[2.1] Life based EB CoE Wander | 70k GMP+Chain Kinetic Blast 4.5k life with Coil
" I agree with you on the power charges, i haven't gotten the power charges since i thought the shadow crit/accuracy nodes were worth it, i'll regret these nodes soon and i'll see a significant increase in dps i think. Another question though, should i prioritize a taste of hate or a 6l legacy coil? |
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hi, started to gear a lvl77 respecc shadow for this build
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBBAcFtQceCPQJoA3RDkgPqxGWFLAWvxmKGo8gbiLqI_YkiyT9JpUqCyo4LR8vbzB8Nj0_c0V8SbFMs02SUDBRR1VLVcZZvF3yYeJirGpDaxdsjGznbWxwUnC7cNVzcH_Ggh6D24TFidOMC4w2jX2Nv5MnlSCXl5phm7Wdqp-IoqO0OLVIuXy86sBUwcXB88JzwzrFKM3qznDQH9fP2RPbC-UZ51To1uwY7LDviO_r8-r2W_ba9uf5N_sJ-_X_3g== dunno about the wand. have this one in my stash, dont know what to craft on it, spell dmg/%phys/ flat dmg rolls and the tooltip doesnt get calculated correctly for KB right? or is it the dmg of 1 Explosion? maybe u can explain how to calculate it |
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" That's actually a tough question. a 6L is definitely going to be better for the build, I lose almost 1/3 of my DPS from dropping Added Lightning Damage. But on the other hand, I suspect that Taste of Hate will eventually go legacy, so it's nice to have one just in case that does happen. Up to you, if you feel your damage is fine, you can probably put off upgrading to the 6L, and grab a Taste of Hate. But if you're not really bothered by that, then the 6L will be a much more noticeable upgrade. " Your passive tree doesn't have enough Jewel sockets to effectively do my build, you'll need 4 ES on Hit Jewels to sustain the skill's mana cost. Until you've done that, you will have to use the Blood Magic gem for sustain. You've also taken the Melding life cluster before taking the Written in Blood cluster. Written in Blood is better than Melding, and Melding should be one of the last life nodes you take. Other than that, the passive tree seems like a fine start. " Probably either flat lightning damage, or spell damage, neither are going to make the wand particularly good, but it'll at least be a start, so you may want to upgrade that sooner rather than later. As for your other gear, your shield, boots and belt seem solid, buy you're really going to feel the lack of life on your other jewellery, especially at your level, where you're missing out on a whole bunch of flat life just from levelling up. " The tooltip is for a single projectile hit. So my 70k DPS means that each projectile is doing 70k DPS, and each AoE is doing about 50k DPS. The reason that's enough to 1 shot level 80 packs in a 6 man party is because with GMP+Chain that's 15 projectile hits per pack of mobs, for about 1.05 million projectile DPS total across all hits, and each projectile creates 4 explosions, for a possible total of 60 AoE blasts that each are doing 50k DPS, for a total of about 3 million AoE DPS. Given that the AoEs can overlap, and Chain allows enemies to be hit by more than one projectile, you can easily hit an enemy 10x in a single attack if they have enough life to survive that many hits, and that's doing upwards of 500K DPS to them. At least at my gear level. |
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Editing my post with info i've gotten through leveling 66-78
