[2.1] Life based EB CoE Wander | 70k GMP+Chain Kinetic Blast 4.5k life with Coil
" Sorry for the late reply, been busy with things other than Path of Exile for the last little while. Good to hear you're enjoying the build, you're certainly braver than I am to try it in Hardcore though, I certainly wish you the best of luck there. " Yeah, I have a feeling that Acrobatics is going to be very difficult to pull off with Power Siphon, one of the main benefits of GMP+Chain on Kinetic Blast is in addition to the potential 15 projectile hit, you also end up proccing up to 60 extra AoE's per attack, due to the insane number of hits, sustaining KB with a minimal amount of ES on Hit is quite easy. Power Siphon costs almost as much mana, but only get a fraction of those hits/attack, which would making Acorbatics even harder on Power Siphon than on Kinetic Blast, and I still haven't found a way to make it work with KB. Honestly I'm not even sure I actually can sustain a 6L Power Siphon, at least not against smaller packs, although 5L is probably much easier. As far as mitigation is concerned, you could always use a Cloak of Flame, I find this calculator is a pretty good way to determine how effective various methods of defenses are, and it might help you plan out which small changes you can make, if any will have the largest effect. You can always run a Vaal Grace, I have 100% uptime on Vaal Haste with Chill of Corruption, without that Jewel it's a bit harder to get 100% uptime, but you can probably get pretty close, and Vaal Grace is almost like having Acro+PAcro, so it may very well end up saving you at some point. https://jsfiddle.net/1qpx41wm/2/embedded/result/ " Yeah, it's quite likely that the second one's going to be better in the end. With level 20 gems: Wrath is 132 damage Anger is 110 damage if you ever get a 6L then Added Lightning is 180 damage your first wand has 86 ele damage and your second wand has 52 ele damage, but with a much faster attack speed which of course scales all of your other flat damage as well. So you lose a small fraction of your base damage for lots of spell damage and attack speed. " I think your first passive tree's probably better, the second one gives up a lot of crit and damage, and you only gain a bit of life regen and 10% life in return. So I'm not sure if it's really worth it, better to just take fewer damage nodes and take Melding(Even in spite of how bad that wheel is) on your first tree. Nodes like Throatseeker, Wandslinger and Sniper are at least somewhat expendable, and can probably be skipped once CoE is providing the huge damage boost that it does. Probably removing Throatseeker+1 other passive point for Melding being the ideal option for a bit more defenses. Last edited by Shotgun_Surgeon#5561 on Oct 20, 2015, 10:37:50 AM
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Since the node above blood drinker costs 3 points it should be more efficient to do this as scion to get the other start jewel socket along with proj dmg/attack speed instead of just dex nodes. Just minor min/maxing but still.
On another note my biggest gripe with wanders is that you have to go vaal pact and always end up with pretty low hp because of how many nodes you need to spend on crit. Therealjcool had the right idea to use blood dance for the regen in a similar way to how some voltaxic bow builds are built with high hp/regen. I hope someday there will be a solution to this problem. |
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" Seems probable, still not used to the Scion actually being a good option, thank god for Jewels. It's a bit more passive point intensive, since it's 4 points to each Jewel at the Scion start, instead of 3, but the 4 points are better than just random Dex/Int so with a very high level character I can see the Scion being slightly better. " Yeah, that's definitely a nice thing to have, but I can't see it really being possible at my gear level though, even if I replaced Maligaro's/Thunderfist with a some nice tri-res gloves and used Blood Dance, my DPS would still be too high to survive reflect without Vaal Pact. When watching a couple of my videos back frame-by-frame what tends to happen when I encounter ele-reflect is my life goes from 4.4k down to about 3k in one frame, then by the next frame it goes down to 2k, then the frame after that I'm back at full life thanks to Vaal Pact. But all of that happens in the blink of an eye, and life regen + non-instant leech just can't possibly mitigate that kind of damage, which means to use Blood Dance effectively I'd need to find a way to cap my resist while simultaneously using Blood Dance + Acuities + Lightning Coil + Crown of Eyes, which probably requires mirror-worthy resists in every slot(Even then not sure if that's actually enough), or several passive points/Jewels just to grab resists. It works for Voltaxic because reflect's not a thing for them, but for my build, you definitely can't ignore reflect. We'll see if any future changes make it a bit more doable, here's hoping they do. Last edited by Shotgun_Surgeon#5561 on Oct 21, 2015, 2:18:25 PM
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Hi, I'm sorta beginner and while playing by your guide(w\o Enlighten) I've noticed a problem: Charisma & Influence clusters only give 16% mana reserved reduction, while you need 20% for 2 auras + gerald work together. Right now as I've taken them, each aura reserves 42% of my mana and Herald reserves 21%, which obviously sum up to more than 100% mana. Should I just not use of of auras\herald until I level up my(lucky gotten) lvl1 Enlighten? Or am I mistaken somewhere, since its levelling is gonna be a really long process?
