You keep repeating about necessity of nerfing the build, which I cannot understand why, except maybe some weird appeal to one's ego like "something I came up with got nerfed". It will never be flamedab-level accessible and there is nothing gamebreaking about it, except surgeon's flasks which are available to any other high crit build.
The build requires a very high character level and a very high budget, both in temporary and permanent leagues, to start facerolling.
- Multimodded Vagan's dagger 3+ ex;
- Voll's Devotion 20+ ex;
- Maligaro's 1+ ex;
- Elreon's Jewelry 1+ ex per piece;
- High ES/Hybrid rares and/or The Vertex 1-3+++ ex;
- Enlighten 3lvl 2 ex;
- Intuitive Leap 2 ex;
- Highly sought after jewels.
With the same or lesser budget, a very similar level of content can be achieved by EA, a few flavours of Incinerate, SRS, PA, Cyclone, Tornado Shot - Split Arrow to name a few. Even Mjolnir with Voll's Devotion won't do much worse.
Your budget assessment is correct, though at the start of temp leagues many of the pieces can be bought for cheaper than you listed. Overall this a 30-50ex build, depending on the quality of your rares and 5L or 6L voll's.
IMO (and this is why I want it to be nerfed) this build is significantly better than any of the builds you listed, even though some of them like incinerate GGG already acknowledged as OP. I will tell you why I believe so, but they are my beliefs (reasons why I would play CoC discharge over the others):
1. EA: poor DPS in parties, takes significant skill to do uber atziri.
2. Incinerate: arguably equally strong, but only Anapoe's build. GGG already said incinerate is getting a nerf. IMO I'm still better off because I have surgeon flasks and vaal pact.
3. SRS: I actually played a ton of SRS since 1.1.5. Struggles with defences in high level maps. Gimmicky uber atziri killing. Struggles with map bosses in parties (i.e. the longer the fight goes the more dangerous it is for SRS). Damage ramp up; by the time SRS has any skulls up I can kill the pack with CoC discharge.
4. PA: terrible DPS in parties, takes skill (micro) to do uber atziri and other bosses. A benefit of PA is how cheap it is to get high power.
5. Cyclone: significantly worse DPS, boring animation. It just doesn't pop. Struggles with uber.
6. TShot/SA/LA/KB: survivability - DPS - budget pick only one. In any case it struggles with hard map bosses.
7. Mjolner: significantly lower DPS and clearspeed, much better survivability, but IMO I already have enough.
While I'm posting, any opinion on which dagger to use?
I use this one currently:
But I was able to craft this guy as well (the difference is that it doesn't have fire dam on it for EE)
More crit %, slightly lower attack speed but higher spell dam %. I tried your calculator and I think it said the second beat it damage wise by like 5-7% but that wasn't accounting for the fire damage on the first one working with EE.
I think I'm an idiot. In my head I assumed the mirror split is the one holding the blueish object, but that's the lightning one I bet right? I never paid attention closely before because I've only done atziri before with a TS ranger. If someone can just confirm, that would explain it.
Nice gear mayn. Divine that hubris to 390+ and don't sell your Dragon Hold ring cheap (it's worth 70-80ex). But you didn't like the most important item: the armor. Are you using the inc aoe gem by any chance? If not just take out either the templar or witch AoE and you should be fine even if you're adjacent to the mirror clone. Otherwise I don't know why you're taking reflect damage if you're diagonal to the mirror clone. My gems are/were all 20q.
Thanks for the tip on the helm, was able to divine it to 393, lost 5 hp, but gained on all my resis too :)
I think I'm an idiot. In my head I assumed the mirror split is the one holding the blueish object, but that's the lightning one I bet right? I never paid attention closely before because I've only done atziri before with a TS ranger. If someone can just confirm, that would explain it.
It's the one that has an actual circular mirror over her head.
Just like the unique shield :)
You have to attack opposite to her.
Third form
Atziri summons four copies of herself. This phase happens at fixed intervals: only when she loses a quarter of her life (so at 75%, 50% and 25%). If the minions heal her back to one of those life levels, she will not do this phase again. Atziri is not targetable in this form. One of the four copies needs to be defeated first:
One holds a spear in her hand that fires a single projectile at the player; dealing bleeding damage over time.
One has fire on her hand and casts a single Flameblast on top of the player's current location (Similar to first form's single flameblast).
One has lightning on her hand and casts a chain of randomly placed Storm Call.
One has a mirror and reflects a high amount of damage. Attacking this with direct damage is fatal and is only an option for characters that deal indirect damage.
The spear has very poor aim and a moderate amount of damage. As long as the bleed is under control, the skill is largely ignored. Because the flameblast is always ca
I think I'm an idiot. In my head I assumed the mirror split is the one holding the blueish object, but that's the lightning one I bet right? I never paid attention closely before because I've only done atziri before with a TS ranger. If someone can just confirm, that would explain it.
It's the one that has an actual circular mirror over her head.
Just like the unique shield :)
You have to attack opposite to her.
Third form
Atziri summons four copies of herself. This phase happens at fixed intervals: only when she loses a quarter of her life (so at 75%, 50% and 25%). If the minions heal her back to one of those life levels, she will not do this phase again. Atziri is not targetable in this form. One of the four copies needs to be defeated first:
One holds a spear in her hand that fires a single projectile at the player; dealing bleeding damage over time.
One has fire on her hand and casts a single Flameblast on top of the player's current location (Similar to first form's single flameblast).
One has lightning on her hand and casts a chain of randomly placed Storm Call.
One has a mirror and reflects a high amount of damage. Attacking this with direct damage is fatal and is only an option for characters that deal indirect damage.
The spear has very poor aim and a moderate amount of damage. As long as the bleed is under control, the skill is largely ignored. Because the flameblast is always ca
THank you guys, I think that is it. Will try shortly to confirm :). I appreciate the help and again, great build and thank you for helping me and all the others in this thread.
Hey Matrix-
I finally had the balls to exalt my boots... and they freakin rolled chaos rez!
Sad part is it rolled 6%....
Do you think its worth it to divine these suckers?
The other stats are mid rolls except the one resist but i could only potentially gain 4% chaos rez
Last edited by Azraphael#2424 on Dec 5, 2015, 9:28:30 PM
Hey Matrix-
I finally had the balls to exalt my boots... and they freakin rolled chaos rez!
Sad part is it rolled 6%....
Do you think its worth it to divine these suckers?
The other stats are mid rolls except the one resist but i could only potentially gain 4% chaos rez