Level 87 https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAAOygDlm49YEO-gIMJb56cpMpK8bOHE1-wS1d3B5u1wOPDOoTFJIsZig-rlwb7CRa_bWzEovbaAx4mleaBtUg2PRqPH0Fh4su9BiPz6uywnapVSyoLjAtirGyMjDZwUrl8idNw1V3yDkgRlg3RBx5_xmNDlS6TJ8HF8NXviPrv7BiIQklR-Tf8ZHC7gh7Xz0qa2RPB8xSwSbGiBC9vlSCaYWsXLR_Cc8fKvOpMs8Uoc3DJRMBUIG4EB_Zbn4i-7mpDCPRQMIPbWbz25z9z215Vxs5wbOc6WAmg Short explanation: tree has not much life, but don't really care in softcore; also, aura nodes are taken due to use of 2x herald, one reduced with enlighten. Sustaining off mana entirely due to double curse on boots and mana gained on kill. Jewels are : Static electricity in the slot near ballistic mastery, In the scion starting node: any jewel with dmg + ES on hit. When i'll find budget for another jewel, i'll get more sockets on the tree. I've actually went hybrid life+ES and sustain from mana due to low life on my tree. ES jewel on hit helps to sustain ANY energy shield while killing (helps with stuns, you can read on the mechanics on poe wiki). Feels like you'd need 10-15 ES on hit for it to be really effective. Build is not bad, but DPS isn't nearly as good as yours. ~40k Frenzy 1 projectile and about 16k GMP Chain KB, however still not completed (~10 more levels I'll consider the tree completed). Still sometimes struggling with mana, might switch to an +mana on hit jewel, aswell as higher level enlighten. Gear needs improvements still. And quality gems. Last edited by conflargate#0394 on Sep 25, 2015, 8:12:22 PM
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Alright, I've updated my post with a new passive tree for high level characters(Very passive point intensive, so I wouldn't bother using at lower levels), I found crit capping from gear to be a bit too expensive, so I respecced some nodes, I end up with less crit multi, and 1% less life, but in exchange, I'm now at a 92% chance to crit, with more attack speed. DPS seems about the same between this passive tree and my old one, so it's mostly a consistency change.
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYABAcFtQceCPQJoA3RDkgPqxGWFLAWvxmKGo0ajxvIIG4i6iP2JIsk_SaVKgsqOC0fMHw2PTfUOlg-zz9zRXxJUUyzTZJQMFFHVUtVhVXGWbxbJl3yYeJirGNDakNrF2yMbOdtbHBScNVzcH_Gf_uCHoPbhMWJ04wLjDaNfY2_lSCVLpeXmmGbtZ2qn4iio6XLtDi1SLl8vOq95sBUwfPCc8M6xSjOcM_d0B_bC9te5RnnVOjW7LDtP-_r8NXxivPq9lv22vbn-wn79f_edweHE5ykb57KSl-wvoBuPWBDgwnA40tX8bM= " I'd definitely say you'll want to stick with Wrath, take a look at the part of my guide where I talk about Hatred vs. Flat Damage Auras, should do a good job of explaining the issue with HoA/Hatred for a wander. " In my experience 1 shotting's the easy part, at which point you'll want attack speed so you can 1 shot faster, so I'd keep an eye out for a faster wand, but that one seems solid for now. |
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I've leveled to 78 and edited the previous post.
Would've never tried the HoI+CoH combo and actually it works a lot better :) Also, tested wrath, and the DPS is a lot bigger. Thanks for updating the tree, some more similarities with mine now (scion area for crit + life + jewel). Actually, by quick comparison of your tree with cut 2 jewelsockets and EB (adapting it so it'd be more similar to mine) I think I'll reconsider going near herbalism ranger nodes. Thanks again for this guide :) Last edited by conflargate#0394 on Sep 25, 2015, 8:19:44 PM
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Another update, someone suggested I try other Unique glove options other than just Maligaro's and Facebreakers. So I've done a bit more of an indepth writeup on the benefits and costs of using Maligaro's, Facebreakers, Southbound, Thunderfist, and Surgebingers. Copied below:
70k DPS Due to the difficulty crit capping, Maligaro's both provides the most consistent DPS boost, as well as the largest DPS boost. It provides nothing at all defensively, but is a very solid offensive option, especially with regard to AoE clearing. Probably the best option, especially if legacy.
68k DPS Facebreakers provides almost as much DPS in my experience, slightly less, but it's of course far less consistent in where that DPS comes from, since it doesn't provide any crit chance. Not a bad option if you need an item to Vaal spam, but other than that, I wouldn't bother using them unless you found a way to crit cap without using Maligaro's.
