grepman wrote:
not to go on a tangent here and no offense, but this kind of thinking is why we have carebear ass games nowadays.
What are carebear ass games?
Anyways, I do not want the game to get any easier if that is what you mean. I want to play the harder content without having to wade through the faceroll stuff that is just boring.
Challenge is fun! But farming orbs or rares for vendor recipes in order to actually run content kind of is not. Especially since the map system is so unrewarding and random.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Posted byChar1983#2680on Aug 10, 2015, 3:57:58 PM
johnKeys wrote:
@grepman, do remember you're talking to a guy with a seemingly super-human ability to grind. to farm. to no-life like the person who invented the term "no-life" never dared imagine.
simply put, Anuhart has pretty much done everything there is to do in this game, a dozen times over.
and I'm a fan of his almost as much as he genuinely scares the shit out of me.
ok ?
Im aware of his standings as Im aware of players like havoc or etup.
so please don't talk "College Diploma", to a Professor who earned that degree in the hardest way possible.
huh ? um ok. what does that have to do with anything ? ok a professor diploma, whatever.
the point was if people consider low level grinding beneath them, its speaks of their ego. they're 'too good' to do lower level grinding. then what is there to talk about ?
maps/currency tend to run out and at some point you will be doing lower level content to farm resources. thats ok in a game about grind. thats ok in poker as well.
this is what I love about poe- it shoots down your ego. no matter who the fuck you are, a professor, student, whatever. of course that is, if you do not resort to RMT.
Posted bygrepman#2451on Aug 10, 2015, 3:59:49 PM
Char1983 wrote:
grepman wrote:
not to go on a tangent here and no offense, but this kind of thinking is why we have carebear ass games nowadays.
What are carebear ass games?
Anyways, I do not want the game to get any easier if that is what you mean. I want to play the harder content without having to wade through the faceroll stuff that is just boring.
Challenge is fun! But farming orbs or rares for vendor recipes in order to actually run content kind of is not. Especially since the map system is so unrewarding and random.
the game is about a grind. grinding entails a repetitive task that is mundane. a constantly challenging progression cannot by definition be a grind.
and carebear ass games are nearly all AAA titles you see out there today, as opposed to early 1990s
Posted bygrepman#2451on Aug 10, 2015, 4:01:36 PM
Char1983 wrote:
grepman wrote:
not to go on a tangent here and no offense, but this kind of thinking is why we have carebear ass games nowadays.
What are carebear ass games?
You really don't want to know.
The horror. The horror.
Edit: guy above me described them accurately. Heed this warning: avoid exposure, or risk your very soul.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Aug 10, 2015, 4:03:21 PM
Posted byScrotieMcB#2697on Aug 10, 2015, 4:01:45 PM
So you think it is a good thing that the game forces you to do things that are boring?
Hmm. An interesting point of view.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Posted byChar1983#2680on Aug 10, 2015, 4:03:08 PM
Chundadragon wrote:
grepman wrote:
Char1983 wrote:
Life in itself is not designed to be fun, but games kind of should be, that is why they are games.
that is kinda faulty logic, because you are going from your subjective opinion, and then generalizing, assuming it true for everyone from your particular view.
not to go on a tangent here and no offense, but this kind of thinking is why we have carebear ass games nowadays.
Sure it should be hard, but actually your idea of farming low maps is completely unviable since I might get what 10 chisels in an hour?
The actual optimal strategy to farm trade chat, I mean I'm all for trading (kappa) but wow spamming trade 1-10 takes the life out of me.
you get something like over 150 chisels by leveling a new toon to high 80s, just by checking the vendor and doing chisel recipe as you are oveflooded with low level maps anyway.
you farm chaos recipes to chaos spam if you do solo self found. if your religion allows you to trade currencies, then it is trivially easy to get all currency for maps.
Last edited by grepman#2451 on Aug 10, 2015, 4:04:28 PM
Posted bygrepman#2451on Aug 10, 2015, 4:03:26 PM
Chundadragon wrote:
Sure it should be hard, but actually your idea of farming low maps is completely unviable since I might get what 10 chisels in an hour?
More like 1 or 2.
Casually casual.
Posted byTheAnuhart#4741on Aug 10, 2015, 4:05:42 PM
Char1983 wrote:
So you think it is a good thing that the game forces you to do things that are boring?
Hmm. An interesting point of view.
boring is a subjective term that describes your feeling about something. something you might find boring, I might not find boring, and vice versa.
Posted bygrepman#2451on Aug 10, 2015, 4:05:58 PM
grepman wrote:
Char1983 wrote:
So you think it is a good thing that the game forces you to do things that are boring?
Hmm. An interesting point of view.
boring is a subjective term that describes your feeling about something. something you might find boring, I might not find boring, and vice versa.
obvious troll is obvious.
Posted byamksoljanka#7925on Aug 10, 2015, 4:09:19 PM
RogueMage wrote:
grepman wrote:
...just like people say 'bu bu my college diploma I dont want to work for minimum wage'. well fine, but if you aint getting paid, your diploma aint worth shit. at some point you will go and work for minimum wage because you want to eat something
So you're now resorting to defending the game as a mimimum wage simulator? Congrats, you have to be truly "hardcore" to hawk a shitty proposition like that.
As for maps as a "currency sink", what I'd call it is a slot machine with rigged odds.
And no, I don't want play a casino simulator either, I'd rather slaughter monsters than dick around with slimeballs.
poe is based on RNG, if you dont like that, you dont have to play it. the main reason why its RNG works, is that RNG is unbiased. sure, the variance can be large, but c'est la vie.
and no I didnt "defend the game as a mimimum wage simulator". I simply stated that if one thinks hes too good for low level grinding in a game about grind, he has no basis to complain. just like someone who isnt taking a job because of pride, shouldnt complain about dying of hunger
Posted bygrepman#2451on Aug 10, 2015, 4:10:05 PM