MoreRain: Life&ES CoC Discharge [2.2]
What's New:
14 March (Pi Day) - Added 2.2 1 Jan 2016 - Added Video of 2.1 uber with nonlegacy flasks done on a L72 witch
L72 uber kill tree+gear (2.2 setup viable for everything)
Ascendancy Class #1 Scion Berserker/Pathfinder: drop life leech gem for blade vortex or drop ice nova for inc aoe #2 Witch Occultist Malediction + Forbidden Power Video with tactics discussion 2.2 Witch Passive Tree Banidts Krait/Krait/Alira (Oak is good too) If you don't have Enlighten 3+4 grab Charisma for 4pts. After that, if you don't have a +1 curse devotion, grab double curse ASAP (or just take Occultist) and then (higher than L72 required) Templar AoE and then Templar intuitive leap. With scion pathfinder meginord's belt isn't required, so you could use a chaos res belt there. For Atziri switch to: And use Purity of Fire - Purity of Lightning - Discipline. For everything else use Blasphemy-Asn Mark, Discipline, Purity of Elements. You need an anti-freeze flask for clearing blue mobs. For bosses my flasks were as follows: Vaals: Trio: Atziri:
About this Build
This is a cast on crit cyclone discharger that relies on Energy Shield. The build is inspired by Doeboy's Cast on Cyclone over in Shadow forum. The main difference is that I use ES and Ghost Reaver instead of Acrobatics and Evasion. Having a larger total HP pool is better than relying on Dodge/Eva. Why is this the most OP build in PoE? It can easily reach L100 because of very good defense (8-9k EHP + 11k armor + 88-92 res + 5-6 ECs). It has the highest damage in most 6man parties (all 6man parties in 1m or 3m leagues). It can clear gorge in 3 minutes while wearing 300iir and 110iiq. It can do uber atziri deathless. It can do core malachai deathless (p1 p2). It can even do double boss vaal temple with vulnerability deathless. Its damage is 10-15% less than a almost fully-mirrored reaver at 10% of the cost. In fact I believe this build is so OP, it needs to be nerfed; if it's not nerfed it will make the metagame stale. The only downside is the lag and screen flashes from discharge, but it's something you can get used to and play around (don't attack strongboxes in parties). I started this character around August 20 2015. By the end of Warbands on Oct 2 2015 I was L99 and position 73 on the ladder. On Oct 13 2015 I finished L100 in standard. This is the first build I've played that I thought was viable for L100 and my first L100. As a result I can assure you that this build is viable for absolutely all content in the game.
Credits/Thank you
Doeboy - created the life/eva/acro Cast on Cyclone build on which this build is based. He thought the life/es hybrid version wouldn't work. That actually made me play this build to try and prove him wrong. Aim_Deep - significant improvements to the tree early on. Sherkhan - for introducing me to the power of hybrid builds back in 1.2. Skyion - for uber atziri tactics, RoTP specifically. PoE17 - for giving great answers to many people's questions in this thread. ![]() ![]()
Detailed Explanation of Mechanics
Budget This build should only be done as your second build. I recommend starting out with this build and then respecing. The reason is that it's not very good without voll's devotion and a 5L voll's protector as well as about 5ex worth of other gear. Cyclone Cost Sustain When linked to Increased Crit Strikes and Life Leech cyclone costs 25 mana per use. The easiest way to cover this cost is to get -15 or -16 mana cost of skills and two jewels with "Mana gained on hit." This means our cyclone will cost 9-10 mana per use and return 8 mana per enemy hit. The reason it returns 8 is because we have 4 MGOH and cyclone is guaranteed to hit twice. The 1-2 mana deficit is covered by the fact that we have 7-8 mana regen per second. Blade Vortex, 20% Surgeon's and Ice Nova If you have the old Surgeon's flasks that have a 100% change to grant a charge on crit you can choose to use ice nova/freeze pulse or blade vortex. See which one you like better. I believe BV will do mork single target damage but IN/FP grants more utilitiy and safety by freezing most stuff. If you only have the 20% surgeon's flasks, you have to use Blade Vortex and the Magnate belt. This way you'll be guaranteed to stay at maximum flask charges. Elemental Equilibrium Each time you hit a enemy with an attack or spell of element x it will receive +25% resistance to x and -50% resistance to y and z. This buff/debuff lasts for 5 seconds. As soon as you hit with another attack or