60k DPS Surgebinders are really underwhelming, they don't provide that much DPS, I only get around 60K with my GMP+Chain KB, and they lower the duration of your charges, meaning you're more likely to run out, and need to build them up from scratch. Not worth using.
61k DPS On the plus side, they provide as much flat damage as a Legacy Thunderfist, it's all cold damage so you can freeze things more easily, and you get increased freeze duration, which means even easier freezing. On top of that you get a solid amount of resists, which really helps with the strict resist requirements of the build, and I go from 4.4k life all the way up to 4.7k. The downside of course is that your hits can only kill frozen enemies. As for how this plays out in practice, it's actually not that bad. Since Anger burns enemies, and the burn damage can still kill, even if you fail to freeze your target. So for boss killing, or something, where you don't do enough damage to reliably freeze, you can still kill without troubles. The real issue is you have a much lower crit chance compared to Maligaro's, and you are unable to kill things on a non-crit, since you will neither burn nor freeze your enemies. This can be annoying, but it's a cheap item, so it doesn't really cost anything for you to see if that's worth it to you or not.
60k DPS - 200k Single Target The main benefit of Thunderfist is of course the potential to have a 5L single target skill, but at the cost of having worse AoE potential. My single target Power Siphon/Frenzy went up from 175k to 200k DPS, which is a pretty significant boost, but at the cost of a pretty significant hit to your AoE damage. This may be worthwhile if you're at a similar damage level to me, especially if you don't play in parties very much. Since you should still be 1 shotting everything anyway, and the better single target goes a long way to solve what is otherwise a pretty big problem for Wanders. Last edited by Shotgun_Surgeon#5561 on Sep 28, 2015, 10:59:07 AM
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have you tried rare gloves with 300+accuracy , 15% attack speed , high life , 2x flat ele dmg rolls, and some rez ? obviously less dps than malig but i was using a similar pair on my wander , and it just felt better overall since u get no life from chest and helm.
btw is life leech gem really mandatory ? |
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" Getting to be some pretty specific gloves, but yeah, I've tried something as close to that as I could find, and wasn't a huge fan, but that was back when I had a much lower crit chance, and really needed the crit from Maligaro's, I might like it better now, hard to say, I guess I'll have to try again. " In my experience, it certainly is. I really struggle to survive reflect without using the gem, but if that's something that doesn't bother you, then feel free to skip it I guess. With my gear I do an average of about 22k ele damage on a crit with KB(A skill that can get up to 15 projectile hits and 60 AoE's per attack), and on the top end can do as much 36k damage. With ele reflect being 14% on rares, and 75% resists, that's about 1.2k ele damage per hit in a worst case scenario, reflecting several thousand ele damage back at you in a fraction of a second, life flasks won't be enough, you need some form of leech. Using the Atziri flask is enough to counter reflect, but at the same time, that won't save you from anything off-screen that you can't see. Even with the life leech gem, 2% leech is only enough to leech through half of the reflect damage you get hit with, so even then, I feel I need Vaal Pact in addition to the leech I get from phys to be properly immune to it. That's of course assuming I get hit with 100% of reflected damage, and doesn't take into account block/evasion, so it's not actually quite as bad as that. But either way, reflect will hurt if you don't have life leech, you'll definitely notice it. Last edited by Shotgun_Surgeon#5561 on Sep 30, 2015, 12:05:04 PM
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Hi Shotgun_Surgeon,