Last edited by Jeaciaz#2598 on Oct 22, 2015, 11:35:59 AM
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" Yeah, the auras section of my guide shows the different possible combinations you can use to get Wrath+Anger+HoI to work, but unfortunately all of them require at least one Enlighten. You can either use Wrath+HoT+HoI, in which case you don't need any aura nodes at all, or save the CoE part of the build until later, and use Alpha's Howl to sustain your Auras. Whichever you prefer. |
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" Can I get them working with both clusters and lvl2 Enlighten? Thanks. |
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" Unfortunately not, you can use the Aura Calculator to figure out what's needed, but to do it with level 2 Enlightens, you'd need 2 of them as well as the Conqueror's Efficiency Jewel. A single level 3 Enlighten is enough to do it without Jewels though. |
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" Thanks again for such a quick and useful answer. :) |
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Oh hey,
nice to see your elaborate reply, ty for that! I haven't been playing much this league, but am still alive :D Lvl 78 at the moment. Many many close encounters, the all mods weekends are just nuts to be honest. I found out most of what you wrote by myself, and after finally testing KB I have to admit it is just so much better for this ES gain on hit business. Not only do your sustain problems disappear, but you also get freaking insane life from LGoH. I have a non-quality lvl17 gem an get my entire HP pool back instantly due to the crazy amount of hits KB - GMP - chain gives you. Switching to KB obviously introduces the problem with maintaining power charges. Since I still can't get a lvl3 or 4 enlighten, I decided to just drop anger for now and run HoI + HoT, both linked with ass mark. This provides stable power charges for now. And while I still don't like KB, the usage of HoI makes it feel like I'm playing a windripper, so taht's not bad at all. I changed my tree again, took Acro and melding, and have just over 400 ES now with Acro. While I do run out occasionally, I feel it is worth the point. Damage feels pretty good already, around 11k on KB and 45k Frenzy (tho I use barrage most of the time due to the ingenious sustain). Concerning body armour. Cloak of Flame isn't a bad idea actually, I have used it on my incinerator and it really gives a noticeable buff vs. large (and potentially deadly) phys hits. However it doesn't offer anything else (HP, EV, dodge) so I feel that Daresso may be the better choice, especially since I provide all 3 charges to the party with conduit. Sadly I am currently too poor to buy a 5L/6L daresso, and mine just won't link :( We shall see if I can make it to higher maps, currently doing 69/70 which feels like 75-77 by "Normal" game standards, lol. Maybe you could test with a 20/20 Lgoh gem at your gear level? I would be very interested to see what happens on reflect. You may survive after all, thus eliminating the need for VP. Last edited by therealjcool#2040 on Oct 24, 2015, 9:19:48 PM
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" I'll be sure to give it a try when I get home from work today, although I'm not optimistic that it'll work with my damage numbers. 54 life on hit with a 20/20 gem, with all 15 projectile hits and 60 AoE's getting a single hit results in a potential 4,050 life/attack 2% Life Leech with my 70k DPS is approximately 19k damage/projectile hit, and 14k damage/AoE, resulting in an average 380 life on hit per projectile hit, and 280 life on hit per AoE hit. For a potential 22,500 life in a single attack if I get the max potential hits. Realistically it's probably closer to 10-40 hits on large packs, which is still over 10k life leeched per attack, compared to a couple thousand with LGoH. Then there comes the reflect calculations, which would be 14% of damage reflected at 75% resists. So that 19k damage per projectile results in 665 damage per projectile reflected back, and 490 damage per AoE. As you can see, even with Vaal Pact Life Leech, I'm still only mitigating about half of reflected damage through leech, the rest comes down to block/evasion and flasks. Back when Thornflesh was a thing I was able to reflect a potential 40k damage per attack against a large pack(Back then I actually had to run Purity of Lightning and skip Anger just to survive), which is also why I never run ele reflect maps. Multiplied by my 4-5 APS we're talking about trying to mitigate over 100k DPS worth of reflected damage after elemental resists, which is far, far worse than an ele reflect rare ever could be. Thankfully I kill everything instantly so Ele Reflect rares die at around the same time the pack surrounding them does, so there's always enough nearby mobs to leech from to make up for the fact that I don't have enough leech to completely mitigate reflect against a single target. So long story short, if you look at the videos section of my guide, and see the Ele Reflect Map I did, I was still struggling to survive even while using both LGoH and Life Leech, and removing WED to keep my damage from getting dangerously high, and that was only barely enough to really be reflect proof. This build sadly just doesn't handle reflect too well. Last edited by Shotgun_Surgeon#5561 on Oct 26, 2015, 9:04:14 AM
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