What is your opinion about new globes?
The globe art seems rushed and low quality, since it probably had to be made on short notice. I also didn't like the artists explanation behind the skull and lion, he seemed pissed because players didn't understand "deeper" meaning behind the symbols and didn't like the change. Let's look at this from the perspective of the average player.
The skull is supposed to represent Kaom... uh okay? In game players don't even have time to look at Kaom and notice any skulls he's wearing. The artist could draw a mosquito on life globe and it would make same amount of sense. "Look there's a mosquito bite on Kaom's left butt cheek, why can't these dumb players connect the dots?!" Lion is supposed to represent Lioneye, but who is this Lioneye dude? There's a town in act1 and several uniques named after him. Okay. Does he have a lion's head, then why isn't he called Lionhead? Or does he have a lion's eye? Do we meet him in act 4? No. Then what the hell he's doing in globe changes that were supposed to represent act 4? Majority of ARPG players do not care about lore at all. Lore is just a background for action - killings billions of monsters, leveling up and getting sweet loot. It's simple, if players don't like the new globes they won't care if there's lore behind the change or not. BRING BACK OUR GIRLS >;( " They want to expand audience to include people easily offended by chained ladies, you also seem to be part of that audience. It's censorship because of the reasons the change was made, if the modification was made just to change things up for 2.0 it would be just an UI update. It's obvious the new globes weren't made just for the sake of act 4 lore, because last time GGG altered globes to some old men there was a backlash from community. You'd think they had learned their lesson and keep the globes. Last edited by parapaparapa#7814 on Jul 17, 2015, 11:27:41 PM
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" http://i.imgur.com/N0OH4uo.jpg So which one is day and which one is night? Actually they were here to represent your mom and your dad. It is obvious. You just cannot see it for some reason. " So you are trying to lecture the developers on what is an actual part of their game and what is not. I got bad news for you: they get the last word on that. " Uh. You are obviously very easily offended too. That is why you need capitals and bold for a whole sentence. " Which, according to the devs, was totally different from what you claim it was. And trust me, I would rather they had changed it for the reasons you hate than just because they wanted variety. But they say they did it for variety, and you have absolutely no reason to doubt them beside looking for reasons to be offended. Man, I hate it when people tell the creators that they have to be offensive and to not care about how people react to their art. Damn authoritarian SIW trying to censor the new globes :(. Please remove the chained naked women from the UI, thanks GGG!
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" Temple Solaris, white walls = Solar = Sun = Day. Temple Lunaris, black walls = Lunar = Moon = Night. There are plenty mythologies with Sun/Moon Goddesses. Life prospers during day, thus sun Goddess chained to life orb. Night is time of the mystical and unknown - moon Goddess chained to mana orb. Chains represent link between the orb and Goddess. So, you couldn't figure this out due to brain phimosis caused by intense need for social justice? You don't actually play the game judging by you not even knowing what color the walls are in respective temples in-game. Why do you even care what's on those globes? No need to answer. |
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" Nobody wants to censor new globes. We want choice - you should be able to choose your favourite UI, and I to choose mine. They're ready. It's not much of extra work to let players switch them. I like mood in the game. It's very important for me. That is why I like old globes so much. I don't say, that mood must be important for you as well, or that my prefered mood must fit your needs. I don't tell you, that you have to choose cool name for your char - you want to have Fjoejflzmlfjlkfzejlkfez - fine with me. But when you will put pressure to force everybody to have such names, it will not be fine anymore. |
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" I was talking about the pinups. There was nothing linking either of the pinups to day or night. There was nothing linking them to sun and moon either. There was literally no connexion whatsoever between the pinups on one hand and Lunaris and Solaris on the other hand. They do not even look anything like goddesses, just pinups. The only “link” that was given rely solely on which globe they were chained to, because literally nothing on their design links them to night or day, or makes them look like goddesses, or anything. All this theory is based on less than thin air. Unlike the new UI, that is directly linked to the actual lore of the game, as explained by the devs. Pretty telling about how biased you are, uh? I notice you completely ignored my remark about Solaris gender. Likely because you have no clue about Solaris gender either. I will try to look into that when I get the chance. But very, very often in fiction when you have two gods that are complimentary like that, one of them is male and the other female. Obvious trope is obvious. " You might learn that actually, life prospers during night too! " Is it “brain phimosis” that