first of all let me say thank you for writing this guide! I'm a long-time PoE player and have tried almost any class over the years, but the good old wander has always been my favourite. However, until now I believed that only a phys wander with GG gear could succeed in "owning" a map dps-wise - boy was I mistaken! Maybe it is the 2.0 changes but I've never had more fun playing a wander than now! I can even level up by myself, don't have to be carried till lvl80 and my wand cost 3 chaos, so I'm loving this. Against all warning and common sense, I am attempting a variation of your build in a HC league, playing as a Scion. And not only that, it is the 1 month flashback HC for added crazyness. Needless to say I could die at any instant, given that the build's defenses are well.. non-existant from a HC persepctive. Being a "veteran" wander I decided to try anyway. I have many levels to go (hopefully) but I just had to post here and say thanks for changing my perspective on phys vs. ele wanding. The most notable difference I find is that you actually have good single target dps, I'm only lvl 67 now but I get roughly 25k on single target (with charges), that's about as much as my phys wanders had endgame at lvl90 :D I also love how you can sustain barrage indefinitely with ES gained on hit jewels. If you are interested, here's a list of changes I made (for playing HC, or just for me & my personal taste). 1. Skill & Auras I hate KB. Really don't like it. I know it's strong and all, but I just want to play with my good old Power Siphon, the sexiest skill in game! Gojng along these lines, I figured I won't need to bother with lvl4 enlightens and such, as I get power charges anyway. So I dumped charisma and only run anger +wrath, no enlightens needed. Links stayed the same, except I use lgoh instead of LL for now. Might swap later, or not. This gem is what makes it even possible to level up and not die, I call it the poor man's Vaal Pact - so good. If you read this and are just now levelling, use LgoH! 2. Life & Leech I didn't want to give up frenzies as they are an integral part of the huge damage that this char can dish out. However, I just don't feel comfortable losing 4% of my HP all the time, especially with a HC league. So what I did for now is wear good ole Gives me enough regen to sustain Blood Rage, but most of the time I just enjoy the regen and not use BR at all, since I get enough frenzies anyway with it. Yes, I lose some DPS with these boots, but something's gotta give. 3. Defenses? What defenses Well, yeah. I'm trying to get some form of mitigation, but so far no good ideas came up. One way would be to get charisma and run AA, but I just don't think it's worth the points honestly. My second idea was to try Acro/Phase Acro, but I'm not sure I can sustain PS any more when cutting my ES in half. We'll have to see, right now my only defense is one-shotting everything and the instant heal of lgoh. Lightning Coil is just way too expensive here, and even if I could afford it I could never cap my res (unless dropping Blood Dancers or CoE). Probably gonna go with Daresso for chest, since I mostly play with friends and I have conduit, so with Daresso I could give all 3 charges to the party. 4. Gear My gear is mostly cheap-ass, total budget maybe 20c. Except for the one ring, that was $$ but it was just too good to not buy. CoE will find usage at lvl69, and I wonder which of these 2 wands will be better with Crown: I'm using Soul Spell now, but have a feeling the other one will be stronger later on. Rest of gear is here, as I said the amulet and 1 ring is GG, rest very budget for now.
5. Tree And finally, my projected tree. Any input welcome! Especially ideas how I can retain most of the damage and still get some form of mitigation. Cause I'm all out here.
Current version
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAAOygDlm49YEO-gIMJRnFvnrQMnKTxs1v0ytOHE0tXvop3B8DjkyehL3_GoqMRlg_EwfMHHg5IO3yCHpUglS4N0V3yuMrbCxSwaxctH_DVY0Nw1ZphvOpMs8UoSVGJ08JzwFTQHyBuBAf2W3BSc3BqQwj07-tQMIPbWbwqC5-I215VxvPq9uc6WLVIznAGI21sCaAfQVWFNj1s5wMepcvssJ2qP3MWv4wLYqxsjCaVuXxh4lVLjDbndOjWmyYyAbIZz3oFtY2_1CMwcd2oS3g6QlFH51Qk_f_eMHyNfSP2TZI-z73mN9TtP2HrelM= One alternative would be to drop the right side of the tree entirely. A lot less points too, but can't get Acro this way. If you have any other ideas, let me know :) Last edited by therealjcool#2040 on Oct 17, 2015, 8:00:22 AM
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