing private property for his casinos and hotels. " Trump uses some kind of kindergarden salesman language he is repeating himself all the time. The words he uses are short unless he cannot prevent it. Typical Trump phares are: "We have a real problem! And what I wanna do is to find out what's the root-cause." His phrases have a structure to put the stronger words at the end. You should look at his response on a CNN question about the Nuclear Triad. He has absolute no clue what it is, even the moderator explained it briefly before and talks about it without having a clue like a student constantly failing class. " Personal Hope would be Sanders but I guess it will be Clinton and that means banks can do more shit legally than they can already. |
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" I know what you mean and I hope so, too. Here in Germany there was a poll some days ago in which 75% (!) of Germans would like to see Hillary as the next US president, I guess it has a lot to do with her presence on TV, her husband and her experience in foreign politics. Well, the positions of American republicans are those of ultraconservatives in Germany, so only 15-25 percent would accept that, while democrats in general are seen as liberal or center, when it comes to Sanders, he pretty much seems to be a normal social democrat, center left. Even if he´s 74 years old, he would be fresh blood for the States, I guess :-). Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Feb 9, 2016, 6:44:57 PM
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The Republicans don't have a politican equivalent in Germany their positions are even far away from FPD and CSU.
The issue is money and Clinton is one of the big political Clans and you need a really strong media offensive like Obama did in 2008 to counter that and Clinton makes sure it won't happen. The Clintons are just excellent to shrugg off scandals. Trump will finally lose it when he has to choose some running mate for VP and you would only expect Palin from him. The first caucuses are rather irrelevant because the 1st March will be the deciding one. And then there is the convention where the Republicans already decided to ally against Trump. |
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