spell the buff/debuff gets changed. The old buff/debuff is completely forgotten. As a result with a build like ours we are cycling through different buffs/debuffs many times per second. The idea is to order our attacks and spells in a way so that each one sets up the next one to do more damage. The way we do this is by choosing an element for our cyclone attack. My calculator tells me this should be fire. Then we choose the first spell we want to cast with our CoC (spells are cast in order by distance in links to the CoC gem). Since our cyclone gave enemies +25% fire res and -50% cold and lightning we will put our first spell to be ice nova. Ice nova will benefit from the negative cold resistance, and it will give our enemies +25% cold res and -50% light and fire res. At this point our second spell, discharge will hit with lightning and fire damage giving our enemies +25% fire and lightning res and -50% cold res. Then the cycle repeats with cyclone. We don't care about our enemies having +25% fire resistance against cyclone because the cyclone itself doesn't do any damage. Life+Energy Shield Scaling This build relies on life+energy shield. You get life from leveling up and from +life on gear pieces. You get energy shield from the discipline aura and from your gear pieces. Since we use Ghost Reaver we leech energy shield and not life. As a result our goal is to get enough energy shield so that we never have to worry about re-healing our life. Also we get about 180% increased energy shield on the tree and only 100% life, so on pieces such as belt, boots, helmet, and shield we prefer to get 50 energy shield over 50 life when we have the choice. However life helps prevent stuns (you get stunned if a hit does more than 50% of your max life) and status ailment (based on your max life but their formulas are more complicated). So getting at least 3000 life is a good idea. After that point you need to make sure you get a high amount of energy shield from your helmet and shield, since these are the major sources of your ES. Chaos Resistance Our build only has 3k life with good gear and L90. As a result we need a high amount of chaos resistance to not die to chaos damage. I recommend around +30% in merciless. That means 90% total from our gear. Until you get that amount, a amethyst flask is recommended when you know the boss or mob type in the area will do chaos damage.
CI vs Hybrid
After 2.1 was released some streamers started playing the CI version of this build. Most notably Etup on THC and bakedchiken on TSC. IMO CI is a good budget alternative, but worse than hybrid once you are able to spend ~5ex (TSC prices) on your important rare pieces. First, consider a comparison of total HP. Note that the ES pieces have 50 more ES in each piece for the CI variant to reflect that CI would be able to find slightly better pieces for the same price without needing chaos res. At the same time I'm assuming the CI variant gets an additional 100 int from gear because int is a suffix they would want instead of chaos res. After all of this is taken into account, CI is dead even with hybrid. I'm not giving CI a 600 ES shield and hybrid a 350 ES one, because I'm trying to normalize for spell damage and overall damage. ![]() Now suppose they both put on Maligaro's instead of rare gloves: ![]() CI loses a much larger portion of their total HP from this switch. Now suppose they want to use ROTP at uber (keep in mind CI can't use RF, but just for sake of illustration): ![]() So at comparable DPS, CI simple has less total HP. Now, Etup had 12k ES rather than the 9k I projected, but that's because he was using a 600ES shield with no spell damage on it. Again, I'm assuming both players would have comparable damage, and as a result 600ES shields are out. A consequence of the fact that CI more heavily depends on the base ES from its gear is that it is hurt more by having a master crafted %ES shield than hybrid, and it will typically have a harder time buying one with comparable spell damage. Damage Scaling We scale damage in several ways: attack speed, critical strike chance, critical strike multiplier, # charges, spell damage. Our overall DPS is some product of these attributes (meaning they are all multiplied together). To maximize a product subject to budget constraints you want all the attributes to be balanced. For example consider the following math problem: maximize x*y such that x+y=1. Setting x=0.9 and y=0.1 (a unbalanced solution) leads to x*y=0.09. Whereas x=0.5 y=0.5 