What is your opinion about new globes?
To the guys trying to rightfully play down how representative forum users are of the general player base, you're right in that forums are generally only used by a) active and b) concerned users. Of course both categories are not mutually exclusive. And of course people who don't care, because they don't care about forums or don't care about specific issues don't comment here.
But looking only at that and not also comparing it to the attention other issues that the game faces get you're introducing a bias that skews the perspective yourself. While it should be kept in mind that not everyone comes here, it should also be kept in mind that the same is true for every other problem people have brought up. And compared to those, UI has always been and is once again uniquely controversial. And another thing - I would not consider the chained women to be displaying "suggestive poses" at all. That's unless you're someone who grew up in an exceedingly conservative culture where (partial) nakedness itself is already considered offensive or in any sense remarkable. Use Google image search for "suggestive pose" and compare to how the previous interface looks like. There's a very stark difference between sexually suggestive posture and one lady sitting in front of a globe, her back/side turned to us and covered with a cloak, and the other kneeling, chained with her back to the mana globe, no intimate regions exposed visually or prominently put on display by the posture either. It's very different from BDSM even, if you want to look into it that far, despite of the fact that both of them are chained. Suggestive poses indeed look very different. That doesn't mean that you're wrong in disliking it, but it means that you're even more of an outlier than a number of other groups in this thread, and your position lacks credibility. All of that is besides the point however, as people have brought forward dozens of points of criticism of the new interface, and qualities of the old one which have nothing to do with the poses being suggestive or not. People aren't asking for the old UI because they "need that porn on their screen" while playing PoE. In fact the opposite is the case - people have repeatedly pointed out that they didn't notice the ladies before at all: non-intrusiveness, blending in not being a strong point the new UI shares in the same way. |
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" You mean there aren't any people who just think the lion is really cool? I think the lion is really cool. |
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" I've asked my Wife. She said, that those sculptures are too human, to survive in heaven (and therefore have been cast down from there), and to delicate and naive to survive on earth. That's why they're captured and chained. Last edited by Xalthotun#7862 on Jul 22, 2015, 3:58:00 PM
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" Have you read my messages? I certainly am not from an exceedingly conservative background, else I would not be writing so publicly about a webcomics so full of very explicit sex acts. Like, seriously. I grew up in a culture were nakedness, in itself, was not considered offensive or even necessarily sexual. It is pretty easy to find non-sexual nudity if you are looking for it. It is certainly not the case in the old UI. Please remove the chained naked women from the UI, thanks GGG!
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" I have read your "contributions" to the discussion, yes. Because of that I am aware that you called the character who is chained to the health globe "lascivious" - even though she has her back turned to us and is covered by a cloak. Calling that lascivious is insane and far beyond the scope that that term entails. Again, use Google image search for "lascivious" and compare the results to the previous interface. The fact that you repeatedly make these claims and focus only on them makes it look like you're outright trolling - that's how little credibility that evaluation has. |
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" Good point, now I also think he is kinda trolling, once he is writing that he is not from a culture where nudity is taboo, but on the other hand he is calling comic, covered girls as a lascivious. He is simply negating his own posts. Aye Aye Captain! Last edited by jeż#2362 on Jul 23, 2015, 11:48:39 AM
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" Covered ^^. Yeah, seems like we see nothing of her; " Not sure Google Image Search should be the definite reference for a term. But they seemed on par, though. " Have you looked at the examples of nudity I am providing, and how they are different from the UI? Maybe instead of asking yourself if everyone who was not happy with the previous pinups was trolling, maybe ask yourself if they have some reasons that you do not yet understand. Please remove the chained naked women from the UI, thanks GGG!
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" The saying is that 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder', but whenever scientists measure the physical qualities of what beauty represents, they find that what people prefer to look at is overwhelmingly average. The eyes can't be too wide or close set, the nose can't be too big or too small, etc. Computers can generate beautiful faces by averaging lots of plain faces together. Cut to the Victorian age, where table legs had to be covered because they were considered to be sexually attractive.... Without GGG comment, we can't surmise the intent behind the former UI design. Aesthetically pleasing women would quickly become sexually suggestive to some people depending on how they were posed and clothed. That does not mean it was the intent of the designer. " There are two primary evolutionary forces - natural selection and sexual selection. The latter is the stronger of the two, unless there are survival issues placed on the particular species or ecosystem. Sexual selection pressures reinforce genetics that cause increased production of offspring that survive long enough to produce another generation. If something in the physical form (including sounds and smells) seems to represent a good chance of healthy offspring, than that form is usually sexually attractive to others of that species. When someone looks at flowers, they don't usually think of them as sexually suggestive, yet flowers are the exposed sex organs of plants. The Lion's mane is a definite sexual feature, what is termed a secondary sexual characteristic. Does this mean that GGG's new mana globe is disparaging to male lions? I think not, and I don't think you have substantiated your claims of what the globes represent, but rather what they represent to you personally. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910 |
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jesus, teens love their bewbs Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
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" We can thank the non-teens who hate boobs for keeping this thread alive with their emotional posts devoid of meaning. Also there are some posts basically saying "look at me I don't care about this so much I could be assed to post here telling you how much I don't care lolol". Some users here were trying to marginalize the opinion of forum users by saying their opinion is not representative of entire PoE population. This is funny because I came to forums to see what's up only after seeing LOTS of people in the global chat complaining about UI change right after 2.0 release. Facts & logic 10^999999999 - 0 SJW's. Last edited by parapaparapa#7814 on Jul 23, 2015, 6:02:32 PM
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