What is your opinion about new globes?
" Hum, no. Telzen proved him (and you) wrong on the fact that the pinups represented Lunaris and Solaris, by showing Solaris was male. That invalidated Spysong192's whole theory about the relation between the lore and the pinups. Well, no big deal, everyone can make mistake. But what is quite crappy is when you and ivkoto77777 went all pedantic and explained me how I was an idiot for not agreeing with Spysong192's theory. " Is this your brain phimosis thingy again? Of course some people do. Xalthotun do, for instance. Are you going to argue against otherwise? And let me remind you of what you wrote, dear. “So, you couldn't figure this out due to brain phimosis caused by intense need for social justice? You don't actually play the game judging by you not even knowing what color the walls are in respective temples in-game. Why do you even care what's on those globes? No need to answer.” So, what about you being patronizing and completely wrong, while lecturing me on the lore? If you do not care about it, then say you do not care about it. Do not desperately try to defend someone else's justification that the old globes were better than the new globes based on an incorrect interpretation of the lore. That is just… well, completely stupid. You acted really stupidly and needlessly confrontational, and you should apologize about it. " What about your whole little sermon about subjectivity? You think they fit in better with the game thematically. I do not. I explained why pinups do not fit the game thematically. Seriously, pinups… " I think tried is the key word, here. Tried and failed. " Of course, and if it was presented as just a personal preference, I would not have anything to answer. But if they give factually wrong arguments for why the old UI was more linked to the lore than the new one, I will show how the arguments are wrong. There is an established and explicit connection to the lore for the new UI, and the proposed, non-official connection to the lore for the old UI is factually wrong. " What about all the people in this thread saying that those who like the new UI more are wrong? Are those okay? You do not even mention them. A bunch of people told me that I was wrong to like the new UI more and that the old UI was better because [factually incorrect lore relationships]. Is this okay? Please remove the chained naked women from the UI, thanks GGG!
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I think GGG has opened itself up for the opportunity to expand its mtx repertoire by perhaps selling new globe skins every new league. cheers Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever... -I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes- Nullus Anxietas:) |
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" Those people would also be wrong. Fair is fair. But I haven't seen many of them fervently spamming one dismissive wall of text after the other. But I also haven't read all of this thread, as I only came in at page 16 or somewhere around there. If you want to address dubious arguments then that's a good and needed thing, but only if you do your best to be on point and formal about it, recognize the limits of what we know, and keep it about the plausibility or consistency of those lines of thinking. And that's not something many people have managed (and maybe not even tried) to do. You have to be very careful to not make it personal and to not come across as dismissive of the sentiment itself, but only as critical of the argument. Because if you fail to do that, people will feel marginalized, people start to talk past each other, and the thread effectively becomes derailed. That is to say that even in rightful criticism, you still have to be at least neutral and at best a positive influence on the thread, by remaining maximally constructive, working to keep or bring the thread back on track rather than starting long-winded quarrels with individual users. I think you can (hopefully) understand that, understand what I'm getting at. Part of what you're trying to do is a noble thing. But other parts of your conduct leave a lot to be desired (which is also true for other people, but you gotta push the standard up, not keep it down). Cheers. Last edited by Revy_Slan#5537 on Jul 19, 2015, 10:03:56 PM
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I am following this thread since start (coz im OP) I have read all the posts and I can see that we have 3 groups
1st the majority who dislike new globes and mostly gives constructive opinion why its bad (for example those globes are not fitting into lore and game "climate" (despite what one of ggg member have said, that those new represent kaom and lioney(rlt lioneye? he is the 3rd plan actor in show called "poe lore")) 2nd the small group of people that some call SJW, and those one are constantly trying to prove that girls were offensive, and had sexual connotations. (so what about departed bodies? and the violent that this game is designed around? does this not offend you? I find it VERY ridiculous that in times where in serial for 12y old children's we can see tits and sex scene some1 is offended but almost invisible draw tits.) 3rd very very small group of ppl who simply don't care. Aye Aye Captain!
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Man, your summary seems pretty biased. Like how on earth is saying that the lion and skull are not fitting into the lore and game climate constructive, but saying the pinups are not fitting into the lore and game atmosphere not constructive?
And the pinups obviously were designed to be sexually attractive. That is why I am calling them pinups. I have no idea how you can deny them being designed as sexually attractive. Almost naked women whose bodies fits every criterion of what is considered attractive by our culture, in suggestive poses… Now, of course there is no problem with sexual content. I like Oglaf (google it up people) too much to say anything otherwise. But this does not mean that any kind of sexual content is appropriate, or that it is appropriate anywhere. I am pretty sure none of the “SJW” you are talking about would have any problem with Oglaf. Partly because, well, it is some almost-porn webcomics (And not almost porn in the sense that they would not be explicit enough, Oglaf is very explicit. Almost porn in the sense that being funny always take the precedence over being arousing there) that will only be read by people interested in almost-porn webcomics, and partly because contrarily to the previous globes, and to really most of society in general, it does treat male and female character's sexuality in a very similar way. So maybe take a little more time and attention to understand what they are actually complaining about. Please remove the chained naked women from the UI, thanks GGG! Last edited by oxayotlthegreat#1934 on Jul 21, 2015, 6:10:01 AM
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" I submit that the vast, vast majority of players simply don't care, but you're not going to see them post here because, well, it's just not that big a deal. There's likely a very small contingent of players to whom it matters, and they're vocal here. - here's my sig
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I submit that the vast, vast majority of players simply don't care, but you're not going to see them post here because, well, it's just not that big a deal. There's likely a very small contingent of players to whom it matters, and they're vocal here.[/quote] Hmmm comparing to other forum threads 382 replies and almost 24k views, in thread that is 20 days old is a voice of large part of community. Aye Aye Captain!
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We have new announcement about upcoming updates, but unfortunately there is no date for implementing UI skin changer :(
I absolutely understand, that it's not major issue, but I ask you my Dear GGG, can you give us some information, when we could expect it, please? |
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" Nah, not really. Consider that forums already represent a small, vocal minority of the entire player base, then who the globes matter to comes into perspective. A lot of the reads are probably from folk like me who don't share the zeal for the subject, but are curious what the fuss is about. Last edited by Taganov#3778 on Jul 21, 2015, 12:13:21 PM
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" Uhh, no. The number of replies and views may be relatively large compared to other threads, but that doesn't mean it is in any way representative of a "large part of the community". How many individual players have contributed to this thread? Maybe a few dozen? Out of how many hundreds of thousands of players? A miniscule drop in the bucket. Sometimes I think that folks need to be reminded periodically that the vocal few in the forums do not in any way represent the player base as a whole. As a matter of fact, our participation here pretty much defines us as outliers. Ascribing the loud opinions of a vocal few to the community as a whole is a mistake. - here's my sig
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