leads to x*y=0.25. In path of exile the issue is slightly complicated by the fact that we're not simply maximizing x*y but something like ax*by*cz^2 subject to 3x+5y+100z=20. If you want to understand the math itself, read up on non-linear optimization. However to optimize your build in PoE you don't have to understand the math, the best way to understand which attribute leads to the biggest DPS increase is to use a DPS calculator. I recommend you use the discharge DPS calculator I made. Attack speed increases the number of times we hit a target and how many spells it procs. Critical strike chance comes in three forms: melee critical strike chance, spell critical strike chance and global critical strike chance. Global critical strike chance is the best for our build, because it double dips. Double dips means it multiplies our final DPS two times. The first time is when it produces more crits so we cast more spells. The second time is when it makes the spells we cast crit more for more damage. Melee and spell crit chance increase the consistency of our damage. The reason a diamond flask is much better for us than other crit builds is because its effect double dips. Spell damage and critical strike multiplier affect the damage done by our spells. The # of PC and EC charges we can get is capped at 3/3 to start. If we raise this cap we can get more charges accumulated when the CoC gem fails to proc, so that when it does proc we do more damage. However we only really need 4/4, 5/5 is nice if it's inexpensive, and 6/6 is just unnecessary. The dagger Our dagger's base attacks per second and crit chance affect our overall performance significantly. A dagger with 1.3 attacks per second will do 25% less overall DPS than a dagger with 1.7 attacks per second. Likewise our daggers base crit is multiplied by all our crit stats. So a dagger with 6% crit chance will have 25% less overall crit than one with 8%. As a result you want a dagger with around 1.6 APS and 8.0 crit to start off with. An then look for upgrades 1.7/8.0 1.6/8.3 and eventually 1.7/8.3.
Guide how to craft a Vagan dagger
Tier 1 bases are skean, royal skean, and poignard. Tier 2 bases are butcher/slaughter/carving knife The affixes we want are crit chance, attack speed, spell damage, and added fire damage to attacks(simply written as "adds x-y fire damage", not added to spells). 1. Start with a blue vagan dagger with no suffix The next step depends on whether you have vagan 8. Having vagan 8 is very helpful.
No Vagan 8
2. Master craft a cheap suffix (+20-25dex for 4 augments). This is to increase chance of outcome b in step 4.
Yes Vagan 8
2. Master craft "cannot roll caster mods" from Vagan for 5 blessed orbs. 3. Regal the dagger. 4. Based on the regal there are several possible outcomes (from best to worst): a) High tier (better than or equal to master tier) crit chance, attack speed, spell damage or any tier added fire damage (to attacks not spells) b) A harmless prefix (anything except added damage to spells) c) A bad suffix. d) A bad prefix like added cold/fire/lightning damage to spells. This outcome will never happen if you have Vagan 8. 5. In case of: d) sell your dagger to someone who doesn't use EE. It is completely brick for this build. c) sell your dagger for cheap or transform it to a 1mod rare (requires Haku 8, Elreon 8, and costs 4ex + 2ex for another multimod). Only recommended if you can afford to pay 2ex extra for a dagger and want it quickly. The method is: click for video demonstration i. master craft Multimed (Elr8) ii. master craft Prefixes cannot be changed (Haku8) iii. master craft another prefix (flat phys from Vagan, or spell damage from Cat) iv. scour (removes all suffixes) v. remove crafted mods (removes the spell dmg prefix from Cat) vi. add multimod vii. add the 4 affixes we want b) multimod and add everything except added fire damage. Get fire damage on a ring or put ice nova before discharge in your CoC links. a) congrats, add the three missing desirable mods thru multimod. Trigger Gems Trigger gems are gems that do something once a certain condition (the trigger) is met. The trigger gems we use are cast when damage taken. We use two versions of these gems to reflect the fact that we want to do different things at different damage thresholds. These gems are very important and their absence/presence can break or make a build! We use a L1 CWDT linked to a L5 warlords mark to basically say "as soon as we take any damage cast warlord's mark so we can leech even more