prevents you from, you know, clicking on my profile? Because just doing so, you can check that actually, I do play the game, and I did finish the third act on every difficulty level. Damn you computer illiterate peoples posting on the internet :P. The pinup, as you could have noticed, do not have different colors that would link one to day and the other to night, though. Duh. They have the same color. " You do not want to censor the new globes. You want choice. There are plenty of people itt that wants to censor the new globes. " Me too. And this game is NOT Lollipop Chainsaw or Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volley. It has a dark and gritty atmosphere. Pinups are not dark or gritty. Even if you put them in chains. They are still kitsch and campy and ridiculous. That is why I am pretty happy that they are not the default anymore. Surely you understand my point of view. And do not get me wrong. I would love to play Lollipop Chainsaw, which seems like an hilarious game. It is just a completely different theme and atmosphere for a completely different game. What works in one setting does not automatically work in every setting. (Not interested at all in DoA Xtreme Beach Volley though, sorry :P.) " I only put crappy name for my race characters because I do not want to spend too much time thinking about it. For the other characters that I might play longer, I choose nice names. My main character is a witch called Arzubael, I also have a scion called Nezubaelle. Please remove the chained naked women from the UI, thanks GGG!
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" This, along with your claim of them being lascivious (what is heroic nudity and all its variants) is exactly why you cannot see the obvious situation in the reason to doubt. But I'll outline if for you either way: If they did it partially (or fully) due to that (hypothetically): If they admit to having done it, they would not only alienate their target playerbase, the ones requesting the previous globes changed would then request for more if given the explanation that GGG is very "progressive" and understanding. If the explanation given was to avoid the wrath of such, then those same who asked for previous globes to be changed would go outrage mode and would result in a great negative publicity for the game. The truth is, its too late, considering the previous attempt to change it, all of this could have been avoided by simply stating that they have the intention to give UI option change in the future BEFORE or WHEN implementing the new globes (in patch notes as an aside). Hell, it could even be that they did have the intention of saying such thing but forgot due to so much work overload during this time. That was mistake number one. Then Rachel comment added more fuel to the fire, which due to no explanation on the reasoning, just makes it so all people can do is theorize, and when you dont point the finger directly at the "some", she was refering to in this thread, people suspect that she's using incorrect usage of the word "misogynistic" like so many SJWs do. Now Rachel ended up in a "nice" situation, one where she might understandably be constrained to answer due to her position here. She might be right, she might be wrong, honestly we cant know. This was mistake number two. Now unless you are some sort of remote mind-reader, I dont think you can properly claim absolute truth to either of the claims. This is why I say this was a problem in communication on the part of GGG. Though I think its mostly due to the fact of making mistake number one, when they had mistake number zero to learn from -previous poorly designed UI change- I think they did learn a bit from it; one can actually see the features of the globes this time (I wouldnt even mind the previous one, if they could at least be big enough for me to see them properly), but they did a mistake. Now is the truth that they did it due to that reason? I dont know for sure really, but they could have been more careful with the change. Oblivious Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Jul 18, 2015, 10:33:21 AM
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"A UI skin themed around each exile would be awesome, make it happen GGG. |
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" They are clearly in lascivious poses. Yeah, you can get “heroic”, non-sexual nudity, like the character on the right, but that is definitely not the case here. [edit]Actually the game is full of non-sexual nudity, with all the statues and miscreations. That is part of why the pinups seem so out of place. " I am sorry, I do not know if it is because I am very tired right now, or a language problem (English is not my native tongue) or something else, but I do not understand what you wrote. " I missed this. I only read about the 10th first pages, and then the last two or something. Where can I find it? " Awesome idea. Please remove the chained naked women from the UI, thanks GGG! Last edited by oxayotlthegreat#1934 on Jul 18, 2015, 11:33:16 AM
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Oh and Solaris is definitely a guy:
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" A lot of thanks for this confirmation, I could not remember where I had seen it. I would love for parapaparapa and ivkoto77777 to apologize for taking such a patronizing tone when actually I was in the right and they were in the wrong. Please remove the chained naked women from the UI, thanks GGG!
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