and heal even faster." We could link a L8 arctic breath to also chill our enemies here, but it's unecessary. If you have passives or items that allow you to curse enemies with additional curses, you can add them here, but warlord's mark is the only necessary one. We use a second CWDT at L20. This happens when we take a lot (3.5k) of damage, so this one is meant to help us survive in dangerous situations. This CWDT will cast immortall call, consuming our endurance charges and granting us physical immunity for a short amount of time. It will also cast cold snap that should freeze our enemies. These two mechanics are meant to stop incoming damage for a long enough period of time to allow us to either re-heal through leech or log-out if we decide to. We also cast our ice golem here so we don't have to worry about summoning him. How to Cyclone Your cyclone gem should be L1 to minimize mana cost. We don't care about the damage of our cyclone. The way crits work in cyclone is that either your entire cyclone is fully crits or fully no crits. As a result you want to make tiny cyclones so you don't get stuck in a long cyclone of no crits. You want to cyclone by clicking at the feet of your character. You also want to get movement speed on your boots and tree to increase the number of hits per second your cyclone does. The perfect DPS flask for our build is a diamond of adrenaline:
More detail about cyclone
" Gameplay tips Cast enduring cry before engaging a dangerous pack of monsters. This gives you ECs for CWDT IC to proc if you take a lot of physical damage before you CoC, and if you do CoC these ECs will be used to do more damage. So by casting the cry you're making yourself safer, as well as boosting your damage at the same time. Use decoy totem to fight dangerous bosses like village ruin. Cast it to the side, wait for the boss to engage the totem and then move in to attack them. You can use this moment to cast enduring cry if you need to. Keep a vaal discipline charged. Think of this as e energy shield potion, to be used if you need to fight a boss who moves around (like Colosseum Daresso) or if there are multiple bosses (like Excavation or Village Ruin). Basically any situtation where it's difficult for you to constantly be hitting something and leeching. Tips for improving FPS, and reducing lag.
Still have questions?
If you have read all of the above, and still have questions about this build please start your question with the phrase "Yo maks dawg". This way I know you have a genuine question rather than being lazy. It's really annoying to put in all this work explaining stuff and respond to lazy people. I hope you can understand.
Excellent Posts in this Thread
What map mods are dangerous for this build? Answered by PoE17. How does CoC discharge compare against legacy Mjolner? Answered by PoE17. What's your tree/gear/jewels, PoE17? Answered by PoE17.
Unique Atziri (done at clvl 85) Poorjoy's Asylum (2p) (done at clvl 80ish) Hall of Grandmasters
Alluring Atziri
2.1 at L72 with non-legacy (20% surgeons) Flask 2.1 with non-legacy (20% surgeons) Flasks 2.0 Solo with commentary With DoctorDringuz playing SRS
1st Attempt in Warbands
Video: pt1 up to start of trio pt2 trio start pt3 trio finish to end Fairly smooth run. Lost 2 portals to disconnect. Lost 1 portal to a legacy of zeal blue mob 1shot (7.3k +10k armor + ECs). 1 Death to the deadly ground at trio. 1 Death to Atziri. Deathless is highly possible. L74 (done at clvl 76) Double Boss Torture Chamber Unid Jungle Valley Boss L79 Overgrown Ruin boss Double boss +Vulnerability Vaal Temple L80 Excavation boss double boss, onslaught, vulnerability. L81 Palace L82 Core Malachai Colosseum Daresso Vulnerability, 2p Health Abyss Kaom Enfeeble, Speed, 3p Health Even more Videos.
DPS Calculator
All my builds /view-thread/1430399 T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Mar 14, 2016, 12:52:15 PM Last bumped on Jun 15, 2016, 10:25:41 AM
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Added a section with single target thoughts (suggestions welcome), also updated the DPS calculator. I think it's ready to be used now.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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I play the life version. Made 94 so its not that glassy but I run fortify all the time and pop taste of hate. I see some advantages to this build like you can multi mod 20% ES on rings and huge ES pool. Looking forward to your progression. Hows reflect w/o saffels?
Git R Dun!
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" Thanks for the feedback. I'm also using fortify all the time, and thinking about grabbing double curse to use enfeeble as well. Did that on my scold's VMS character and it worked great. Elreon rings will be good, I think it will be possible to hit 2k life 7k ES with Elreon rings. They're not super significant because the tree already gets 200% ES, so you'd be better off getting flat +ES on helm, shield, and boots (from a budget prioritization point of view). -------- Added a video of a 3p health L80 excavation boss fight. Also updated gear to use a 4L Vaal Molten Shell. It adds a nice layer of safety and gives us a good vaal skill to use. It also helps with boss DPS. All my builds /view-thread/1430399 T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Aug 25, 2015, 1:50:28 PM
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Spec'd into this after half a dozen failed budget CoC builds - it works really well. Have yet to die and I'm having no problem with maps up to 77 so far, on only 2k/4k hp/es. Damage is not bad; I have room for improvement in the form of +1 Power charge and Voll's Amulet, but even without those I still kill things very quick.
I grabbed 2x 4% reduced reserve mana nodes since I don't have the super fancy gem. For 4 skill points(which you can move later) you can have 3 auras up if you don't happen to have a level 2+ Enlighten. I would also love to test out how CI works with this build; I get a feeling it would go really well. You'd get an extra "15% more ES" multiplier along with 16% increased ES for the same amount of points it would take to remove the pure life skill points. |
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With prompting by Matrix for more tank and dying to Overgrown Ruin Map bosses 3x@94:( here is tree I'm working towards. Not showing intuitive leap taking 4 big notables over at templar.
Overcharge Faith and Steel Devotion Endurance and the two more 6% lifes It will have more EHP most likely and definite more DPS and aoe. Bandits - point, point EC " Honestly anything over about 30% Chaos res is basically Chaos immune for all intents IME without the weaknesses like stuns/freezes etc. He has way over 30%. Thats another huge weakness of life variants like fakener/yolowhirl/waynetrain etc they run -60 chaos and it hurts like hell. Mostly what I die to is like the really hard hitting Chaos. (overgrown ruin and high level toras) Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Aug 26, 2015, 2:39:52 AM
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" Just buy jewels with mana gained on hit and attack speed. You need 5 mana gained on hit total if your cyclone costs 9 mana (since cyclone hits twice guaranteed). These jewels should be 1-3c each for basic ones. " That tree looks really good Aim, that intuitive leap spot is so nice, as is the extra AoE. I'm going to have to try it once I hit the mid 90s. BTW the atk speed jewel socket near Scion is probably the weakest thing in the tree I posted, so if you were going off of that and want to remove something, that would be it. About stuns/freezes: with CI it would be calculated off of 1.2-1.5k life vs 2.0-2.3k now. It wouldn't be a big difference. Stuns/freezes are a bit of a problem as is, they would just be more of a problem with CI. I use vaal molten shell with leech to help a bit if I get stunned and can't cyclone. Your point about chaos res is correct. Currently running 40. Was running 65 before, and that was overkill. I'd only consider 65 for desecrated ground + vulnerability maps. ---- Added a video of Excavation double boss, vulnerability, onslaught boss fight. All my builds /view-thread/1430399 T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Aug 26, 2015, 2:53:06 AM
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I guess it depends on the jewels:P
If you have a bunch of decent 4 stats Jewels eg Then you want every Jewel slot you can afford in the tree in this build no? But yeah 2 stat jewel I'd leave off the scion IAS/jewel area. Nice video again. Your MS I cant do though. I cant deal with 20 let alone zero. Will be using 30 MS boots:P You never did answer my question on reflect maps w/o saffels. Is three elemental potting mandatory at all times? Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Aug 26, 2015, 6:33:35 AM
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" Yeah reflect maps are undoable because they require you to keep pots up at all times. I think two is enough. I wouldn't bother soloing them, but you could do them in a rota if you don't participate in all the fights. About MS, I'm not sure if having 0 is better or worse for single target. It might be a matter of preference. I'll have to test it out. Last thing I'm not sure if it's worth getting extra power/endurance charges compared to spell damage. My reasoning is that it's unlikely that we hit max PCs/ECs during single target (Uber Atziri), so that having a higher cap might be a complete waste. Meanwhile spell damage is always used. Still doing the math on this... All my builds /view-thread/1430399 T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Aug 26, 2015, 12:35:16 PM
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Well going over to templar is not just about charges. You get 20% all res. AOE and AOE dam and some spell/ele damage too.
Git R Dun!
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